本帖来自"14年秋季GRE提纲+全文互改小组",欢迎关注!你还可以查看更多小组、创建小组131 Claim: Researchers should not limit their investigations to only those areas in which they expect to discover something that has an immediate, practical application.Reason: It is impossible to predict the outcome of a line of research with any certainty.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
请回帖时按照这里的指引列出英语提纲并用汉语解释并根据指引点评楼上的提纲。 第一个回帖的同学不必点评。
指引:https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1777364-1-1.html From my perspective, whether the claim is right or wrong depends on which field the investigations are in. In science fields, such as mathematics, physics and chemicals, researchers should not limit their investigations by judging the use of them. In engineering fields, researchers should only do investigations to the areas that are expected to have an immediate, practical application. In social science fields, such as economics, whether the claim is true depends on specific situations. I disagree with the reason because whether the outcome can be predicted or not does not influence whether the investigation should be limited or not..
In science fields, such as mathematics, physics and chemicals, researchers should not limit their investigations to only those areas in which they expect to discover something that has an immediate, practical application. 基础学科的重要之处在于让人们认识世界,并且推动其他应用学科的发展。基础学科的直接应用价值不明显,其中的科学发现往往需要与应用学科(例如机械、光电等)结合才会看到明显的应用效果。由于基础学科领域的目的在于认识世界,并且不能预测新发现的应用方式,因此不应该以应用为目的进行基础学科的研究。举例:法拉第发现电磁感应现象时有人质疑其用处,如今生活中无处不在的话筒和电动机中都应用到了电磁感应现象。
In engineering fields, researchers should only do investigations to the areas that are expected to have an immediate, practical application.工程学科的主要目的在于制造工具改变人们的生活,也就是以应用为主要目的,因此应该只在有快速实际应用效果的领域进行研究。由于工程学科研究的成本较高,这样不但能够根据需求寻找解决方法,还能节约研究成本以免造成资源浪费,达到时间、人力、资源的多方面高效率利用。举例:需要照明,所以爱迪生专门测试灯丝材料发明电灯;人们需要机器人在不同领域进行服务,因此按照不同功能发明了多种机器人。(问题:有没有有新意、近几年的具体例子?)
In social science fields, such as economics, whether the claim is true depends on specific situations.社会科学分为了解人类发展规律的领域和应用的领域。了解人类发展规律的领域和基础学科领域类似,可以不考虑应用价值而进行研究;例如经济学中研究各国经济发展规律、资金流转规律的领域。对于偏重应用的价值,需要根据可应用程度决定是否进行研究;例如经济学中队某一个政策所造成影响的考察,该研究的成果将会直接决定该项政策是否能够继续实施。
I disagree with the reason that it is impossible to predict the outcome of a line of research with certainty because whether the outcome can be predicted or not does not influence whether the investigation should be limited or not. 对于针对其应用价值的研究,若该研究有应用价值,那么无论调查结果能否被预测,最终的研究结果都可以指示研究着们采取相应措施和行动。对于认识规律的研究,无论是否能够预测研究结果,最终的研究冲过都可以帮助人们认识自然或者社会规律。因此,能否预测研究成果与是否应该根据应用价值决定是否进行研究无关。
ClaretZ 发表于 2014-10-27 00:34 static/image/common/back.gif
From my perspective, whether the claim is right or wrong depends on which field the investigations a ...
131 Claim: Researchers should not limit their investigations to only those areas in which they expect to discover something that has an immediate, practical application.
Reason: It is impossible to predict the outcome of a line of research with any certainty.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
From my perspective, whether the claim is right or wrong depends on which field the investigations are in. In science fields, such as mathematics, physics and chemicals, researchers should not limit their investigations by judging the use of them. In engineering fields, researchers should only do investigations to the areas that are expected to have an immediate, practical application. In social science fields, such as economics, whether the claim is true depends on specific situations. I disagree with the reason because whether the outcome can be predicted or not does not influence whether the investigation should be limited or not..
In science fields, such as mathematics, physics and chemicals, researchers should not limit their investigations to only those areas in which they expect to discover something that has an immediate, practical application. 基础学科的重要之处在于让人们认识世界,并且推动其他应用学科的发展。基础学科的直接应用价值不明显,其中的科学发现往往需要与应用学科(例如机械、光电等)结合才会看到明显的应用效果。由于基础学科领域的目的在于认识世界,并且不能预测新发现的应用方式,因此不应该以应用为目的进行基础学科的研究。举例:法拉第发现电磁感应现象时有人质疑其用处,如今生活中无处不在的话筒和电动机中都应用到了电磁感应现象。
或许你可以指出针对理科的研究 这个reason是成立的 理论研究本身具有不确定性 能有什么应用也不确定
In engineering fields, researchers should only do investigations to the areas that are expected to have an immediate, practical application.工程学科的主要目的在于制造工具改变人们的生活,也就是以应用为主要目的,因此应该只在有快速实际应用效果的领域进行研究。由于工程学科研究的成本较高,这样不但能够根据需求寻找解决方法,还能节约研究成本以免造成资源浪费,达到时间、人力、资源的多方面高效率利用。举例:需要照明,所以爱迪生专门测试灯丝材料发明电灯;人们需要机器人在不同领域进行服务,因此按照不同功能发明了多种机器人。(问题:有没有有新意、近几年的具体例子?)
立项前可以做feasibility study
工程研究可以先做计算机模拟 预测可能的结果
往往有企业资助 需要有实际应用
In social science fields, such as economics, whether the claim is true depends on specific situations.社会科学分为了解人类发展规律的领域和应用的领域。了解人类发展规律的领域和基础学科领域类似,可以不考虑应用价值而进行研究;例如经济学中研究各国经济发展规律、资金流转规律的领域。对于偏重应用的价值,需要根据可应用程度决定是否进行研究;例如经济学中队某一个政策所造成影响的考察,该研究的成果将会直接决定该项政策是否能够继续实施。
这个你再考虑一下 第一要简化 第二要加入reason的讨论
I disagree with the reason that it is impossible to predict the outcome of a line of research with certainty because whether the outcome can be predicted or not does not influence whether the investigation should be limited or not. 对于针对其应用价值的研究,若该研究有应用价值,那么无论调查结果能否被预测,最终的研究结果都可以指示研究着们采取相应措施和行动。对于认识规律的研究,无论是否能够预测研究结果,最终的研究冲过都可以帮助人们认识自然或者社会规律。因此,能否预测研究成果与是否应该根据应用价值决定是否进行研究无关。
这段可删去 本帖最后由 raikkonen36 于 2014-11-3 11:13 编辑
Claim: Researchers should not limit their investigations to only those areas in which they expect to discover something that has an immediate, practical application.
Reason: It is impossible to predict the outcome of a line of research with any certainty.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
It is possible to predict the outcome of a line of research. Nonetheless, as for the study which can bring disasters to human beings, even if researchers can forecast the result of such study, the study should be prohibited. In addition, as for the study which can brings benefits to human beings, even if researchers cannot predict the result of the study, the study should be encouraged.
1. It is possible to predict the outcome of a line of research. 这是因为,科学家对某个领域有个深刻的认识,掌握了这个研究领域的本质,当然可以预见其结果。例如:希勒教授对房地产市场泡沫的预测,在美国的次贷危机中得到验证,他通过过去分析几十年的数据和他自己对房地产市场的观察,2000年股市泡沫破灭之后,许多投资者将资金投向房地产市场,这使得美国乃至世界各地的房地产价格均出现了不同程度的上涨。房地产将出现大量泡沫,从而导致价格下跌。
2. Nonetheless, as for the study which can bring disasters to human beings, even if researchers can forecast the result of such study, the study should be prohibited. 例如生化武器。
3. In addition, as for the study which can brings benefits to human beings, even if researchers cannot predict the result of the study, the study should be encouraged. 即使现在科学家很难看出来其结果,但是确有对于这样的研究领域研究者也不能放弃。比如对外太空的研究:随着科技的发展及人口膨胀的原因人类迫切的想了解外界有没有适合人类居住的星球以及可利用的资源。但是,由于难度太大,研究者们很难在短期内取得成就,但这项研究从长远来看是很可能给人类带来巨大的利益的,因此也不能放弃。 第三段可以讲社会科学不需要限制自己的研究方向,比如心理学的价值是为人类心理、关系给出更科学的解释,但是实际应用上,即使没有心理学,人类还是有处理协调关系、审视、调整自己心态心情的能力,本来实用价值就不大。再比如哲学,它的价值也不在于应用,更多的在于激发人们的思考和内省。 (可能有点偏颇了,心理学的观点来自于一片老G的阅读。)