maxwellsh 发表于 2014-7-20 11:33:00

上海飛悉尼,香港中轉,到底需要visa label嗎?

剛才在攜程看到有個提醒:如果從香港等地中轉去澳洲,請向澳洲使館申請visa label。請問,這個提醒,是不是針對乘客從大陸進入香港這個階段?我有香港長期visa,還要申請澳洲visa label嗎?


photonn 发表于 2014-7-20 14:44:52

本帖最后由 photonn 于 2014-7-20 14:56 编辑

These following arrangements apply to Chinese and other nationals departing from in the People’s Republic of China:

If you are travelling from an airport in Mainland China to Hong Kong (or any other international transit point) en route to Australia, it is strongly recommended that you ensure that the airline at your point of departure is able to issue your boarding pass to Australia. The Ministry of Public Security has advised that unless a passenger has a boarding pass for Australia, he/she will be unable to travel with a label-free visa. In this situation, you should request for a visa label with the relevant Australian authorities, or reconsider your route.

For more details of this new arrangement, please refer to the website of the Australian Embassy in China:

If you are travelling from an airport in mainland China to Hong Kong (or an international transit destination) en-route to Australia, it is strongly recommended that you carry your visa grant letter and forward travel itinerary when you travel.


maxwellsh 发表于 2014-8-1 09:23:18

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