alanxuan 发表于 2012-8-24 11:57:11


alanxuan 发表于 2012-8-24 14:06:34

alanxuan 发表于 2012-8-30 17:18:31

Basilisk 发表于 2012-8-30 17:49:43

本帖最后由 Basilisk 于 2012-8-30 18:38 编辑

没明白你的论点是什么。。。is only one way然后其它的way呢?great traditions and historical lessons?其实应该说你的论证是支持experience and knowledge accumulated by predecessors是学习的唯一途径。past experience包括的了过去的成功,过去的失败(你的最后一个论据),和过去的一般性的经验(第一个论据)。

我觉得要分析的是influence和past achievement。
1。要learn the existing knowledge。因为学科专业化,不可能不学就研究。
2。需要理解research frontier,成功与不成功的地方。理解现在理论的limit才能继续push the frontier。
3。学习不代表被影响。研究都是在推翻前人的结论,完全相信之前的结论是不可能的,要保持healthy skeptics。

我没提到profession,因为觉得没什么值得提的,现在社会,研究和应用我觉得已经很脱离了。industry完全依赖于academic advance。

感觉你第二个论点最后没有控制好?最后social science方面的结论是后人没有做出贡献?
另外Galileo or Einstein这些需要develop。把example变成analysis。
ets在OG practice I 4分文里提到这么一个标准:
However, the development of this idea does not lead to generally thoughtful or insightful analysis. Instead, it is simply presented as an example.

alanxuan 发表于 2012-8-30 21:44:08

Basilisk 发表于 2012-8-31 05:38:16

alanxuan 发表于 2012-8-30 17:18 static/image/common/back.gif
38. It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves ...

刚才看了下这个鸟social id。发现原来是一套理论。。。
应该是三步, categorization, identification, comparison。。。然后看样子ets问是不是中间这步最重要。

alanxuan 发表于 2012-8-31 15:37:24

Basilisk 发表于 2012-9-1 03:41:43

刚才想了一下,觉得identification with social groups算是包括了那个理论的三部分。所以我的观点是完全同意:We define ourselves by finding social groups that we belong to and by contrasting these groups with those that we don't belong to.
1. Social groups can be formed on different bases. Inherent traits. Behavior. Experience. Status. Familial. etc.
2. Finding social groups that we belong to gives our sense of identity.
3. Contrasting with other social groups reinforces the sense of identity.


alanxuan 发表于 2012-9-4 14:09:20

SueLeung 发表于 2012-9-6 00:12:51


alanxuan 发表于 2012-9-6 07:10:11

SueLeung 发表于 2012-9-7 09:36:23

alanxuan 发表于 2012-9-6 07:10 static/image/common/back.gif


SueLeung 发表于 2012-9-7 10:08:02

Given the definition of hero and its relationship with character of a society, I cannot fully agree with the claim. What is more, the following reason is also unsubstantiated in that it assumes the highest ideals of a society could reflect the character of a society. I think this is untrue.

It is admitted that heroes reveal a society's highest ideals, but the highest ideals cannot fully mirror the character of society. Social condition, where the character of society stems, is an ever-changing reality which must be more complicated than the ideal social models. In the same sense, human nature cannot be simplified as what could be modeled after certain heroes. If people mistake ideals for reality, hero for human nature, there will be catastrophic result for society. Too ideal a social engineering will be a disastrous utopia, like what has happened in Soviet Union and other communist countries have reminded us; and too ideal a hero making will lead to disbelief in human virtues, because moral or ideological indoctrination by the way of hero making will be finally belied, therefore heroism fade.  (the character of a society 的定义界定的清晰一点会更利于自己的论述。另外human nature能不能算character呢,既然是本性,应该每个社会都没有区别。If people mistake ideals for reality, hero for human nature, 这里没有很懂。)

Except for the erroneous deduction concerned above, the claim is invalid in itself.  Firstly, heroes or role models are contingent on political needs and temporary social trends, so heroes are social makings which cannot reversely reflect the full image of society. According to Marxism, the character of a society more depends on the class struggle, and the stage of social development. The production relationship under which different class are organized to produce in material world is overbearing element for the character of society. Heroes and role models are contingent products of the society, at most. (这个论述很有力!)

Furthermore, the incarnation of social ideals in heroes are just extremes of the character of a society(我觉得extremes都应该算是社会特征的一部分,楼主后文也说是mosaic map 嘛,可以先赞同extremes是character,但不能完全反应所有特征,然后引出下面的反驳。这里可以多几句话会更流畅,逻辑更好). There are many facets of a society which can be discerned in normal lives of men and women, what they desire or dislike for, how they react to crisis, and where they choose to live, etc. The character of a society must be a mosaic map which cannot be observed in any extreme condition.

Nonetheless, there is a partial truth in the claim. Society is composed of many groups of people whose ideals vary from each other, so does the heroes worshipped. The best way to identify the characteristics of different generation in a society is to look at the heroes of different times. Like in China, people who were born between 1950s and 1960s, their heroes and heroines are commonly selected by the great leader Chairman Mao. Heroes in that time always represented the spirit of sacrificing for the public interests without concerning their individual happiness. The whole society in Mao's era was actually motivated by this spirit collectively, and less concern and choice was left to individual beings. This is the reality of that generation which was rendered to oblivion in the after generation in China. (这个例子好,不过既然是说heroes in different times,就不能只举毛泽东时代的。应该对比不同时代的英雄以及从他们身上反映出来的社会的变化,来说明他们是反映了social characteristic。)

In sum, the reason is true in itself(上面不是说英雄是出于某种需要建构出来的么,那speaker的reason就有问题), but it cannot prove that the claim is also true. The deduction from reason to the claim is based on an invalid assumption which mistakes ideal for reality, and superficial representation for essential dynamics.
另外我补充 赞同作者的观点,为什么说是best way呢,因为hero对比起普通人来说,比较容易观察。

SueLeung 发表于 2012-9-7 10:09:02

alanxuan 发表于 2012-9-6 07:10 static/image/common/back.gif


alanxuan 发表于 2012-9-7 11:24:17

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