imong 发表于 2004-6-18 21:37:18

argument214 嘉文博译范文


In each city in the region of Treehaven, the majority of the money spent on government-run public school education comes from taxes that each city government collects. The region's cities differ, however, in the value they place on public education. For example, Parson City typically budgets twice as much money per year as Blue City does for its public schools---even though both cities have about the same number of residents. It seems clear, therefore, that Parson City residents care more about public school education than do Blue City residents.

The thrust of this argument is based on the idea that two different cities place different values on public education because they budget different amounts of money for their public schools. Although each city in the region of Treehaven gets the majority of the money spent on government-run public school education from taxes collected by each city’s governments, Parson City usually budgets twice as much money for public schools as does Blue City, even though the populations are similar. The arguer then concludes that Parson City residents therefore care more about public school education than Blue City residents. There are no facts presented in this argument that can logically lead to such a conclusion.

The entire argument is based on the flimsy premise that because the two cities have the same number of residents, they should therefore budget the same amount of money for each city’s schools. First of all, the money that each city “budgets” for its public schools does not necessarily indicate the value that each city’s residents place on public school education. There could be numerous other reasons for the discrepancy rather than the value that a city’s residents place on public education. For example, it is possible that Parson City’s budget for public education is twice that of Blue City because they have twice the number of students that Blue City has. The number of residents is not the key factor when deciding how much money a public school education system needs, the number of students attending each school district is of paramount importance. Blue City may have a far greater number of older residents, while Parson City may have a much younger average age demographic, demonstrated by a much higher population of school-age children. As another example, it is possible that Blue City “budgets” half the money for public school education that Parson City does because it supports its public schools through other means, such as public bonds or fees, rather than by a budget that comes from tax money. Perhaps Blue City has self-supporting public schools that do not require a budget from the city. In all of these cases, the value that each city places on its public school education is not determined merely by how much money is budgeted by its own city government.

Furthermore, the value or amount of “care” that Parson City or Blue City has for its public education is not necessarily indicated by each city’s budget for its public education system. The money that is budgeted cannot be directly equated with the value that a city’s residents place on its educational system. In theory, a city’s government should follow through with its residents’ wishes regarding how taxes are expended. However, in reality, what a government does may have very little to do with what its residents want, particularly on a short-term basis. It is highly likely that the residents of both cities place an equal value on public school education, regardless of the money budgeted by each city’s government.

In addition, it is possible that Blue City has a much higher proportion of religious or private educational institutions that are meeting its public education needs. Because these types of schools do not depend on governmental funds to operate, the need for public school funding may be half that of Parson City, which may have only public schools and no privately funded schools.

In summary, the arguer bases his or her argument on the fundamentally wrong idea that the amount of money budgeted by a city’s government is directly equivalent to how much that particular city’s residents care about its public school education system. When viewed from this perspective, it is obvious that this argument is not based on logical reasoning and it must therefore be rejected.

(637 words)










imong 发表于 2004-6-18 21:38:29

argument216 嘉文博译范文


The following appeared in a magazine article about planning for retirement.

"Because of its spectacular natural beauty and consistent climate, Clearview should be a top choice for anyone seeking a place to retire. As a bonus, housing costs in Clearview have fallen significantly during the past year, and real estate taxes remain lower than those in neighboring towns. Nevertheless, Clearview's mayor promises many new programs to improve schools, streets, and public services. Retirees in Clearview can also expect excellent health care as they grow older, since the number of physicians in the area is far greater than the national average."

With this argument, the writer attempts to persuade the reader that Clearview should be a top choice as a retirement destination due to its “spectacular natural beauty” and its consistent climate. The writer also states that other advantages to retiring in Clearview include the fact that housing costs have fallen “significantly” during the past year and that real estate taxes remain lower than those in neighboring towns. The writer goes on to state that even with lower housing costs and real estate taxes, the city’s mayor has promised new improvement programs for schools, streets and public services. Finally, the writer argues that because the number of physicians in the area is far greater than the national average, people who retire in Clearview can expect excellent health care. This argument is based on problematic reasoning and it should therefore be rejected.

The first problem is with the claim that people should retire in Clearview because of its “spectacular natural beauty”. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder – what one retiree considers natural beauty might be a barren landscape to another. Some people prefer deserts while others prefer forests. Furthermore, the writer claims that Clearview has a “consistent” climate. What type of “consistent” climate does it have? Antarctica and the Mojave Desert have consistent climates, yet it is doubtful that few people would want to retire there. Without describing what the “spectacular natural beauty” is and what type of consistent climate Clearview has, the argument fails to convince that it is an ideal retirement location.

The second problem arises from the writer’s claims that housing costs have fallen consistently in the past year and that real estate taxes are lower than those in surrounding towns. First of all, the mere fact that housing costs have fallen does not give a good indication of housing costs as compared to other possible retirement locations. It is possible that houses were outrageously priced one year ago and that they are still priced much higher than the national average. Similarly, real estate taxes may be lower than those of surrounding cities but may still be much higher relative to those of other potential retirement communities. Furthermore, even assuming that real estate taxes are lower, other taxes, such as sales or personal property taxes, may be much higher than everywhere else. Without stating the housing costs or real estate and other taxes relative to other potential retirement areas, the writer has critically weakened his or her argument.

In addition, the writer mentions the mayor’s promises to improve schools, streets and public services. Not much needs to be said about the validity of a politician’s promises, particularly during an election year – they are usually not worth the paper that they are printed on. The mere promises of a politician do not make for a convincing argument that one should retire in Clearview.

Finally, the writer argues that people who retire in Clearview can expect excellent healthcare because the number of physicians in the area is far greater than the national average. It simply does not follow that the number of physicians in an area has anything to do with the quality of the health care offered. It is possible that many of these physicians are retired themselves and do not practice medicine. Even more seriously, perhaps the city of Clearview has an extremely easy licensing procedure that allows practically anyone to become a physician. Without further supporting evidence, the mere number of physicians in the area has nothing to do with the quality of healthcare offered in Clearview.

In summary, the writer’s arguments sound like the Clearview tourism bureau wrote them – they sound good in the magazine article but fail to hold up under closer inspection. Without further proof that the stated benefits of Clearview for retirees in Clearview are actually beneficial, the writer’s argument fails to convince on its premise that Clearview is a good choice as a retirement destination.

(659 words)










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