dsnadja 发表于 2012-10-13 15:41:50

高频题目 issue82 求批斗!费了很大劲写的啊!求提提意见!多谢多谢!

82) Colleges and universities shouldrequire their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreigncountry.
Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain yourreasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting yourposition, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendationwould or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape yourposition.  


It is obvious that studying in a foreigncountry will benefit  students a lot. However, I do not agree that collegesand universities should require their students to do it at least for onesemester. And there are some strong reasons to name.

First of all, this suggestion may not be feasible when it comes to theaction. Some restricts may prevent it. The most important problem is thatwhether those colleges and universities have enough money to let their studentsto do this foreign study. As we all know, many colleges and universities do nothave enough money for research and study, let alone the foreign study. And notall the students' families have enough money to pay for the charge. In thissense, the suggestion may not be that realistic. Moreover, whether all studentswant to go to abroad to study is a crucial question which needs to be answered.If some students do not want to spend that time and money to go abroad, it istheir right to refuse the colleges and universities requirements, since thelater do not have the right to do so. Another important thing is that it is a big deal to decide whichcountries and which colleges or universities to go. Before making a decision,colleges and universities should do a lot of works to judge which one is thebest. So whether they have the energy and sources to do it is a big problem. Sobased on the problems above, it may not be a reasonable suggestion to be done.

Even if all the problems are solved, we should consider another aspectof ideas. For example, what is the goal of requiring all the students to spendat least one semester studying abroad? Perhaps the answer is letting them learnhow to live on their own without parents and familiar surroundings. What's morelet them learn more stuff about another country and expand their horizons andso on. But we have to consider a possibility that they may not get what we andthey want rather than some nostalgia and sicknesses and perhaps they becomediffident because they can not solve some problem from not understanding thelocal languages and conventions. All of these problems remind us that studyingabroad is not as easy as we live in home country and have families around us.

Another issue is that, students go to colleges and universities mainlyfor studying the knowledge and get the advantages of the high-level researchequipment and the spirits of scholars and the school. If we let the students goabroad to study one semester and they do not learn better knowledge and cannotuse advanced equipment, so that they do not have equivalent things than whenthey are in the original country. That is ironic that we go against our firstand most important goal of a college or university.

However, there are also some benefits of this requirement. For example,students can learn how to live on themselves and how to take good care ofthemselves. Some of my friends who go abroad to study can cook meals forthemselves and make many new friends there. And some even get better knowledgeand confirm there. They know their ability and responsibility and becomemature. What's more, they can learn a lot of new things about a foreign countryand even learn a new language.

  From what has been discussed above, I think it is clear that collegesand universities should not require their students to spend one semesterstudying in a foreign country, because it is either impractical or not followstudents various interests. However, there are still some benefits of studyingabroad. So my suggestion is that colleges and universities can give studentswho want to study abroad chances under the condition that colleges anduniversities have done all they can to help those students and let them havegood educations and living conditions, and most of all, making sure that theyare always safe.

Basilisk 发表于 2012-10-14 05:24:53

本帖最后由 Basilisk 于 2012-10-14 05:31 编辑

feasibility: money, all students, which country.

goal of this requirement: counterproductive (bad outcome).你看你这段写的,第一句没具体内容,第二句for example还是个问句。接下来perhaps假设半天,这又不是A。本段过了一半才看出来point在哪里。
直接写主题句:Studying in foreign country may be detrimental to students.这样很难吗。写应试文章直接点就行了。

goal of higher edu: no benefit。没具体内容,大学对你还只是一个抽象的符号吗。

benefit of requirement: benefit。首先,这和requirement有什么关系,你可以说好处是有的,所以可以make it optional。其次,为了避免自己否定自己,让步段建议限制scope,例如说,对某些专业还是有用的,但大体上没用,因此不应该要求all students。自己打自己脸不叫让步。



dsnadja 发表于 2012-10-14 14:04:01

Basilisk 发表于 2012-10-14 05:24 static/image/common/back.gif
feasibility: money, all students, which country.


Basilisk 发表于 2012-10-14 14:30:24

dsnadja 发表于 2012-10-14 14:04 static/image/common/back.gif
我总结一下,你的意思是每段的主题要先写出来,然后论述要有点具体内容,让步的时候也要想办法肯定自己的 ...


dsnadja 发表于 2012-10-14 15:25:11

Basilisk 发表于 2012-10-14 14:30 static/image/common/back.gif
我的感觉是你写作没有目的,因此也就谈不上想怎么个写法,只能套别 ...


32855 发表于 2012-10-20 17:29:20

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