825325529 发表于 2014-6-9 22:45:15

处女作!!!纪念 6.9 argument 处女作问世!亲们狠批啊。。。。

Argument  13

In this argument,the author recommends that if Prunty county increases it’s lane widths, resurfaces rough highways, and improves visibility at dangerous interscetions can decrease it’s  number of accidents.To support his recommendation, the author cite the evidence that Butler County roads have decreased its’ accidents than five years ago. This seems reasonable at first glance,however, the argument suffers from several flaws and therefore it is unconvincing as it stands.

In the first place, the author assumes that though limited speed from 55 to 45 miles per hour on all county highways in Prunty County,the number of accidents has not decrease.the author ignores other reasons may lead to the cause of accidents.for example, the condition of road and weather, also, some other factors,such as the drivers’ conscious of safety,some drivers often drive after drink.the author fails to take into consideration these all factors, solely by limit the drive speed is not sufficient to draw it’s assumption.

In the second place, the author make a unpropriate analogues between Prunty County and Butler County.the condition of Prunty and Butler may not similar at all aspects.for example ,the lane widths,the extent of rough of 2 different rigions,and some other aspects such as the condition of weather,people’s extent of cautious and so on. Moreover ,the conditon of Butler County 5 years ago very likely not similar to Prunty.Regardless of the differences between two counties,It’s unfair for the author  to draw such analogues.

The last but not the least,the author assumes 25% fewer reported accidents in Butler County this past than there 5 years ago.whether the static is persuasive is in doubt,because there is no evidence or furthermore survey can prove this data is true.and the author need to provide a actual data rather than just a percentage,because there are some other case to lead to this.for example,it is very likely that  the  population of past year is much more than it is 5 years ago. So perhaps the number of accidents is larger than before.

To improve highway safety,the government should consider factors as many as possible.including the limited speed ,the condition of highway,and it is also necessary to reinforce the awareness of safety in all ages.

To sum up, it’s unfair for the author to concluds that Prunty County  should undertake the same kind of road improvement project that Butler County completed 5 years ago, He  fails to take all possiblilities into consideration, if he were to take the problems above into consideration, the argument would be much more reasonable.

crucifyblue 发表于 2014-6-12 12:10:54

都米有人点评啊( ⊙ o ⊙ )本来也想发自己的处女座的,现在想想还是把自己的处留给别人吧- -

825325529 发表于 2014-6-14 14:38:43

crucifyblue 发表于 2014-6-12 12:10 static/image/common/back.gif
都米有人点评啊( ⊙ o ⊙ )本来也想发自己的处女座的,现在想想还是把自己的处留给别人吧- -
lz的文章,我 ...

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