麦丰 发表于 2003-12-28 00:44:46

139 What do you consider to be the most important room in a house? Why is this room more important to you than any other room? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Rooms are one of the many important factors in a house.Architectures, when drawing the plan of a house consider these room-factors seriously. When we are buying a house, new or old, we place emphasies on the different types and number of rooms in the house, their conditions, seizes, general orientation and other factors of the very rooms like the windows, the height of the ceilins and so on. However, amoung the different types of rooms that can be found in todays modern houses, I consider the most important to be the siting room.

There is an adage or a saying that the siting room is the mirrow of the house. This is very right. For example if the siting room is always dirty, one can always expect the whole house to be dirty too. So the living room shows the hiegenic condition of the house.

Furthermore, the siting room is very important because when we have visitors, we rarely invite them to our bedrooms or to the toilet or to the bathroom. No. We invite them to sit in the siting room where we welcome them or discuss some issues. For sure, they look around to see how tidy is the room, how is it arranged and what we have in the house. That impression of the sitting room will always be with them about the whole house, about how we live and how tidy we are. In these regards, the siting room serves as the face of the house, a sort of the public relations manager.

Apart from the above mentioned reasons, the siting room is much more important than the other rooms for the very purpose it is supposed to be: for sitting. Having a place to sit in the house is very important. For example, imagine coming from a very hard days job, very tired. Sure the first thing one does on getting to the house is to head for the sitting room, most propable get a cold drink from the refrigerator and relax by siting down in the siting room, put on the television and for a moment forget about the hard days job.

In conclusion, the sitting room is very important in the house for the purposes it serves, mainly, it portrays and gives impressons to others about how we live, how tidy we are, that is, it is the mirrow and the public relation 'manager' of the house, and it is one of the best place where we can relax in the house.   
Your essay shows that you have a good command of English--your vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure are fairly good, and you have great ideas with good support. In some cases, however, you show some minor spelling and punctuation mistakes. For example, you misspell "mirror" several times. You can paste your essay into a word processor such as Microsoft Word to see all such mistakes.

This is great first essay. If you correct these simple spelling and punctuation mistakes, your essay would likely receive a 6.0.

麦丰 发表于 2003-12-28 00:45:45

151 What is the most important animal in your country? Why is the animal important? Use reasons and specific details to explain your answer.

            While each and every animal is important in keeping the ecological balance, in my opinion it is the cow which plays a pivotal role in our Indian society. Its importance can be easily gauged by the fact that we Indians refer to it as our mother.
               A cow is universally used all over the world as a producer of milk. Milk is often called as a “complete food” as it contains proteins, vitamins etc. However, the people of a developed country can forgo milk and substitute it with nutrition biscuits or other such food-stuffs but for a majority of the people belonging to a developing country such as mine these alternatives may not feasible. It is the cow’s milk that provides the cheapest source of  having nutrition in our diet. When cow’s milk is administered to the malnourished babies of the poor in India, it works wonders. No wonder, government organizations and other NGOs rely on cow’s milk while battling poverty.
            The number of cows that a farmer possesses is also an indication of wealth and prosperity in rural areas of India. The ‘White Revolution’ which swept India in the 1960’s helped many families to rise above the poverty line due to the increased yield of cow’s milk.
Cow’s dung is probably the best natural manure for plants and crops. For a largely agrarian country like India, you can easily estimate how important cow’s dung will be. Though there is a large array of synthetic fertilizers in our market, their harmful effects on the environment has been widely noted. As a result, in recent years, the focus has once again shifted to the cow’s dung. Another use of its dung is that the mud courtyards of our village homes are swept with cow’s dung. Since it does not smell and always remains cool, it acts as a natural air-conditioner in rural areas. This is very important for a tropical country like India.
               A cow is not difficult to maintain as it subsists on hay which is found in rice crops. Since our farmers grow them in abundance, cows involve no extra overhead. Even after its death a cow is useful. Its hide is used to make varied leather articles such as belts, purses, wallets and other such items in India.
              The male counterpart of the cow, the bullock is widely used for ploughing by the farmers in India. Tractors are not very feasible as the size of a farm is generally small in India. Bullocks are also used for crushing sugarcane to get jaggery.
              A cow is placid and calm. Indians have a high sense of philosophy and cow-like placidness is a virtue. No wonder, that this amazing animal is venerated and respected in India.


     According to me an animal could be considered important based on what it contributes to mankind. In India the most important animal is the Cow. It is important as it provides a source of food to people, it is an animal which can be used for labour, also the cow is religiuosly worshiped by the Indian people.

       Majority of the people in India are Hindus. According to hindu beliefs and customs, the cow is religiously worshiped. Temples are built in respect of the animal, and the animal itself is considerd holy. These animals are alowed to wander freely anywhere they please, whether it be on the farm lands and fields, or the city streets. In Mumbai and other metropolitan cities of India one would find many cows roaming on the streets. People will very often buy grass and hay, to feed the animals. Although they do cause hinderance to vehicular traffic, but people would never harm them. Car drivers would patiently wait for a cow to move off the center of the road, without honking
their horns or doing anything to scare the animal. This is because of the fact that they worship the animal, and they feel that the animal is important. According to the hindu religion the god Shri Krishan happend to also be a cow herder, and hence the cow is also worshiped.

     In India the main source of milk, happens to be the cow. Every day several million liters of milk are supplied by daries all over India. They happen to be the cheapest supply of milk for the people, without which tens of thousands of babies would go unnurished.
Thousands of varities of dairy products and sweets are made from fresh cows milk. Without the cow this would not be possible. Hence the animal is of prime importance to the nation. Also apart from milk, the cow also happens to be the main source of meat in the country. Beef is widely consumed throughout the country. The muslim community, which happens to be the second largest community in India, are forbidden by religion to consume pork or any other form of pig meat. For them and for other communities also, the cow happens to be the only source of meat, as goats and sheep are not reared in as large numbers and are not found as abundently as the cow is.

     Apart form being a source of meat, the cow is also used on farms for ploughing the fields, and for pulling the bullock carts. In India the farm lands are not consolidated, and hence are very often divided among  family memebrs. This makes the size of the farm plots very small. Also most farmers are not very wealthy. Due to these reasons automation is not feasible. Hence for ploughing the fields, for carrying the grains etc cows are employed on the farms. Cows are also considered as very dosile and tamed, and loving animals which can easily be used as animals of burden.

     For the Indian people, the cow is not just as an animal of worship, but also a source of food and milk. It is also a very useful animal of burden and can be tamed easily. Hence it has gained the most importance in India.

麦丰 发表于 2003-12-28 00:52:29

149 Imagine that you have received some land to use as you wish. How would you use this land? Use specific details to explain your answer.

This essay was one of the first TOEFL essays that Erin wrote.

The world is becoming increasingly smaller and smaller. The world’s population is now at six billion. The world’s cities are getting larger and larger. At least two cities, Mexico City and Sao Paulo have almost 30 million inhabitants. In this context, one could say that a gift of land is the greatest gift of all. Land is perhaps the most permanent thing in the world. Unlike diamonds, which really have little value in and of themselves, land actually has great value. Unlike televisions and cars, land cannot be destroyed—if you remove land, there is still more land under it. In this context, I will discuss what I would do were I given some land as a gift. It will be necessary, however, to discuss four things first: First, it is necessary to establish the size of the land. Second, we need to know where the land is. Third, the topography of the land is important. Finally, the weather in the location is fundamental.

For the purposes of this essay, I will assume that I have received a rather large parcel of land (it is a gift, right?!) in a temperate climate with four seasons. I will assume that the land is fairly flat. Most importantly, I will assume that this land is mine and that I have control over the land, i.e., that no other government controls the land.
Having grown up in a rather poor family, I think I would be quite excited about receiving some land. I have never owned anything of any great value and to own some land would be a wonderful thing for me. For a long time, it has been a dream of mine to be able to build a beautiful house for my mother. My mother is still living in poverty and it saddens me to think of her living in that situation. She often does not have enough money to use the heat in the wintertime and cannot afford to buy new clothes. I would love to be able to give her the gift of a house and a happy place to live for the rest of her life. Since we lived in a country with very cold winters, my family often felt very cold. I would love to bring my mother to a warm place to spend the rest of her days.

However, I would not devote all of the land to houses for my family. I would use most of the land to develop a business. In my case, doing this would be very important since I grew up poor. I would need to ensure that I would have a source of income and a way to sustain the activities on the land. An efficient way to do this would be to develop the land in some way suitable to the land. In this case, I would use the land to develop a language and confidence training camp. It has long been my dream to build a perfect language learning center—a place where people could go to learn a language, to immerse themselves in the language, to meet other people and to have fun while doing so. In conclusion, I would like to make one more point. I must admit that I feel somewhat guilty about the idea of accepting such a gift of land. There is a part of me that is somewhat idealistic and would like to think that the world is a beautiful place and that all humans should live together peacefully. From this viewpoint, I would say that no one can own land. As an American Indian once said, “Own the land? You might as well own the air or the sky!” However, this idea is inconsistent with the world today. Being more realistic, I would do what I detailed above.

麦丰 发表于 2003-12-28 00:53:13

155 Plants can provide food, shelter, clothing, or medicine. What is one kind of plant that is important to you or the people in your country? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

===================================================This essay was written by Erin as an example of how to make up details. Erin, of course, is not Korean.

Plants are vital to the survival of all life on Earth--plants transform the light of the sun into energy that is usable to other life on Earth. Without plants, animals would not be able to use the energy of the Sun that reaches the Earth. The removal of one plant from the ecosystem can cause many unforeseen changes, sometimes irreversibly damaging an ecosystem. However, some plants are more important than others, either for biological or cultural reasons. In my country, Korea, I would say that the grass that produces rice has come to be the most important plant, not just because rice is a staple food, but also for other cultural reasons.
Virtually every Korean eats rice at least twice a day. I, for example, had rice at breakfast, lunch, and dinner yesterday. For most Koreans, rice is an integral part of a meal, as expected in a meal as ink is to a pen or wheels are to a car--a meal without rice is not a meal. In fact, if I have dinner with my American friends and do not eat rice, I actually feel hungry even if I have filled myself with potatoes or other food while eating with them. Many of my friends have made similar comments to me. So, I believe that rice is as much a part of our daily lives as work or talking on the telephone is.

However, rice is much more than just a staple food to most Koreans--it represents the very sustenance of much of our culture. Our history teachers tell us that the development of rice as an agricultural product was largely responsible for the advancement of Korean culture--since rice was portable and had a long storage time, people had more freedom to move and were less susceptible to changes in the weather. In many ways, rice has come to be considered the perfect food, so ingrained is it in the minds of many Koreans, and many Asians for that matter, as food that we often say "have you had your rice" instead of saying " have you had your meal." In fact, I have made this translation error many times while I have been in the United States. I have wanted to ask my American friends whether they have eaten, and I ask, "Have you eaten your rice?" Naturally, they often respond "no," leading to much miscommunication. For me, then, rice is more than just food--it is the very sustenance of most Koreans.

In short, rice is by far the most important plant in Korea. Were it removed from Korean society, Korea would change drastically, perhaps even have a famine much like the Irish Potato Famine of the 1800's. Rice is the very lifeblood of Korea.

麦丰 发表于 2003-12-28 00:54:32

163 Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

This essay was written by Erin.

It is a very dangerous thing to say that basic literacy skills are more important now than they have ever been in the past. While a strong argument can be made in favor of this idea, making such an argument would imply that reading and writing were somehow less important in the past. While there is a grain of truth to the argument that literacy was not fundamental to the daily existence of most people in the pre-Industrial Revolution period, rationalizing such a lack of need for education in such a way is the first step to withholding education from certain groups, a great social crime that has led to the disempowerment of disadvantage groups all over the world throughout history. However, if we can keep in mind that education is a basic human right, then we can discuss the strengths of the proposition that literacy is more important now than it has ever been before.

It is true that in the past the majority of people all over the world made their livelihood from agricultural activities and that the vast majority of these activities required little or no literacy skills. In some senses, we could argue that literacy skills were less important in the agricultural age than they are now, but to do so would be to forget that literacy also reflects an active mind and that people have always needed to engage in activities of the mind. For example, even though a farmer might have labored all day in her corn field, she may enjoy reading the latest Jane Austen novel when arrived at home. We can see in this example that while literacy was not directly related to this laborer's livelihood, literacy was important to her quality of life.

However, we could make a good argument that literacy is more important now that it was in the past. As we all know, the world is experiencing a revolution that may turn out to be more important than the Industrial Revolution. We are now entering the Information Age, an age in which information and knowledge have more value than the ability to build machines, create "stuff," grow crops, or even mine precious metals and produce gemstones. Nowadays, accurate information may be worth more than the most expensive Rolls-Royce or the biggest diamond. The perfect example of this increasing dominance is the explosive rise in the popularity of the Internet--the Internet offers the world countless bytes of information twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Companies all over the world, but principally in the United States, are rushing to stake their claim in cyberspace and stiff competition among companies has resulted. In order to gain dominance, these companies must have the best-skilled workers, an advanced understanding of computer systems, and good intuition about what will happen in the future. All of these abilities to compete in the global marketplace stem directly from literacy skills and those without these skills will be stuck in the service, agricultural, and heavy industry fields.

In short, we can see that people in the past who were lacking in literacy skills essentially had more company than those lacking these skills have today and could still earn their livelihood. Further, we could argue that because of the nature of the global marketplace and because of the emergence of the Information Age, we could make the argument that literacy is fundamental to professional success nowadays. However, literacy should be considered a basic human right in a literate society--all people throughout history should have learned to read and write.


While some countries have strong programs against illiteracy, others still do not care that much. But, illiteracy has become a big obstacle during the last century and is still problematic question now with quick development of technology and automation. From my everyday experience and observation I can state several factors which defend the statement that reading and writing now is more important than ever before.

First of all, it is essential for a person to have at least basic knowledge of reading and writing to survive in our society. While in the past, some people could live in wilderness or even in cities without any knowledge of written language, now it is almost impossible. The way of living has change so much that it is impossible to be a part of nation, especially in developed countries, without ability to read and write your bills, to understand your mortgage documents or job applications. Moreover, you can go nowhere by yourself but in your own small town without reading the maps and signs on the roads and in cities.

Second, nowadays, most of jobs require reading and writing as necessary skills and tendency that these skills will be more and more important for future jobs increases. In fact, because of sharp development of technology, more of jobs on the labor market are for literate people and less of them are for people without any or slight reading or writing knowledge. For example, there are not needed so much people who can work on lands or select parts in auto-factories because the machines do that kinds of jobs now. On the other hand, factories and corporations need people who can read the instructions and control the machines. It is bare true that without jobs that need only physical abilities, illiterate people are forced to be constantly on unemployment lists.

In conclusion, the most scare part of living illiterate in our society is maybe living dependable of someone. A illiterate person will have difficulties not only to do simple tasks such as writing bills, withdrawing money from cash machines, or reading menu in a restaurant, but also to be a productive and useful individual of our society with job and normal life.


For ages, reading and writing has been vital aids to the intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth of mankind. But with rapid changes in the society and scientific advancement of human race over the decades, the necessity and importance of reading and writing has increased remarkably.
Several reasons account for the lesser importance of reading and writing in the past. Firstly, education was restricted to certain sections of the society and not everyone benefited from its advantages. Only the learned few enjoyed intellectual satisfaction. Knowledge was not shared freely due to lack of proper means of communication, thus preventing many from realizing the benefits of education and learning. Secondly, technology was not so advanced in the past. Hence the general pace of life was slower than it is now and people did not feel the need to keep themselves abreast of affairs around them. In other words, the need did not arise for mass awareness and participation in efforts for intellectual enlightenment through reading and writing. Nevertheless, writing was a more popular than reading since it was the most common means of communication - in the form of letters.

However, at present the scenario has changed considerably. Innovation and change are integral parts of life. Now advancement in technology marks the day. To cope up with the rapidly evolving new ideas and concepts, reading has become more important now than ever before. Invention of high-tech gadgets and state-of-the-art information systems in areas of communication, transport and general business demands more awareness about contemporary events and changes With advancement in technology, man's eagerness to succeed has increased. Consequently the realization has dawned on him that such dreams can be materialized through intellectual advancement - a feat possible only through self reading and personal research. With the invention of computer has commenced an age of electronic communication and online commerce. Although writing letters has decreased considerably with the advent of electronic mail, it will take some time to make our varied businesses paperless. Thus though reduced, people still do some writing, wither in forms of documents, memorandums, business contracts or research papers. Education has made people more aware of his potential and reading and writing has become instrumental to man's success in today's competitive world.

麦丰 发表于 2003-12-28 00:55:33

176 Holidays honor people or events. If you could create a new holiday, what person or event would it honor and how would you want people to celebrate it? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Most countries already have many holidays. In my country, Taiwan, we have nineteen official holidays. However, I believe that my new holiday, "Walking Day" would be very beneficial and should be added to the nineteen holidays Taiwan already has. In this essay, I will outline the three main reasons why "Walking Day" would be a very good holiday.

First, walking is good exercise. As we all know, people all over the world are becoming busier and busier. They are studying more and more so that they can have better jobs. When they work, they are working more and more. As a result, people have less time for other important things in their lives, including exercise. We can read reports in the newspapers everyday about people who have worse health and complain about poor health condition. Many of these problems could be reduced by exercising more and walking is one of the best and simplest exercises for people.

Second, by walking, we can reduce pollution and thereby protect the environment. As technology improves all over the world and people have more and more money, they are starting to use this money to buy automobiles. As a result, people are using public transportation less and less. Driving one's own car every day has had a very large impact on the environment as a result of the pollution created by gas burning automobiles. Walking is the perfect way to reduce pollution since there are so many other benefits as well.

Finally, by walking, people can slow down the pace of their lives. Perhaps this is one of the greatest benefits of walking more. Life at the beginning of the new millennium is stressful--people are competing with each other for better jobs, countries and companies are competing with each other for business. Many people start to forget about the importance of slowing down in their lives, of simply enjoying the moment. People need to contemplate life more. Walking is a perfect opportunity to slow down, think about life, and simply enjoy the big, beautiful world that we live in.

Finally, we could celebrate this holiday by encouraging people to walk instead of driving or taking the bus for at least one trip during the day. I believe that people could find at least one trip during the day that they could make on foot instead of some other form of transportation. For example, if people usually drive to a large supermarket to buy food, perhaps they could walk to a closer, smaller market to buy only a few things. I believe that while people were walking, they would be able to enjoy the exercise and the fresh air and would be able to think calmly and clearly.

In short, if I had to create a new holiday, I would create "Walking Day" because of the many simple benefits it could provide us.

麦丰 发表于 2003-12-28 00:57:52

121 What would you do if you had some free land?

The world is becoming increasingly smaller and smaller. The world’s population is now at six billion. The world’s cities are getting larger and larger. At least two cities, Mexico City and Sao Paulo have almost 30 million inhabitants. In this context, one could say that a gift of land is the greatest gift of all. Land is perhaps the most permanent thing in the world. Unlike diamonds, which really have little value in and of themselves, land actually has great value. Unlike televisions and cars, land cannot be destroyed—if you remove land, there is still more land under it. In this context, I will discuss what I would do were I given some land as a gift. It will be necessary, however, to discuss four things first: First, it is necessary to establish the size of the land. Second, we need to know where the land is. Third, the topography of the land is important. Finally, the weather in the location is fundamental.

For the purposes of this essay, I will assume that I have received a rather large parcel of land (it is a gift, right?!) in a temperate climate with four seasons. I will assume that the land is fairly flat. Most importantly, I will assume that this land is mine and that I have control over the land, i.e., that no other government controls the land.
Having grown up in a rather poor family, I think I would be quite excited about receiving some land. I have never owned anything of any great value and to own some land would be a wonderful thing for me. For a long time, it has been a dream of mine to be able to build a beautiful house for my mother. My mother is still living in poverty and it saddens me to think of her living in that situation. She often does not have enough money to use the heat in the wintertime and cannot afford to buy new clothes. I would love to be able to give her the gift of a house and a happy place to live for the rest of her life. Since we lived in a country with very cold winters, my family often felt very cold. I would love to bring my mother to a warm place to spend the rest of her days.

However, I would not devote all of the land to houses for my family. I would use most of the land to develop a business. In my case, doing this would be very important since I grew up poor. I would need to ensure that I would have a source of income and a way to sustain the activities on the land. An efficient way to do this would be to develop the land in some way suitable to the land. In this case, I would use the land to develop a language and confidence training camp. It has long been my dream to build a perfect language learning center—a place where people could go to learn a language, to immerse themselves in the language, to meet other people and to have fun while doing so. In conclusion, I would like to make one more point. I must admit that I feel somewhat guilty about the idea of accepting such a gift of land. There is a part of me that is somewhat idealistic and would like to think that the world is a beautiful place and that all humans should live together peacefully. From this viewpoint, I would say that no one can own land. As an American Indian once said, “Own the land? You might as well own the air or the sky!” However, this idea is inconsistent with the world today. Being more realistic, I would do what I detailed above.

麦丰 发表于 2003-12-28 01:00:57

Think of a new holiday

What is the point of the topic?
Essentially, this topic asks us to think of something that has been overlooked (ignored) by people in our country.

We were able to come up several good ideas for new holidays. Here are the best ones (the ones that are easiest to write about but are also interesting) from class:

Reading Day
Flower Day
Plant Day
Grandmother's Day
Pet Day
The Best Topic: Walking Day
Nuch came up with this idea. This is a great idea because we can talk about several important things:

First, people need to exercise more in their lives and walking is a good way to do this.

Second, by walking instead of driving or using public transportation, people can reduce pollution and thereby protect the environment.

Finally, by walking, people are deliberately slowing down their lives. This is a good way to reduce stress and learn to think about our lives.

If you would like to write on another topic, I think "reading day" is the second best choice.

For this kind of topic we can write three topics sentences and then make those sentences into paragraphs.

This is what we did in class:


First, walking is good exercise.
Second, by walking, we can reduce pollution and thereby protect the environment.
Third, by walking, people can slow down the pace of their lives.
Finally, we could celebrate this holiday by encouraging people to walk instead of driving or taking the bus for at least one trip during the day.

Here, we essentially have the outline for our essay. The next step is to add some more sentences to complete the essay. Here's an example of how would could do that:

TestMagic Estimated Score: 5.5/6.0

Most countries already have many holidays. In my country, Taiwan, we have nineteen official holidays. However, I believe that my new holiday, "Walking Day" would be very beneficial and should be added to the nineteen holidays Taiwan already has. In this essay, I will outline the three main reasons why "Walking Day" would be a very good holiday.

First, walking is good exercise. As we all know, people all over the world are becoming busier and busier. They are studying more and more so that they can have better jobs. When they work, they are working more and more. As a result, people have less time for other important things in their lives, including exercise. We can read reports in the newspapers everyday about people who have worse health and complain about poor health condition. Many of these problems could be reduced by exercising more and walking is one of the best and simplest exercises for people.

Second, by walking, we can reduce pollution and thereby protect the environment. As technology improves all over the world and people have more and more money, they are starting to use this money to buy automobiles. As a result, people are using public transportation less and less. Driving one's own car every day has had a very large impact on the environment as a result of the pollution created by gas burning automobiles. Walking is the perfect way to reduce pollution since there are so many other benefits as well.

Finally, by walking, people can slow down the pace of their lives. Perhaps this is one of the greatest benefits of walking more. Life at the beginning of the new millennium is stressful--people are competing with each other for better jobs, countries and companies are competing with each other for business. Many people start to forget about the importance of slowing down in their lives, of simply enjoying the moment. People need to contemplate life more. Walking is a perfect opportunity to slow down, think about life, and simply enjoy the big, beautiful world that we live in.

Finally, we could celebrate this holiday by encouraging people to walk instead of driving or taking the bus for at least one trip during the day. I believe that people could find at least one trip during the day that they could make on foot instead of some other form of transportation. For example, if people usually drive to a large supermarket to buy food, perhaps they could walk to a closer, smaller market to buy only a few things. I believe that while people were walking, they would be able to enjoy the exercise and the fresh air and would be able to think calmly and clearly.

In short, if I had to create a new holiday, I would create "Walking Day" because of the many simple benefits it could provide us.

麦丰 发表于 2003-12-28 01:23:09



cattie 发表于 2004-1-1 16:56:16

Come on, Snoopykm, I believe you are already an adult and u should know better than count on such silly things~~ take some time to do real prep, rather than looking all over the world for a such website providing junk like predictions~~

雨中丁香 发表于 2007-3-7 22:32:39



雨中丁香 发表于 2007-3-7 22:39:07



nahilchn 发表于 2007-3-24 15:10:19


srdhr 发表于 2007-3-26 05:12:11


独自漫步的猫 发表于 2007-4-21 16:39:47

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