rayszhang 发表于 2013-9-15 20:48:15


        In this memo the author claims that Monarch Books (MB) open a cafe in its store and it can attract more customers. To support one's view, the author cites that Monarch has a large customer base because it's wide selection of books on all subjects which has been in business at the same location for more than twenty years. The author also says that space planning for children's book section should be changed for the cafe and one of the Monarch Books' competitors Regal Books has recently opened its own cafe. However the argument relies on a series of unsubstantiated assumptions, which render it unconvincing as it stands.
        First of all the author unfairly claims that MB should open its own cafe because the Regal Books has done it. Yet the author has not provide any information about whether Regal Books has achieved or not. Even if Regal Books has attracted more customers by opening its own cafe, the author assumes that opening a cafe of MB is both necessary and sufficient for its purpose. Yet the author has not provided any evidence to substantiate either assumption. Without considering and eliminating the dissimilarity between MB and Regal Books, the author's assertion should not be taken seriously.
        Secondly, granted that opening a cafe may attract some customers, the author unfairly recommends that to replace the room planned for children's book section. The author cites that the most recent national census indicates a significant decline in the percentage of the population under age ten. However the author ignores a host of other possible scenarios. Perhaps although the decline of the percentage of the population under age ten, the exact number of the children that came to visit MB is still large enough. Or perhaps with the improvement of the awareness of reading books, parents now are much more willing to buy books planed for children. Since the author fails to consider and rule out the possibility, the author cannot draw the conclusion that opening a cafe would attract more customers.
        Finally, the author concluded that for MB's large customer base, opening a cafe would attract more customers. The author overlooks other possible reasons of ensuring the customers instead of the section of the books. It is entirely possible that the customers came just because MB doesn't open a cafe thus smells clear. Without weighing the proposal against and ruling out alternative explanation of attracting the customers, the author cannot convince me that opening a cafe of its own is needed.
        In conclusion, the author's recommendation is unpersuasive. To strengthen its view, the author should provide more convincing evidence for a cafe attracts more customers. To better evaluate the assumption, we should also need more information of the major part of the customers and the aim of the Monarch Books.

writing101 发表于 2013-9-22 20:11:04

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