paisley 发表于 2004-3-7 17:43:26


请教一个关于Assistant Professor的问题

送交者: 很奇怪 2004年3月03日07:13:28 于 [教育与学术]  


我在一个top15的学校读书(EE), 经常听到一些同胞在
聊一个Assistant Professor的工资问题. 感觉下来也就是6-7万/年。
但是到公司的,EE的博士找个8-9万的工作也是很正常的。 为什么还是
有那么多要去聘大学的 Assistant Professor. 据说竞争还非常激烈,

所以我就想问一下, 跟公司比, 在大学里
作Assistant Professor到底有些什么好处? 真是不明白.


送交者: paladin 2004年3月03日13:57:29 于 [教育与学术]  

回 答: 请教一个关于Assistant Professor的问题 由 很奇怪 于 2004年3月03日07:13:28:



送交者: rhetor 2004年3月03日09:50:30 于 [教育与学术]  

回 答: 请教一个关于Assistant Professor的问题 由 很奇怪 于 2004年3月03日07:13:28:


AAUP survey

送交者: Nonsense1 2004年3月03日18:32:34 于 [教育与学术]  

回 答: 钱是职业的副产品 由 rhetor 于 2004年3月03日09:50:30:

According to AAUP survey, the average salaries for the top 20 universities in FY 2002:
Assistant professor: min $7700/month (Washington U), max $9400/month (Caltech)
Associate professor: min $8911/month (NYSB), max $10900/month (Stanford)
Full Professor: min $13100/month (Rice), max $16800/month (Harvard)
in addition, 8%-15% annual salary for 403k.
Thus, in addition to the many advantages mentioned above, financially they are also in good condition. Academic freedom and independence are priceless.

If you are really talented, with passion for science

送交者: xxxyyy 2004年3月03日16:05:05 于 [教育与学术]  

回 答: No Guts? 由 rhetor 于 2004年3月03日13:32:54:

yeah, go for academia. However, most people are not. And most professors are not. It is so easy to look at a few very successful and established professors, but forget much more average professors. You think you are smarter than them, work harder than them, get luckier than them? About 成就感, you may publish 100 papers in a number of years, but people can still say: look at big guy xxxxx, who published 400 papers

And you must have luck! I have seen not only once that smart young scientists with strong background from top school and top lab, worked hard for 5-6 years but failed to get tenure. If you go to academia, you'd better do top research. Otherwise it is not worthwhile of trying it. For most ordinary people like me, industry is better.

Money, of cause it is important. You have to think about your family, your kids, your parents. If you want them to have a comfortable life, you get to have money. My labmate got faculty offer, $50K. I get industry offers, twice as much as my labmate.If you can not be successful in industry, you can not be successful in academia either.

Job Sucurity and Life Style

送交者: bnu48 2004年3月03日08:56:17 于 [教育与学术]  

回 答: 请教一个关于Assistant Professor的问题 由 很奇怪 于 2004年3月03日07:13:28:

Working at a university has very good job security and more freedom. It is a different life style compared with working for a company. Working for a company, you may have a high salary job but you may lose your job on any day! However, working at a university, you may get less money for the base salary, but you have opportunity to make even more money by grants, side consulting, and teaching. At a university, you literaly have freedom once you get a tenure. The most important thing is that you are yourself and do whatever you are willing to do at a university. Plus university working environment is more friendly than industry. This is just my personal oppionion and I never worked for a company and all my work are at higher education institutions. I love working for education and it is truely my personal interest in addtion to other reasons I stated here.

lilin54 发表于 2004-3-8 15:13:02



carrot2000 发表于 2004-3-8 16:41:05

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