Modestide.Liu 发表于 2014-8-15 12:23:49


      国内211&985本科(非前十),社科类专业 (Politics and Administration Management),均分86+,雅思6.5,Gmat 600+,全球前100名商学院exchange student 一学期,均分80.28,各种水项目科研活动领头人,暂无论文发表,各种社团组织主席社长云云,与教授合著了《Principle of the Public Relationship》一书,撰写的是Public Relation and Business Ethics 一章节,书目前已出版发行。一份实习在当地机械行业小公司做财务部实习生,一份在CCTV Business Channel做News Editor,一份在Aon Hewitt做薪酬福利咨询的实习,最近一份是在百事Pepsico做HR实习。

1:如果申请澳洲的商学院的Organizational behaviour/Human Resources management或者Management的Phd或者Master by Research的话,有可能吗?申请到奖学金一般可以拿到什么程度?
3:如果去英国或者香港读一个taught master以后转申请澳洲的相关学科phd可能性大吗?

a181987088 发表于 2014-8-15 16:14:23

据我所知,澳洲大学商学院在录取PhD或Mphil的时候比较看重GPA, research proposal, 和statement of purpose. GMAT 很多学校不是必须(具体得看招生要求,像UNSW就需要),但600+是不具有竞争力的。建议1.丰富自己的研究经历,2.根据心仪学校的要求看是否需要再考一次GMAT.

1. 能否录取PhD或Mphil以及拿到奖学金主要看你的条件在convenor眼中是否达到honor的标准(个人认为成绩和研究经历很重要)。Phd的奖学金一般是免学费加25000+ p.a. 的stipend,当然可能还会有topup(数额幅度较大)。
2. 单纯的会计硕士(Master by taught),个人认为lz的条件足够了。
3. 英国及香港的Master of Science 的学位有帮助,但研究经历很重要(据我所知,澳洲有的学校需要硕士有论文才予以承认,未证实),建议如果被taught program录取了,可以跟着导师写写论文。
4. 学费请查阅各校招生手册,生活费丰俭随君。
5. 据我所知,相对容易。

photonn 发表于 2014-8-15 17:58:14

本帖最后由 photonn 于 2014-8-15 22:57 编辑

@Modestide.Liu 虽然没有paper,但是楼主丰富的经历还是蛮赞的。

1.1:Generally speaking, it's not easy to get scholarships in Business School in Australia.
1.2:Have you got any postgraduate degree?
2: Strictly speaking, your ielts scores can't satisfy PhD requirement for University of Melbourne(7.0 (written 7.0 with no band less than 6.0)) or University of Sydney(IELTS 7.0 (with a minimum of 6.5 in each band)), but in fact the scores are negotiable for a doctor degree so it's possible to get admitted with less ielts scores.
3: Why? Pros or Cons?
4: It depends .. For "Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting" in USyd, it's "$36,000 (AUD) per year of full-time study of 48 credit points", for "1 year full time/2 years part time".
5: The employment rate for Accounting is kind of dropping in recent years, too many Chinese studying Accounting there. So be careful.  But Accounting is still one of the few possibilities to get a visa and a path to permanent residency in AU.

Unlike US or CA, AU is more welcoming to immigrants posing less restrictions on them. A good choice.

If I were you, I may wanna choose "Public Policy and Management Programs" in this new University:
Carnegie Mellon University-Australia Graduate School

Here's some information on this Graduate School:

Hence you can study something related to your previous major "Politics and Administration Management" or something related to Public Relationship. And you have a chance to travel to US for the second year. You wouldn't lose much if you couldn't hit this school, would you?

Maybe you'd like to discuss the choices on your list with the coauthors of "《Principle of the Public Relationship》" if they're available.

Modestide.Liu 发表于 2014-8-16 01:00:26

photonn 发表于 2014-8-15 17:58 static/image/common/back.gif
@Modestide.Liu 虽然没有paper,但是楼主丰富的经历还是蛮赞的。

1.1:Generally speaking, it's not ea ...

Hi,Photonn, thank you so much for your patient reply.
1:I will be a senior undergraduate student by the Sept. so I do not have an postgraduate degree,I heard about it would be a great advantage if you hold an postgraduate degree in applying for AU PhD. is it the truth?
2:Actually,I have taken the second IELTS last weekend and I am still waiting for the scores, I think  overall 7.0 will not be a problem.I am also going to refresh the GMAT score by this Sept.
3:The reason why I would like to choose taught master program in UK or HK is that I am not confident enough to get the admission of the master by research programs, I initially plan to work a few years in the relevant industry before applying for the PhD program.
4:I have the intention to immigrant to AU, so that's why I am interested in the Accounting master,I am not really familiar with the CMU-AU program,Do I need to pass the GRE when I apply for the public policy? Could you provide me with some details about the career perspectives of the CMU-AU program?Does it share the same reputation as the other AU top universities?
Many Thanks!

Modestide.Liu 发表于 2014-8-16 01:05:48

a181987088 发表于 2014-8-15 16:14 static/image/common/back.gif
据我所知,澳洲大学商学院在录取PhD或Mphil的时候比较看重GPA, research proposal, 和statement of purpose ...

2:是不是本科生没有paper申请商学院的PhD基本没有可能了,感觉他们的PhD student Profile都很强大
3:之前没有相关的Accounting的internship会不会影响申请会计硕士(master by taught)呢?因为一直都是按照申请HRM准备的,所以好多背景其实都是HR相关的。

photonn 发表于 2014-8-16 10:30:21

本帖最后由 photonn 于 2014-8-17 11:55 编辑

Modestide.Liu 发表于 2014-8-16 01:00 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi,Photonn, thank you so much for your patient reply.
1:I will be a senior undergraduate student  ...

1. Refer to point 2 in this post:

4.1 Applicants must provide a valid score for the GRE or GMAT test below.

Graduate Records Exam (GRE)
Students must achieve an average minimum score of 300   
Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT)
Students must achieve an average minimum score of 600

4.2 Career Outcomes:
I don't think you would really believe everything they list there.

4.3 Reputation unclear, which might pose a risk.
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查看完整版本: 申请澳洲会计硕士或者PhD求定位