About ScoreItNowhttps://www.dxrgroup.com/DxR_GRE/index.html
NOTE: 付费前认真注意读一下网站上的FAQs.
(3)付费后就可以使用了。有两种模式可以选择,一是考试的状态Test Experience ,就是完全跟考试一样的,题目是从题库里随机抽取的(我就是这样考的),两篇连着考;二是练习状态,就是你自己选了题目写完了交上去,让它评分,时间不限,还可以查字典。
The ScoreItNow! service can be purchased with the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and JCB.
Buy one essay submission per credit card transaction?
The minimum you can purchase is two. If you select the Practice Option, you may purchase more in multiples of two. However, the additional responses must also be in the Practice Option.
我是用的中国银行的长城卡visa, 用的别人的户,因为自己办很复杂:要500美元的押金,每年12美元的费用而且是从你申请的当天就扣,办卡的过程要10天。
* Respond to Graduate Record Examinations? (GRE) General Test analytical writing topics created and tested by ETS writers.
* Select the Practice Option and compose your responses online or offline; select the Test Experience Option and compose your responses online.
* Submit your responses online and get immediate scores on your responses from e-rater?, ETS's groundbreaking automated scoring system.
* Review sample responses on the topics you select.
* Review general suggestions for improving your writing skills.
* Receive diagnostic feedback on your response.
Using the ScoreItNow! service is easy...just
* Review the GRE General Test analytical writing section scoring guides, score level descriptions, and sample topics for the test's * Present Your Perspective on an Issue and Analyze an Argument tasks
* Preview the GRE General Test analytical writing topics
* Purchase an ID and password to access the service
* Select to write your responses in the Practice Option or Test Experience Option
* Submit your responses to ScoreItNow! for immediate scoring
ScoreItNow! will present you with two options: the Practice Option and the Test Experience Option. The cost for each option selected is $10.00.
General Information:
* Purchase additional topics in multiples of two.
* Submit responses anytime within six months from date of purchase.
The Practice Option:
* Purchase topics in any mixture, i.e., one Issue and one Argument or two of the same type. Each purchase includes two topics.
* Write responses online or offline.
* The tasks will not be timed in this option.
* Receive a score for each response submitted.
* Receive additional feedback.
The Test Experience Option:
* One GRE General Test analytical writing section (one Issue topic and one Argument topic) will be delivered.
* Test will deliver two Issue tasks and the user will pick one; Issue task will be timed (45 minutes).
* Test will deliver one Argument task; Argument task will be timed (30 minutes).
* Write responses online using the same word processing features as the GRE General Test.
* Receive a score for each response submitted and a total score.
* Receive additional feedback.
Feedback includes:
* Scoring guide text for each of the scores you receive
* Score level description for the total score you receive (Test Experience only)
* Scored sample responses for each of the two topics on which responses were submitted
* Diagnostic information
Which option should you choose?
Select the Practice Option if you want to select topics and have the option of composing your response online or offline. If you compose offline you will need to copy and paste your response into the ScoreItNow! text box before submitting for scoring. You can select to purchase any combination of the two topic types, i.e., one each or two alike. You will not be constrained by the GRE General Test's time allotment for the analytical writing section. Remember, though, that your response will be scored based on standards associated with a response written in the GRE General Test's allotted time for Issue and Argument tasks.
Select the Test Experience option if you want to duplicate the experience you will have in an actual GRE General Test. Remember, with this option you must compose your responses online and within the time allotted in the actual test. (Be aware that in ScoreItNow! you will make your Issue topic selection outside the 45 minutes allotted to this task in the General Test. In the actual test, the time spent selecting the Issue topic will be included in the 45 minutes.) GOOD,3x. 我怎么都没找到付钱的地方啊
摆脱指点一下 谢谢! 雪夭:
登陆后(前提是你已经注册了),在左侧点击Buy Service,然后在弹出的页面点I Accept, 就可以进入付费的页面,填入要求的信息,其中包括你visa卡的卡号,持卡人姓名,卡的到期时间等。 我byservice后出来是这样, 我已经开过油箱了,可是那个confirmation link 点了没用,我复制到上面了,进去的截面是错误,郁闷啊~~~~~~~~哭死
A confirmation email has been sent to the email address you have entered. When you receive this email, click on the confirmation link in the message to continue with your purchase.
The confirmation email message may take a few minutes to arrive. We appreciate your patience. 你到底付了费没有?付了费就应该可以用了。
如果ets发到你邮箱里的连接失效,建议你重新注册一个户 我已经注册两个了,就是没的继续purchase
绝望中 好象行了,Visa卡有什么限制吗?我妈妈那张好象不是中行的啊