风潇水涵 发表于 2012-9-9 09:41:04

Issue 6 习作+求11G精炼小组




A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.

Since the standards vary largely for colledge to select studends, some peple take into question the fairness due to the disparate courses taken before colledge. Therefore some educators call for the same national curriculum taken before entering the colledge. I assume it partially reasonable while students should be flexible in choosing their subjects.

Some people,who advocate the same courses taken before entering the colledge, belive it will breeds more fairness. If every students study the same materials, it's much easier and fairer to set one standard rules that examing their capacities indifferently. Alternatively,the advantage will disappear to learn certain knowledge,which some students don't use the same books. Moreover, the same corriculum lays a strong foundation for majors in colledge. Studends, before entering the university, may not clearly understant which course is essencial if a nation do not forcefully require them to study the same nation curriculum. Therefore, it seems plausiable to prop it up.

However, those who are for the policy fail to see the disadvantage resulted from implementing the same national curriculum. To be exact, it will decimate the creativity and diveristy of the young. Assuming that we are compelled to learn the same curriculum, we are taught to think and act in a simillar way. Without diverse personalities and  characters, how could we contrieve innovative ideas? What's more, the creativity and diversity is salient core points contributing to a nation's thrive.The USA, for example,a nation consists of migrants when different culture steel into each other ,  rise to the most powerful one via valueing the innovation. Thus, it could boost the creativity of students to let them select various learing materials at their will, which also add thrive to a nation.

Another reason for supporting the diversal courses is that it can help students to find their interest and know themselves better.There is no denying that not everyone share the same gift, which requires various courses to develop. Granted that children forefully attend those classes they feel mudane and a failure, they would waste their time meant to be spent on their gifted fields. That will leads to more failure frusstration and confusion about themselves. But "know thyself", said by Socrates, perhaps is the ultimite goal of education. Implementing the same currilum all over the country, obviously, deprives the students of chance to close to the final purpose. In addition, not all the children will enter the colledge, which means some will not gain the possibility to select which to learn in order to prepare for their future career.

Above all the evidence I list, a nation should provide  with students more freedom in choosing the currilum. Considering several  vital courses are indesipenssible, I suggest schools open most currilum while selectively set a number of must-learned ones.


风潇水涵 发表于 2012-9-9 09:48:38


zulu 发表于 2012-9-22 23:13:49

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