loveJenny0717 发表于 2012-8-8 21:11:01

提纲issue49,58,41 by lovejenny0717

本帖最后由 loveJenny0717 于 2012-8-8 21:40 编辑

41 The greatness ofindividuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by theircontemporaries.1.This statement is more valid in ancient times when media wasunderdeveloped, and consequently it usually took a long time for a person’sachievement to be widely spread and acknowledged.
2. due tothe general shortsightedness and favor of private interests of human beings, thereare many distinguished people in history who only gained the reputation theydeserved after their death. Philosophers (Sokrates, Diogenes,Nietzsche, Confucious),scientists (Galileo,Copernicus, ), artists (Van Gogh), musicians and so on.
3. withthe development of mass media and high-technology, people have more chance ofknowing the accomplishment of talented persons in a short time, thus making iteasier for the greatness of these individuals to be decided by theircontemporaries. Many Nobel laureates provide us with good examples of difiningprecious qualities and contributions of contemporary people in various fields.
And italso brings us more folk heros who are admired by average people rather thanauthorities. Like Bill Gates, Steven Jobs, Kaifu Lee… in particular, and numerousanonymous philanthropists as well as benevolent volunteers whose generosity, kindnessand the unpretentious demeanor can only be felt by the mass majority,especially those disadvantaged social groups.
49 Claim: We can usually learn much more from peoplewhose views we share than from those whose views contradict our own.
Reason: Disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.
1. it iseasier for us to communicate with those who hold similar positions or opinionsto ours.
2. despitewhat has been discussed above, the rewards of discussing with people who sharedifferent ideas with us can never be overestimated.
3. disagreementdoes cause the so-called stress on one’s way to a successful career. Butobstacles and pressure can never be avoided when one wants his finds to beacknowledged by and beneficial to as many people as possible. Thus the reasonof the argument mentioned in the question is not completely true. For controversiesand even conflicts of views, though challenging to one’s patience and self-esteem,do not necessarily lead to a frustrating result in the attempt to the improvementof original ideas; on the contrary, the seemingly unreconciled distinction may enlargethe applicability of ones’ views, thus driving the academic communication intoa further profound level.
(there arespecific examples and statistical materials to be added)
58 Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline;students cannot be motivated by school or college alone.
1.       I cannot deny thetruthfulness of the statement that “learning is primarily a matter of personaldiscipline”.  2.       however, school or collegecan provide students with a special kind of envrionment where they will notonly study formal knowledge in a systematic way but also gain valueblequalities as gracious human beings (to be more well-rounded individuals) throughcommunicating and sharing both life and academic experience with peers orprofessional instructors in various fields.3.       no one can replace the roleof yourself in the way of getting knowledge and developing skills but afriendly and academic environment where you can get advanced research facilities,scientific guidance and pure friendship will definitely drive you to be abetter person in every way possible.(there arespecific examples or statistical materials to be added)
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