希望中的玫瑰 发表于 2013-2-15 22:24:16

Issue topic 28 提纲 各位准备3,4月G的大侠看过来

以下是我对Issue topic28 of OG 做的提纲。想和各位G友一同交流下,共同提高。{:1_1:}

Topic 28 The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people.

In my view, I think that the speaker’s view is too extreme, it overlooks the circumstance created by rulers, artists or scientists from which its people’s live benefiting, as well as lacking a synthesis of micro and macro term to examine the great power of a nation.

In the macro term, the Gross Domestic Production index having a close relationship with well-being of its major people, is often considered as an indicator of a country’s standard living. +列举比较两个国家,例如非洲某个小国和另一个发达国家之间的国家实力时,国民总体的生活水平是一个重要的参考指标。

In the micro term, however, existing more complex and profound relationships between different sectors than in the macro level, a great nation is a cooperating contribution of various characters such as its rulers, artists and scientists, rather than a coarse abstract of the general living of its people.

In politics level, 外交政策,政策的制定。
In economics level,
In culture and science level,

To sum up,
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