rexue70 发表于 2012-9-15 23:56:22


A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.

        Culture intergration has to achieved step by step

  The most suitable solution to promote the intergration of different folks is to put it slow,because whenever differences pop up , most people habitually ask 'why don't you agree with me ?'
  By the virtue of the same national curriculum , the nation can save a lot of money , beause the currient curriculum is been tested for decades and proved a lot. And for the long term, it's not possible to make a individual curriculum for every students.In the same way, the national curriculum is suitable for most of the students.In a degree, this is the best use of the currient resourses.
  However, conpulsory require for every students to attend the same national curriculum is unrealistic. First, some minorities may have their own languages and study styles. They can't even understand the meaning of the text without professional translations,which require adequate teaching experiences.Secondly, baceuse of the distinctness of different kinds of people, the campus is becoming more and more colorful.The same national curriculum will reduce the creativity , what's worse, stagnate the development of the next generation.As an illustration, the fee's evolution leads to thousands of mutates, after the select of the nature,different kinds of fees have their own job, secury the hair, seek for the food or gestate badys.So the diversity of the education system is the guarantee and preparation for the challenge of the society.
    In long term,the integration is a long process,and the condition is not well prepared, we should consider and respect different kinds of folks,try to reserve the distinctness of their own.History always proves itself, the time will exert a subtle infuence on it.

xiuxiudeta 发表于 2012-9-18 11:30:50

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