Mike_5 发表于 2012-10-17 20:27:42


本帖最后由 Mike_5 于 2012-10-17 20:36 编辑

Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state, even if these areas could be developed for economic gain.

Should nations limit the development of any remaining wilderness areas, even if some of them have the potential of economic gain? The author thinks so for the reason that it is the role of government to take proper actions to protect our environment and the human interference will disturb natural environment more or less. However, I think some sustainable development of the wilderness areas are necessary because that the economical development can be a more critical task for some societies and the development and environment protection are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Admittedly, it is one of the primary tasks of government to actively seek effective measure to protect such areas which are worth preserving. There is no denying that the human interference have been disturbing natural environment all around the world, from the rainforest in Amazon, Brazil to the South Pole. The blind and large scale developments in many wilderness areas have posed irreversible effects on environment, as confirmed by numerous examples. And effective protection of those areas will benefit future generation. So it is justified for government to take some actively actions to protect the remaining wilderness areas from the blind development.

However, economic development might be a more critical task for some societies. For people who live in some remote wilderness areas, developing those areas may be the only choice for them to survive and thrive. Only by cultivating the land into farmland, cutting down tree to build freeways, can people there achieve economical independence and connection with outside world. Plus, we cannot deny the fact that not all the wilderness areas are too fragile to be developed. Although some areas, such as primitive rainforest, are highly sensitive to human activity, other areas, like desert and broad leaved forest, are adaptable for the environmental changes. So, careful investigation and differentiation on their characteristics are needed before we make steps.

What is more, environmental protection and economic gain are not necessarily mutually exclusive considering the progress of technology and improvement of the awareness of the public. The modern logging industry is an example that can aptly support this view. Based on the careful analysis about the characteristic of a forest, a modern logging company can calculate out the proper number of trees they should cut down, which would even be good for the renewing of the forest. And some new ways of development can combine the development and environmental protection together. For example, the eco-tourism can attract tourists to the wilderness areas and help raising fund for environment protection, and could make the society give more attention to the protection of these areas.

To sum up, although it is justified for governments to make some laws to limit the development of wilderness areas because some of the blind and shortsighted development can compose large damage to the environment, we should not preclude all development activities no matter the consequences are negative or not. Some activities of development should be tolerated or even encouraged because they are critical for the welfare of the local people or can bring about benefit to the environment.

hechaqingxin 发表于 2012-10-18 11:46:54

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