Jacintosh 发表于 2012-8-9 10:15:02

Issue17 首次发文,帮忙看看,谢谢

本帖最后由 Jacintosh 于 2012-8-9 10:23 编辑

     ** 第一次在坛子上发文
     ** 若能得到些许指点,在下感激不尽

Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws.

The speaker's assertion that every individual in the society is responsible to obey just laws and to resist unjust laws appears faulty to me, because it failed to answer three questions that kept me from being convinced. Firstly, are laws themselves always logical enough that if we do follow, a steady society can be guaranteed? Secondly, are laws permanently constant that when we follow a just law as the speaker suggested, we are granted justice forever? Lastly, what would the world become if every individual of the society is asked to unconditionally obey the law? The following part of this essay explains why this assertion is not true by answering the three questions.

     It has long been the pursuits of governments all over the world that a society can remain steady and in peace by laws that permits or restricts people doing this or that in their daily lives. However, this can be accomplished only when the laws themselves are well constructed and contain no logical error, which is often a difficult goal for legislators to achieve. If we cling to laws that are contradicted with one another, the justice will not be fully granted to the citizens, because when the judge frees the criminal according to one law, it would lead to an unexpected violation against another law that is contradicted with the previous one, based upon which the judge made the decision. This would probably consequently render people irritated because the faulty law does not always produce consistent results, and this will, most of the time, cause protests and unrests.

     Moreover, the definition of just laws or unjust laws is also vague. Whether the law is just or not can be determined by many matters. The laws that confines people about the same thing may vary among different countries, or even different parts of one country. Aside from variance caused by space, a law which now seems unjust towards certain people might be regarded just one hundred years ago. In short, just laws and unjust laws could transform to each other over time and space, thus either kind of law can do good or harm to the people who obey it. So it would be difficult to make justification on which kind of law to obey or to resist.

     One should also be aware of the fact that laws are sometimes, in some countries, used as tools for tyrannical powers to achieve their political purposes. When laws serve for dictators rather than justice, it becomes chains that confine and utilize people in a way that provides optimum benefits for the law makers or the power that compels them. By obeying such laws, people suffer rather than benefit, most of the time. Examples are usually seen in some countries with highly centralized power. The government law permits only authorized protests while they scarcely gave out authorization to protest applications. In such case, justice will never be done, because the people's sounds will never be heard, for their protests are never allowed. Thus, unconditional obedience towards laws seems unnecessarily dangerous.
    To sum up, the speaker neglects the possible faultiness of the law itself, the vagueness of the definitions of just and unjust laws, and the possible extremely dangerous situation where law became the tool of dictators. The speaker should examine more carefully and make more thorough research on his assertion. He needs to look for a way to differentiate just laws from those that are not, and make sure that just laws will always be beneficial rather than detrimental to the society.

MELODYSKIING 发表于 2012-8-9 16:34:10

LZ作文结构很清晰,语言也基本木有错误,蛮不错。但论证感觉力度不够。statement分为unjust 和just,文中前两个观点是 “只要遵守法律就能个达到正义和稳定吗?”第三个是“如果无条件遵守法律会怎样”,LZ观点是statement不对或者不完整,但感觉文中的论述并不能有力地针对statement起到辩驳或者支持的作用。
我也刚开始写,仅个人意见哈~~可能不太对><! LZ就看看吧

求回改,https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1406446&extra=page%3D2 的第三篇,感激不尽!

Jacintosh 发表于 2012-8-10 13:27:16

MELODYSKIING 发表于 2012-8-9 16:34 static/image/common/back.gif
LZ作文结构很清晰,语言也基本木有错误,蛮不错。但论证感觉力度不够。statement分为unjust 和just,文中前 ...

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