不得其主 发表于 2012-9-17 19:25:18


The recycling habit of West Egg's residents
In this memo, the mayor of the town of West Egg predicts that the West Egg's landfill will be filled to capacity considerably longer than what was predicted two years ago. To support his assertion the mayor cites the fact that the town residents have been recycling twice as much aluminum and paper as they did before. The mayor also points that mosts respondents to a new survey prefer do more recycling to bolster the assertion of the mayor. However, careful examination of these supporting evidences. I found this memo logically unconvincing in several respects.

First of all, these evidences are not convincing in supporting the idea that residents have strong commitment to recycling. The mayor provides no persuasive evidence that the respondents of the survey can represent all residents of West Egg. It is entirely probable that much more residents who are not willing to recycle anything are not inclined to respond to the survey. What is more, the mayor unfairly assumes that the situation of recycling of aluminum and paper can indicate that other kinds of materials such as glass and plastic are also recycled numerously. With out more evidence that total amount of recycled material has increased,the assumption of mayor can not be substantiated!

Secondly, even if most residents of this town show considerably interest in recycling different kind of materials, the mayor can not cursively declaim that they can really do great contribution to reducing garbage of this town. Common sense tells us that even if some materials like paper and  glass are recycled twice, they will eventually threw as trash in a short time use. At the same time,the government has to pay a large number of money to recycle these materials but can not really let the available space in the landfill last for considerably longer than predicted two years ago. Besides, there exists a possibility that most garbage is produced by different kinds of factories of this town and any other possible factors but not merely by residents of this town. If this is the case, the evidences provided by this memo can not explain any question and the argument of the mayor seems like meaningless and ridiculous. In this case no matter how strong commitment to recycling of residents is, the rate at which the landfill is being filled won't slow down!  

Thirdly, even if we ignore these questions mentioned before, the argument also assumes unfairly that a twofold increase in charge for pick up in garbage will reduce in the increase of the amount of material recycled. The mayor over looks the strong possibility that the cost of recycling will still be much more than the cost in garbage pick up even after the increase in charge . On the other hand, recycling may costs much time and energy of any resident. Therefore, throw the garbage away and pay for a higher charge may still be a best choice of most people of this town. Without ruling such possibility, the memo hardly can convince me that more material will be recycled.

In sum, the mayor can not justify his or her prediction on the basis of such evidences provided in the memo. To bolster the assumption the mayor must provide better and enough evidences that the amount of all materials recycled in the last two years has increased notably and the residents' commitment and effect on reducing garbage are really considerably as the mayor emphasizes.to better assess the argument I would need to know what are other factors that contribute to the increase of trash and whether the general interest of recycling of this town is strong!
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