mz31098 发表于 2013-9-30 13:03:14

issue 04 求狠批 ! >_< !

写了1个小时,提纲参考了李建林issue5.5, 要是考试写这种类型就跪了。

4) Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

Scandals which often appears on the headline of various mass media can add color to people's dull routine of everyday life. Meanwhile thanks to this capability of eye-catching, it plays an important role on the normal functioning of our society and maintaining ethical culture. However if the mainstream media focus too much on these scandals, we can't get the proportional benefit from it.

Inevitably, there are some blind point on the surveillance system of our society, and these are the places where scandals make a difference. No matter how rigorous our monitoring mechanisms are, there still would be breaches of morality escaped from the public eyes. Without scandals, these evil things may never be exposed to the public and then the beneficial owner of these activities are appeased to transgress further more. This would cause a shameful distort to the moral standards of our society. Take the water-gate scandal as an example, we can't deny that the scandal helps to defend the independence and fairness of the US political structure.

However, it is the flaw of the social surveillance mechanism that enable scandal to play an positive role, this means scandals are not that useful categorically as its only a second best solution. The optimal choice is to remedy the weakness on the current system. For example, it is once reported that the students in XX university had group sex in their dormitory. After the scandal, the school enhanced the surveillance on the students dormitory building. But if the school value the campers ethos at the beginning, the spreading of the scandals can be avoid and the university's reputation is saved.     

Otherwise, if the society rely too much on the scandals to evoke the people's sense of justice and then solve the potential problems, other acute issues would arise. We have to admit that it is human weakness makes scandals attractive to us. With the attention obtained by publishing various striking scandals, the mass media can grab huge profits from related business campaign. This further encourage the generating and mining of more scandals. Even worse, these scandal may exaggerate the truth to create a sensation. At that time we will be living in a society saturated with lies and vulgar publications, and scandals definitely plays a negative role in that situation.

All in all, we should treat scandals dialectically, on the one hand it they can help us focus on the concealed problems, on the other hand, we should not rely it too much, but allow it to function freely at the right time.

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