paisley 发表于 2003-10-21 12:51:07

Words to the Wise When Applying to Graduate School

发信人: cloudier (Koncert fur Klavier), 信区: GoAbroad
标  题: Words to the Wise When Applying to Graduate Schoo
发信站: 日月光华 (2003年10月17日19:21:39 星期五), 站内信件

贴一下, U of Iowa的,我认为句句在理

Many students are interested in advanced degrees and are applying to graduat
e schools across this country. However there is no one place that students c
an go to find out about this confusing process. I would like to share some o
f the knowledge I have come across concerning applying to Graduate Schools.
-Amy Korthank, Biology Undergraduate Advisor, University of Iowa.

1. Know the difference between graduate programs. Study the "course of study
," ask questions, and visit with knowledgeable people about programs, so you
know what you want and what each school offers. For instance, Biology Ph.D.
programs may have the same title, yet they can have very different philosop
hies on what constitutes obtaining a Ph.D.

2. Apply to several programs. There is a great deal of competition for admit
tance into graduate programs, especially programs with good reputations. Sel
ecting several programs to apply to will broaden your chances of being admit
ted to one. If you are selected by more than one, then you have the luxury o
f being able to chose.

3. Apply early! It takes time to complete a graduate application and as Murp
hy says, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." Some examples are: wai
ting months for GRE results; reference people not returning letters of recom
mendation, or sending them to the wrong place; previous schools attended not
sending transcripts; or your failing to complete all of the necessary forms
4. Complete your application on time. Most graduate programs have many appli
cants, so when the application deadline passes (usually between December and
February), the selection committees review only the complete applications.
The incomplete applications are left in the incomplete file and are never se
en by the committee.

5. Check your application regularly. Incomplete applications sit in a file i
n the graduate office and no one but you cares about them, unless there is a
Support Project recruiting you and keeping track of the application.

6. Prepare yourself to take the GRE. Many graduate programs require a Gradua
te Record Exam. Know if the subject test is required for each of the schools
you are applying to. Prepare yourself by buying or borrowing a study guide
and becoming familiar with the test format, or take a "prep" class like Kapl

7. When considering reference people, choose people who can write you a stro
ng letter of recommendation. If you are uncertain whether the person will wr
ite a strong letter, ask them. A recommendation that addresses your academic
ability (your ability to write, to conceptualize, and to comprehend difficu
lt concepts), your experiences in research, and your commitment as a student
and professional, impress selection committees more than references that on
ly talk about what a fine individual you are.

8. Your letter of intent is important. The screening committee uses your let
ter of intent to determine if your goals match with the type of training the
program is providing and the type of research being conducted in that depar
tment. State your goals, intentions and research interests (if you know them
) clearly, rather than in vague generalizations.

9. Sell yourself. You are competing with many other applicants for a few slo
ts in graduate school, so you will have to convince the selection committee
that you are the best prospect. Think of the qualities and experiences that
have made you unique and have prepared you to go to graduate school (outstan
ding grades, research experience, internships, having worked full-time to pu
t yourself through school, etc.)
If you have low grades in a particular area, write a supplementary letter ex
plaining what happened, how you corrected the problem, and why you should st
ill be considered. Selection committees understand that people change, grow
and mature, and become motivated, so explaining may keep you in consideratio
n. You also need to know that no amount of explaining will overcome poor ove
rall grades, nor poor references. Graduate School is rigorous and no none wa
nts to set a student up for failure.

10. Visit the program. If you are really serious about attending a particula
r school, visit that school. Call ahead for an appointment with the program
chairperson or the person in charge of graduate students, be familiar with t
he program and be prepared to ask questions. Your visit will help you get ac
quainted with your area of interest, the school , the geographical area, as
well as allow the faculty to meet you and associate a name with a face.

11. Ask for an opportunity to prove yourself. If you are serious about wanti
ng to attend a certain program, get to know a faculty member through corresp
ondence, phone calls, e-mail and a visit. Discuss you credentials (GPA, test
scores, work experience, reference letters, research experience) with that
person and ask about your chances of being admitted. If you have an area of
concern, such as a low GRE score, suggesting that you would be willing to pr
ove yourself on a non-matriculated basis may get your foot in the door. An o
utline of the subjects you would need to complete over one or two semesters
and the GPA that you would have to maintain would be specified in a letter a
nd you would then have your chance to prove you can do it.

12. Apply early for financial aid. There are several funding sources outside
of Assistantships (Research or Teaching) from the department. Many funding
sources require that a student submit proof of financial need. Apply to seve
ral funding sources. Find out the deadlines for scholarships and fellowships
, not all will be at the same time. Find out the qualifications for scholars
hips and fellowships, some are only available to incoming graduate students,
some only to minorities, etc. You can always turn down funding if you excee
d your limit. (This is a nice problem to have!)
Achieving an advanced degree requires a great deal of work and is a major co
mmitment in your life. It will also be the best possible financial investmen
t you can make if you succeed. Approach the process of applying to graduate
school seriously and conscientiously, and best wishes in furthering your edu
-By Carolyn Barcus, Ed.D. USU; Edited by Amy Korthank

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※ 来源:·日月光华·

huangjin_suzhou 发表于 2003-10-21 13:18:33

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