MCF10A 发表于 2014-10-10 09:29:08


本帖最后由 MCF10A 于 2016-8-25 23:31 编辑


MCF10A 发表于 2014-10-11 22:43:50

houzitaotao 发表于 2014-10-11 12:27 static/image/common/back.gif
You have a great resume. I believe you can get interviews for most schools.
Since you have rich res ...

Thanks so much for replying.

I think the point you're making is education&training is more important than prestige/name of institute/PI.(correct me if I'm wrong). The questions I have are:
(1)Where could I access the ranking/database for education quality of PhD programs besides actually ask current graduate students in these programs? Should I avoid those post-doc dominant institutes(Sloan Kettering, Rockefeller, etc)?
(2) My PI told me the name of PhD adviser and prestige of PhD institution are quite important for getting a postdoc position in top-notch lab and future academic career.(since top-notch PIs are looking for postdocs either from a bi-name lab, or who has great publications, and a big-name PI as corresponding author would make it way easier to publish on a top journal than a normal PI as corresponding author.) These points seem to be against your point that "I do not think top 50 programs in cancer research would make a big difference". Do you have any comments on that?

Thanks again.

dxy001 发表于 2014-10-17 08:01:09

jwest 发表于 2014-12-3 19:48:10


先行者 发表于 2014-12-9 02:33:03

建议楼主三思, 做实验的这条生物路代价太大了。一句话就是:投入和产出严重不成比例,畸形的无力吐槽。 如果楼主不需要考虑未来的经济问题,可以长期接受打击的话,那么就申请吧。

从楼主resume来看,还只主攻TOP20 program吧。看各个program有没有publication很好的PI。

综合排名低的program 不能给你很好的peer environment,跟非著名PI将来不好混。
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