katezhong 发表于 2013-1-25 11:26:26



How can students choose a field of studying between their own interests and career prospects?As far as I am concerned,I might be proneing to agree with the claim on the basis of the availability of jobs.Admittedly,interests and talents both are essential to one’s education,even career,since these elements can render people more inspired and impassionated to develpe their keen field.Notwithstanding,under the fierce vying circumstances,college students could not merely base their choice of studying field on interests,but pay more attention to those promising jobs which can sustain their livings.
  Adimttedly,interet has play an prerequisited role in personal developing,going with a proverb‘Interest is the best teacher’.It will be more easier to learn well and get achievement when students selecting an interested field of studying.Take Jeremy Lin for instance,he holds on to his basketball dream align with a satisfied work.Getting pragmatic rewards such as money, and fame,is not an end, but rather a means of obtaining mental content and of attaining important goals.Besides,college education should not only prepare for employment,students should be encouraged to shape their own ability of learning and thinking by finding their interests,which impel the cultivation of social communcation,crtical thinking,mangerment etc.,thus,finding their goals to direct the ways.
  Neverthless,it is of vital prominence not to disregard the fact that most of us,more realistic,pick up our studying field related to future career.There are three reasons accounting for it.Fristly,to majority of graduates,getting a good job is a full requital for parents,school and theirselves.Nowadays,with the college payment rising,some students raised their tution by loan becomes even rougher than ever,while others are schooled at great cost to their parents who have to borne this burden as well.The only way to get rid of debts or redound on parents is finding a well-paid job,to meet the simple but earthbound hope,or help to increase employment rate of our school graduates,to make us valuable in today severse competing society.
  The another important respect I agree with the claim is that most of students do not choose the career which they are interested in as result of their lack of interest.This matter, to some extent ,is due to the great impact of pragmatic ideas---school centralizes students and teaching resources in ‘high-income’field rather than ‘low-paid’ basic field,as well as parents tend to practical thinking such as taking material affluence as a granted for comfortable life,when chidren confront the majority choice.In fact,even students themselves place interest in a subordinate position,only based secondarily on materials.They perfer material advantages rather than mental satisfaction,that is the internal reason why people turn to choose medicine or law in college,without conscious of why they selected these major.
  Futhermore,even people carried a full of interests,most of them can hardly find a job that they are interested in.Companies,most likely,focus more on interviewers’ degree than other.What’s more,because of the economic recession and a galaxy of outstanding talents,it cannot be even difficult for greenhand graduates to find a job than now,let alone the possibility that offers you to take interest into account.Even graduates get an interested occupation,they have to face up with a heap of tough tasks and pressure,so those who cannot insist will probably give up their ‘dream work’ and forced to turn to other careers.However,most people chose to drip off interest as soon as obtaining a high-paid job,overwhelming the former.
  In retrospect, I generally agree the claim that it might be justifiable for students to aim at the availability of jobs when choosing a field to major in. Moreover,the most ideal way of decision making is to fulfill one's pragmatic concerns firstly,while contemplating about other factors available in order to avoid partial decision. After all, the definition of success varies among students, there exists a similarity of success: mental worthy, or on the other hand, achieving goals. Only by grasping the gist of keeping balance between the availability job and pursuit of their goals could the students make their decision rationally.                                          Words: 658
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