xydxuyidan 发表于 2012-9-3 12:47:17


本帖最后由 xydxuyidan 于 2012-9-3 12:50 编辑

第一篇:ISSUE13: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student’s field of study.(同issue46)

1.        好处:可以接触到各个方面的知识,有利于学生全方位的发展,开阔视野
2.        坏处1:学校没有这个精力开设如此多的课程,需要教学设备、师资力量的同步(建议不可行)
3.        坏处2:学生泛泛而学,没有这个精力;若没有兴趣,那么上课也是一种浪费时间
4.        结尾:可以这样:结合学生的兴趣,让学生选择几门课程,而不用全都学。

It is commonly acknowledged that the important role of a modern university is to cultivate excellent students. However, this does not mean that a university should require its students to take a wide range of courses.
Admittedly, if a student can choose some other courses besides his major course, he will have access to more fields of study, thus have a comprehensive understanding of our world. It is beneficial for a student majoring management to attend classes about psychology, because it will help him to calm down and work out a solution when he meets difficulties while managing. Moreover, it is useful for him to better understand his staff and get along well with them. Therefore, the efficiency of managing can be improved. Economics can also be helpful because it teaches the manager to reduce cost in his management.
However, it is probably not feasible for a university to supply so many courses. On the one hand, in order to maintain the classes, the university will first have to employ enough teachers. This may result in an increase in the tuition fee. Thus, those who cannot afford the fee will lose their opportunity for university study, which belies the original target for education. On the other hand, the university will also have to be equipped with modern facilities for teaching. For insurance, for a medical course, different kinds of laboratories and models of animals are needed, which will cost the university a large sum of money to prepare. If there are only a few students choosing the class, this will be a waste of money. What is more, the maintenance of these facilities is a difficult job, which requires money as well as people.
Students will also be heavily burdened if they have to attend a variety of classes, especially for some certain majors. As we all know, students who major architecture have already had a lot of major classes. They are engaged in designing and drawing buildings. It is hard for them to have courses outside of their field because they merely have no more time and no more energy.
Another bad effect is that students may not have a deep understanding of their own field of study. They might have a broadened vision, but they can hardly become masters. Students are busy with taking all the classes, whether they like it or not, just for getting credits. Too many courses will reduce their time for developing interests in their field. What is worse, if they have no interest in other fields, taking a variety of courses might be a waste of their precious time.
In conclusion, it is not wise to ask every student to have different kinds of classes. University students should have more freedom. If a student has enough energy for learning something else besides his own major, he can select other courses based on his interest. For those who lack time or interest, it will be a better choice for them to take courses of their own field.

Basilisk 发表于 2012-9-3 13:14:30

我觉得题主要问的是Universities should “require”。。。

我是会飞的牛 发表于 2012-9-5 23:33:31

能不能把高频也发到我邮箱里,谢谢了,才开始看issue 156212684@qq.com

xydxuyidan 发表于 2012-9-6 15:02:57

我是会飞的牛 发表于 2012-9-5 23:33 static/image/common/back.gif


我是会飞的牛 发表于 2012-9-7 00:05:37

xydxuyidan 发表于 2012-9-6 15:02 static/image/common/back.gif

谢谢,我看过你的文章了,正如二楼所说,某些地方跑题了, if a student can choose some other courses besides his major course,  改成 if universities require students to choose........

特莱嘻嘻 发表于 2012-9-7 00:20:44

求。。发个高频给我~~ 祝福楼主作文考6分~~

weirdwqj 发表于 2012-9-7 09:00:55

看了楼主的文章 觉得自己还要好好努力, 楼主能不能发个高频到我邮箱 谢谢了 332850654@qq.com

xydxuyidan 发表于 2012-9-7 10:15:16

特莱嘻嘻 发表于 2012-9-7 00:20 static/image/common/back.gif
求。。发个高频给我~~ 祝福楼主作文考6分~~

xydxuyidan 发表于 2012-9-7 10:16:04

weirdwqj 发表于 2012-9-7 09:00 static/image/common/back.gif
看了楼主的文章 觉得自己还要好好努力, 楼主能不能发个高频到我邮箱 谢谢了

weirdwqj 发表于 2012-9-7 11:19:31

xydxuyidan 发表于 2012-9-7 10:16 static/image/common/back.gif

谢谢楼主 但有点看不懂啊,能不能劳烦你简单解释一下

xydxuyidan 发表于 2012-9-7 12:09:04

weirdwqj 发表于 2012-9-7 11:19 static/image/common/back.gif
谢谢楼主 但有点看不懂啊,能不能劳烦你简单解释一下


melt34353 发表于 2012-9-7 15:04:14


jiujiushanh 发表于 2012-9-9 21:16:16

ADIBLACKFIN 发表于 2012-9-9 22:50:47


我觉得course outsider major 本身应该还是没有问题,关键是不应该require



It is commonly acknowledged thattheimportant role of a modern university  is to cultivate excellentstudents. However , this does not mean thata university should require its students to take a wide range of courses.
Admittedly, if a student can choose someother courses besideshis major course, he will haveaccess to more fields of study, thus have a comprehensive understanding of ourworld. It is beneficial for astudent majoring management to attend classes about psychology, because it willhelp him to calm down and work out a solution when he meets difficultieswhile managing. Moreover, it is useful forhim to better understand his staff and get along well with them. Therefore, theefficiency of managing can be improved. Economics can also be helpful becauseit teaches themanager to reduce cost in hismanagement.
However, it is probably not feasible for auniversity to supply so many courses. On the one hand, in order to maintaintheclasses , the university willfirst have to employ enough teachers. This may result in an increase in thetuition fee. Thus, those who cannot afford the fee will lose their opportunityfor university study, which belies the original target for education . On the other hand, theuniversity will also have to be equipped with modern facilities for teaching.For insurance, for a medical course, different kinds of laboratories and modelsof animals are needed, which will cost the university a large sum of money toprepare. If there are only a few students choosing the class, this will be awaste of money. What is more, the maintenance of these facilities is adifficult job, which requires money as well aspeople.
Students will also be heavily burdened ifthey have to attend a variety of classes, especially for some certain majors.As we all know, students who major architecture have already had a lot of majorclasses. They are engaged in designing and drawing buildings. It is hard forthem to have courses outside of their field because they merely have no moretime and no more energy.
Another bad effect is that students may nothave a deep understanding of their own field of study. They might have abroadened vision, but they can hardly become masters.  Students are busy withtaking all the classes, whether they like it or not, just for getting credits.Too many courses will reduce their time for developing interests in theirfield. What is worse, if they have no interest in other fields, taking avariety of courses might be a waste of their precious time.
In conclusion, it is not wise to ask everystudent to have different kinds of classes. University students should havemore freedom. If a student has enough energy for learning something elsebesides his own major, he can select other courses based on his interest. Forthose who lack time or interest, it will be a better choice for them to takecourses of their own field.
可以套用 the goal of education—installsome core value, put all children in the same playground,详细可参见PP2参考范文


His or her, sexism!

For example


how to reduce cost in managing ?

始终觉得class 和 course 还是有区别的




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