vatfy 发表于 2012-10-4 13:05:50

【11G 燃烧的战火】vatfy的作文贴

本帖最后由 vatfy 于 2012-10-9 12:37 编辑


Basilisk 发表于 2012-10-4 13:59:23

In fact, whether a student is needed to take the courses outside their major field or not, that is a intricate issue. 我觉得这不是个好论点,没有明确观点。你可以说depends on XXX,但不能只说intricate。

comprehensive ability,integrated ability?不懂,这是什么?你是想说现在学科间互动很多,所以需要人们对各学科都要有了解?你的主题句应该是Taking courses outside one's major is necessary/beneficial.
excelling=>proficient, fluent是标准用法。

broaden the student’s vision。和上一段类似?需要充分展开。不充分展开我觉得不是个好现象。

Negative. 我似乎没见过书面语中这么说。。。观点不够deep。


vatfy 发表于 2012-10-4 14:39:15

另外comprehensive ability我想表达的是综合能力的意思,词典查的···

Basilisk 发表于 2012-10-4 14:56:00

没见过comprehensive ability这种说法。可以叫versatile。

vatfy 发表于 2012-10-4 16:27:42


vatfy 发表于 2012-10-6 23:10:08


vatfy 发表于 2012-10-8 21:54:09


irrisa 发表于 2012-10-8 22:32:05

本帖最后由 irrisa 于 2012-10-8 23:05 编辑

vatfy 发表于 2012-10-8 21:54 static/image/common/back.gif


Issue 105
Claim: Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. Reason: People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible without the constraints of established habits and attitudes.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
The speaker asserts that the imagination is more vabluable than experience due to the reason that who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible wothout the constraints of established habits and attitudes. I am inclined to agree this opinion partly. Actually, imagination is important, but experience is mattered too.

Admittedly, it is known to all that imagination play a significant role in our daily life. The car we drive, the aircraft we take, the cell phone in our hand(all come from the fantasy of imagination). Obviously, they can not(cannot) be designed and made without imagination. In reality, at times, a man who lacks experience can make a marvellous(marvelous) imagination. Mozart, the Austrian composer and pianist, one of the best composers of music of all the time, as a matter of fact, he behaves an amazing talent in music at an early age, his first work was a minuet that he wrote when he was four. And German manthematician Gauss, when he was three he saw a a(手误吧) mitake his father had made when adding up the wage bills. Those people who lack experience but do a great achievemetnt tell us it is not impossible for a fledgling to make a great imagination.

However, is it safe(firmly) to draw a conclusion that the established habits and attitudes impose constraints on imagination all the time? It may be unreasonable in some cases. Wright brothers, who are credited for making the first controlled, powered flight in 1903. But, in fact, the wrights began interested in flight in the 1890s, and they had been experimenting with gilders and other vehicles for a long time, after tens of thousands of tests, they have imagined and made a first real plane finally. There is no doubt that they are experienced about flying, and it is hard to say that their expienced (experienced)habit and attitudes constraint their imagination.

To sum up. , It (it) is irrational to jump to a conclusion that imagination is more valuable than experience. Actually, imagination is a significant factor in the artist creativity and scientific exploration, yet, experience also play a (an)important role. There is no need for us to debate which one is more valuable, all we should do is combine experience with imagination, only in this way, we can(can we) serve for our humanity better.

Xdf老师说to sum up是死亡结尾,最好有偏向一方的观点

Issue 105
Claim: Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. Reason: People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible without the constraints of established habits and attitudes.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
The speaker asserts that the imagination is more vabluable than experience due to the reason that who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible wothout the constraints of established habits and attitudes. I am inclined to agree this opinion partly. Actually, imagination is important, but experience is mattered too.

Admittedly, it is known to all that imagination play a significant role in our daily life. The car we drive, the aircraft we take, the cell phone in our hand(all come from the fantasy of imagination). Obviously, they can not(cannot) be designed and made without imagination. In reality, at times, a man who lacks experience can make a marvellous(marvelous) imagination. Mozart, the Austrian composer and pianist, one of the best composers of music of all the time, as a matter of fact, he behaves an amazing talent in music at an early age, his first work was a minuet that he wrote when he was four. And German manthematician Gauss, when he was three he saw a a(手误吧) mitake his father had made when adding up the wage bills. Those people who lack experience but do a great achievemetnt tell us it is not impossible for a fledgling to make a great imagination.

However, is it safe(firmly) to draw a conclusion that the established habits and attitudes impose constraints on imagination all the time? It may be unreasonable in some cases. Wright brothers, who are credited for making the first controlled, powered flight in 1903. But, in fact, the wrights began interested in flight in the 1890s, and they had been experimenting with gilders and other vehicles for a long time, after tens of thousands of tests, they have imagined and made a first real plane finally. There is no doubt that they are experienced about flying, and it is hard to say that their expienced (experienced)habit and attitudes constraint their imagination.

To sum up. , It (it) is irrational to jump to a conclusion that imagination is more valuable than experience. Actually, imagination is a significant factor in the artist creativity and scientific exploration, yet, experience also play a (an)important role. There is no need for us to debate which one is more valuable, all we should do is combine experience with imagination, only in this way, we can(can we) serve for our humanity better.

Xdf老师说to sum up是死亡结尾,最好有偏向一方的观点

tmacshoot 发表于 2012-10-9 23:55:54

irrisa 发表于 2012-10-8 22:32 static/image/common/back.gif

Issue 105
Claim: Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. Reason: People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible without the constraints of established habits and attitudes.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
The speaker asserts that the imagination is more vabluable than experience due to the reason that who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible wothout the constraints of established habits and attitudes.(这里最好还是换种表达吧) I am inclined to agree this opinion partly. Actually, imagination is important, but experience is mattered too.

Admittedly, it is known to all that imagination play a significant role in our daily life. The car we drive, the aircraft we take, the cell phone in our hand(all come from the fantasy of imagination). Obviously, they can not(cannot) be designed and made without imagination. In reality, at times, a man who lacks experience can make a marvellous(marvelous) imagination. Mozart, the Austrian composer and pianist, one of the best composers of music of all the time, as a matter of fact, he behaves an amazing talent in music at an early age, his first work was a minuet that he wrote when he was four. And German manthematician Gauss, when he was three he saw a a(手误吧) mitake his father had made when adding up the wage bills. Those people who lack experience but do a great achievemetnt tell us it is not impossible for a fledgling to make a great imagination.

However, is it safe(firmly) to draw a conclusion that the established habits and attitudes impose constraints on imagination all the time? It may be unreasonable in some cases. Wright brothers, who are credited for making the first controlled, powered flight in 1903. But, in fact, the wrights began interested in flight in the 1890s, and they had been experimenting with gilders and other vehicles for a long time, after tens of thousands of tests, they have imagined and made a first real plane finally. There is no doubt that they are experienced about flying, and it is hard to say that their expienced (experienced)habit and attitudes constraint their imagination.

To sum up. , It (it) is irrational to jump to a conclusion that imagination is more valuable than experience. Actually, imagination is a significant factor in the artist creativity and scientific exploration, yet, experience also play a (an)important role. There is no need for us to debate which one is more valuable, all we should do is combine experience with imagination, only in this way, we can(can we) serve for our humanity better.


tmacshoot 发表于 2012-10-9 23:57:17

本帖最后由 tmacshoot 于 2012-10-10 00:01 编辑

irrisa 发表于 2012-10-8 22:32 static/image/common/back.gif


tmacshoot 发表于 2012-10-10 00:03:25

tmacshoot 发表于 2012-10-9 23:55 static/image/common/back.gif
Issue 105
Claim: Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. Reason: People who lack ex ...

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