草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-8-31 23:40:44

【GRE作文互改小组】Cynthia Issue作业贴


草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-9-1 22:59:42

Issue 34 In any situation, progressrequires discussion among people who have contrasting points of view.

You should consider ways in which thestatement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerationsshape your position.

1.      相对的意见可以帮助我们更好的省视目前的情形。无疑是可以帮助我们进步2.      但是无休止的争论也是不可取的,会阻碍事物的进一步发展,这个时候我们需要达成一致意见。3.      同时,除了有相反意见,我们也需要有一颗包容的心。
Admittedly, contradictive opinion just likesfresh air, it blows into a spiritless room and brings life vitality and energy.However, the magic power of contradictive opinions is not always powerfulenough to make progress in certain situation, the understanding and embarrassingof different views are equally in need.  

Contrasting views always serve to sharplyreveal some flaws in previous issues and bring new ideas which lead to athrough and comprehensive understanding of current situation. That’s whydebates are so popular that can be seen everywhere and every time in the world.In retrospect of history, contrasting to overall accepted geocentric theory Galileoproposed the heliocentric, though strike a huge shake to the current society,finally establish the basic footstone to astronomy’s later development.Abandoning the classical physics, Einstein added time into consideration andbuild a four-dimension space then invented the relativity which was a hugecontribution to Physics. And every pleaders would agree that no matter howsharply your opponent point out your flaws and how offended you feel you alwaysappreciate those contradictive ideas for which help you fixing up holes andperfecting your issues. Therefore, it is no denying that in most situations,contrasting opinion, expressing in a more philosophy way-skepticism, alwaysbrings progress.

Although many people holding that peoplewho support your opinion are usually blind with your flaws and inclined toneglect or even cover up the shortcoming existing in your view, contradictionis not always better at making progress than agreement. It is the most commonthing seeing fierce quarrel among two creative design groups in AdvertisementCompany. Design groups constantly quarrel with each other to argue that their group’sidea is the most brilliant while the opposite group’s shades a lot compared totheir own. As neither of them would compromise, the endless quarrels consequentlydelay the progresses. No doubt this argument is meaningless, because they arejust doing creations from different aspects, and both of them are so brilliantto achieve huge success. Therefore, when two brilliant ideas come into crash, andthe endless argument inhabit further progresses, we need compromise instead oftit for tat.

What’s more, useful contrasting points are notenough to develop current situations, to make progress we also needunderstanding and embracing attitude. That means when a contrasting view shows,instead of ignore it, we have to take it seriously and accept it. Kodak, thefirst company who invented digital technology, facing this brand new contradictideas nevertheless chose to ignore it and finally went to bankrupt in currentworld dominated by digital camera. They did have valuable contrasting ideas,however, they lack the embracing attitude and let the chance slip by. Whileother companies like Sony, Cannon and so on accepted the new ideas and quicklydeveloped.

All in all, in most times contrastingpoints help people to gain a more through understand of current issues. However,the progress will never be achieved without an embracing mind. Besides, whenthe endless argument of contradictive ideas inhabits further steps, agreements areneeded.

貌似等级不够 只能贴上来了

colinxt 发表于 2012-9-2 05:44:39

草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-9-1 22:59 static/image/common/back.gif
Issue 34 In any situation, progressrequires discussion among people who have contrasting points of v ...


草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-9-2 12:20:09

colinxt 发表于 2012-9-2 05:44 static/image/common/back.gif

谢谢啦 你的作文我下午改好   什么叫“批判着看"? 我不是很明白 能具体说说吗?

colinxt 发表于 2012-9-3 00:00:25

草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-9-2 12:20 static/image/common/back.gif
谢谢啦 你的作文我下午改好   什么叫“批判着看"? 我不是很明白 能具体说说吗?


xiesisiminerva 发表于 2012-9-3 16:06:48

草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-9-1 22:59 static/image/common/back.gif
Issue 34 In any situation, progressrequires discussion among people who have contrasting points of v ...


草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-9-3 21:54:12

Issue 41 The greatness of individuals canbe decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.

Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain yourreasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting yourposition, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might nothold true and explain how these consideration shape your position.

The speaker asserts that great heroes canonly be decided by later generation. I partly agree with it, indeed, a truly greatman is the one whose achievements can receive recognitions from the latergenerations. However, there are also many great heroes has received honorablepraise from their contemporaries. In my view, a great personage needs to betested by time and is defined as “great” by the later generation. Nevertheless,the word” only “is too extreme to cover all the case, there are always a lot ofheroes received recognitions from their contemporaries.

Admittedly, in the most cases, greatpersonages’ achievements cannot be defined justify by their contemporarieshowever received recognition by later generation. When coming to a judgment ofgreatness, people tend to stand on their own position and make an evaluation byhow these achievements benefit us. Thus, coevals cannot objectively define aman as great for they naturally tend to comment highly on those who benefitthem more or those whose ideas happened to cater to their appetites. For instance,when Marx was considered the greatest mental leader ever by those who believein communism, more people in western country tend to rank him on more thanphilosopher. Therefore, only those later generation who can keep out off the affairand look back history wholly can make a justify decision of their predecessors’greatness.

As for coevals, whether a great man can receivetheir just and objective approval depends on different cases. Most brilliantbrains exceed their contemporaries’ understanding. When new and unfamiliartheories change people’s cognition of the world, it’s always accompanied withundermining the public’s sense of security. Most therefore react to thosefundamental challenges to their cognition system by resistance or outrage,consciously or unconsciously. Galileo challenged the infallibility of the RomanCatholic Church by altering the accepted theory of the earth is the centre ofthe universe and was burned crucially as insisting heretic. However, whenpeople already opened their mind and embracing universe mystery, Ho
Stephen Hawking is honored as one of themost famous scientists in present age for his general theory of relativity andthe cosmogony. What causes these two polarize destiny? It’s the public’srecognition of the world. When people’s cognition system is already to welcomea new idea and can objectively evaluate a theory, they can decide greatness impartiallyand objectively.

It also applies to artists. Van Gogh sufferedfrom non-recognition in his period of his impressionism art and the subsequentpoverty ultimately died of mental derangement. However, when people began toappreciate bold art style, Picasso showed out, he received numerous respectsand being the first artist to witness his work be collected by Louvre Museum.

In sum, Great hero always transcend time,when public’s cognition is being developed and more maturely. Later generationwho can keep out off the affair and look back history wholly can make a justifydecision of their predecessors’ greatness. As for coevals, when greatachievements luckily cater to public’s recognition, interests or appetite,publics can make justify judgments of greatness.

草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-9-12 21:39:28

9.11 的Issue 贴晚了 望好心人改

charlesliye 发表于 2012-9-13 21:00:05


草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-9-16 20:57:47

charlesliye 发表于 2012-9-13 21:00 static/image/common/back.gif


草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-9-22 19:45:55

9.20 的作业

殇沫 发表于 2012-9-22 21:20:06

草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-9-22 19:45 static/image/common/back.gif
9.20 的作业

改完啦~~ 供参考!

草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-9-24 19:36:43

欠了好几天的作业了,9.24 继续占座 跟9.24 一起帮我改了吧~~~ 谢谢好心的亲们。希望大家能给我指出作文的问题在哪里,语言不好还是立意不行,或者还有其他。 如果能提供宝贵建议, 我就感激不尽了!

草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-9-24 19:37:21

殇沫 发表于 2012-9-22 21:20 static/image/common/back.gif
改完啦~~ 供参考!

谢谢啦! 你觉得我的作文存在哪些问题啊?

thebleach 发表于 2012-9-24 22:27:03

本帖最后由 thebleach 于 2012-9-26 20:45 编辑

草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-9-22 19:45 static/image/common/back.gif
9.20 的作业

issue19 不是23号的作业么?
还搞不懂作业系统 求指导

24号的改完了 改的不好请见谅啊
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