duanzhuojun321 发表于 2012-9-18 20:24:06


        Someone claims that progress requires discussion among people who have contrasting points of view, because different views could complement each other sometimes. However, contrasting points of view will lead to bad consequences to discussion, and united points of view are also benefit to progress.
        Some strongly contrasting points of view may obstruct the progress. When two people debate a thing with sharp conflict, each of whom hold an extreme points, and no one make a concession, but the final decision must be agreed by each of them, Thus, the process is suspended at this point. At last, they can't make a proper determine and stop to blame another, not to mention progress. On the other hand, it is hard to make a balanced point among those who have too many different views. We can easily find out that whether in corporation, or in government, or in any other institution, there always have only one chief leader to make the ultimate decision. If we want to make a balance among many various points, this also means that we can't reach a accord forever.
        However, the two close points of view would make a decision in short time and efficiently. And the the people who have the same points of view could understand each other conveniently. In a research group, members in which must have the same points about the research topics, and therefore they can work together on this. On the other hand, compared with two man who hold on different views, two has a same view is more important in some urgent cases. For example, when the government face a attract by terrorists on hand, they have no time to make a detail plan to stop it by the debate of official members, but the chief leader command the other people to execute the orders.
        Admittedly, we can't ignore the function of collision of different views, the two parts may find out its shortcoming the other part, and correct it. On the other hand, we also notice the passive effect of the same point, this may lead to several key flaws being neglected.
        In sum, I think that people who have contrasting points of views and same points of views make a progress. When people who hold on different views, they should thinks at the place of the opposite part; and when same points, they should not be too complacent, and also should be cautious in the decision.
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