xiaobai16312666 发表于 2012-9-20 22:29:56


10月11日就考试了,因为之前工作的关系,现在才写了第一篇issue, 请大家多多帮忙

主要缺点在哪里 ,能得多少分

要到3 需要哪里加强
要到4 需要哪里加强

The speaker claims that all the parents should volunteer their time to the school courses of their children.I concede that the inner stimulation and active involvement of students are crucial for academic development, in my view, however, the contribution of parents' time cultivates students' motivation and is beneficial to their development.

Fist of all,it is undeniable that parents are the initial and most significant teachers of their children' life.Through the education at home at the first stage, the children will receive the knowledge imparted by the parents and cultivate the language skills.It is this process that considerably determines children's abilities of dealing with information as well as the performance manifested at latter education.Following this stage, the children involves in the school course which needs more attention from all aspects especially from their parents. No one knows more about their children except parents. It is worthwhile for parents not only to gain more information about their children but to reenact suitable strategy to improve their education. The appropriate involvement in the school will provide a conductive interplay with teachers which will alleviate the pressure of teachers. The mollifying relationship will result in the good development of children. The teachers will grasp more feedback about children from parents upon which they can contrive better steps to foster better cultivating plan.

Moreover, the parents will effectively explore children's interests through volunteering the courses of school. After the children are engaged in the various knowledge of basic disciplines, they will conjure up what their interests are. Admittedly, Interests are the key account for individual's success without which one will encounter with difficulties when choosing their major and career. At this time, parents should pay more attention to the change and exert sensible instruction to their children.

Of course, the overwhelming cosset and attention to adolescent will lead negative influence to their development more or less.Under this circumstance,the children will either rely on the decision in a greater degree or entirely ignore the advices from their parents because of the rebellious phase.What's more, everyone has different opinions and behavior when confronting with parents, making difficult to judge the influence to adolescent.

To sum up, the children will gain the merits from the time consumed by their parents. Yet the methods conducted by parents play a role in the involving process. After all, everyone has different characteristic and growing circumstance.
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