zspengyou 发表于 2012-8-23 21:39:15



zspengyou 发表于 2012-8-23 21:39:53

26 The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.


The contemporary life has brought numerous conveniences to us. We can manage our work with the help of computer much easier than before. We can take buses to school instead of walking.  We can communicate with our friends through the Internet. Although we are living in a word which brings us countless conveniences, it is not the reason why one is weaker and less independent.

It is parents’ lavishing of too much care that makes teenagers become weak and dependent. We can see that our previous generation is tougher than us. Maybe you will say that's because they live in poor times. However, some children born in wealthy families are strong and independent. They are able to suffer without complaining even though they have easier access to the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life. In contrast, some children who were born in poor families cannot bear any hardship. By comparison, we can find out that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life is not the condition under which one will be weak and dependent. In fact it is parents’ lavishing of love makes teenagers become so.

Parents in Japan are good at educating their children. They are willing to keep their children suffering some hardship through which improving their volition and independence. So even the living standard has been greatly improved in recent years, the teenagers in Japan are still strong and independent. Therefore, it is wrong to say that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.

From what we are discussing above, we can know that it is not the conveniences of modern life that lead us to be weak and dependent. Thus, we can steel our will power and practice self-reliance by attending some activities such as military training. In my university, military training is required for every student. Sometimes we have to attend the training under the broiling sun. After three weeks hard training, freshmen learn how to fold their quilts into cubes; even the one born with a silver spoon in his mouth can finish the task well. Thus we can say that attending some activities can contribute to the strong volition and independence of the students despite of living under the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life.

In conclusion, the conveniences of the modern life can’t prevent teenagers being strong and independent because those who were born in wealthy families can suffer pains and be independent.

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