sonyuva 发表于 2013-10-22 17:40:29

PhD全奖机会-Data Mining/Decision Making方向

本帖最后由 sonyuva 于 2014-2-5 16:33 编辑

2014 Fall PhD全奖机会,现在系里有几个特级全额奖学金机会,欢迎背景符合的同学申请,希望帮助我们中国同学拿到这几个位置。这个是工程学院发的奖学金,比regular full financial support 高50%,大约27000/year,连续4年到PhD毕业,中间没有funding压力,是非常好的机会。

PhD招生方向是data mining/machine learning/decision-making, 该研究方向是美国job market上最热薪水最高的方向。毕业后找faculty或是工业界大公司工作机会多。欢迎数学基础和编程好的同学申请,尤其是IE/数学统计/CS/自动化等相关专业的同学。如果感兴趣,把简历(注明GRE/TOEFL成绩),成绩单以及任何感觉有用的材料发到,Dr. Wang会很快给出反馈和建议。COSMOS lab 是优化和decision making方面的顶级lab,具体信息可看下面的英文介绍和相关网站。

UT Arlington 在美国第四大的达拉斯都市圈,是目前美国经济发展最好的区域,生活丰富便利,大公司密集,2014年将开通直达中国航线。UT Arlington 工业与系统工程系最近毕业PhD工作去向有United Airlines, American Airlines, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Amazon, General Motors, Expedia, Washington University in St. Louis (Business School Faculty), etc.

Dr. Shouyi Wang in the Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering (IMSE) at University of Texas at Arlington is actively looking for qualified Ph.D. students who will start in spring 2014 (preferred)  or fall 2014. Graduate students or undergraduate with background in data mining, machine learning, mathematical modeling, statistics/bioinformatics, computer science, systems and control engineering are encouraged to apply. If you are interested, please send your CV, transcripts, and TOEFL/GRE scores to Accepted Ph.D. students will be provided with full financial support for the entire PhD study (mostly 4 years). His professional website is:

Background Information: Dr. Wang is conducting world-leading research in Big Data Analytics, Data Fusion, Pattern Recognition, Complex Systems Modeling; Intelligent Decision Making Systems, and Medical Diagnosis and Prognostics. His research has strong connections to industry and business. Dr. Wang also works on Operations Research and Management Information Systems with collaborations in Business school. Dr. Wang's research is supported by US NSF (National Science Foundation) and Industry Companies. PhD graduates in the research topics are popular and highly demanded/highly paid in the US job
market. Recent Ph.D. graduates in related areas from IMSE Department at UT-Arlington got jobs in United Airlines, American Airlines, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Amazon, General Motors, Expedia, Washington University in St. Louis (Business School Faculty), etc. Dr. Wang is also active in high-tech start-up companies in both US and China.

Located at the heart of the US fourth largest metropolitan areas (Dallas/Fort Worth Area), the IMSE Department at UT Arlington is very strong in both world-leading research activities and industry support and collaborations. With great resources and Texas state support, the department has a strategic plan to be among the US top 30 Industrial & Systems Engineering Program in the next three years. Currently, if industrial support and fundings accounted, the IMSE program at UT Arlington is one of the best that located in big cities.

mopq000 发表于 2013-10-22 21:39:45

zyx123321 发表于 2013-10-27 18:02:12


cinkie 发表于 2013-10-30 18:47:25


cooljeren 发表于 2013-11-8 22:44:32


小硕鼠 发表于 2013-11-10 08:44:18

thx for sharing

独家记忆 发表于 2014-2-23 21:03:56

这样也有可以有! 真是满满的机会啊
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