6月1日同主题练习 issue 7
本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2015-5-30 13:50 编辑7) Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people. Others believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts.
Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.
这道题的重点是对政府资助的正面功能和潜在风险的分析,要注意好处包括ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people而风险则在于threatens the integrity of the arts 需要提出自己的观点、立场同时要讨论两边的观点
这道题有一定难度 我已写示范在博客253楼
建议大家不要贸然写全文 可以考虑先参考我的思路
In this issue, the speaker said that there two different result of funding channeled into the art. One is that it will cause the bad result of devoting funding into art and another is that funding will deteriorate the integrity of art. In my point of view, I primarily agree with the benefit consequence of utility of money in art protection.
In the first place, Art is so important to everyday life of people. It is not only a precise deeply understanding of the past but experience of people who make effort to express the feeling in history. Art can definitely reflect the morality, feeling and ethos about the past which will help us to understand our precedents. It is just the example that the Picasso, who is a favorite and illustrious painter in the history, his most famous picture is the portrayal of the bombard town which was mercilessly destroyed by German. He was not directly picturing the detritus of the town but through delineating the visionary imagination to express the exact feeling of the people in that time. A decrepit woman who was running on the street, a girl with pessimism in her face, and a dead horse and a woman reflect the deep experience of the people about the warfare. As art is so important and meaningful for us to know the past and telling us if we do something caused disaster that we will just as the condition which pictured in the painting. It is this art to help understand we the so negative consequence of the confliction with two countries. So channel the government funding to protect art is necessary for us to be familiar with what happened in the past.
In the second place, Some people will say that will government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts. But we should know what is the integrity of the art. Art is not a implement of the past, it is the authentic expression of the past to let us know something. All of the art should be based on this target. Art is just something that will be broken during so much long time because of time will erode the materials of the art. If we do not take some actions to protect them, more and more art will disappear let alone the integrity of the art. Just like the museum where so much more arts displayed needs to be repaired every year, so we must take so much expense to do that.
What I mentioned above is my opinion about the funding used to coalesce with art. We should use the value of money to evaluate the art invaluable value. Channel money into art is just using the money as a measure to protect the integrity of the art not to destroy them. This is what I want to express in government funding towards arts.
本帖最后由 喵了个咪仔 于 2014-11-12 20:45 编辑
From this letter, the writter presents us two different opinions about whether a government should patronize the arts. I believe either one relies on his or her own consideration to draw such a conclusion. Nevertheless, I think both of them are extreme. Personally, I think there is never a straightforward answer to it and the answer is decided by cases. In other words, it depends on what the role does the government 's funding paly in it. For example, I think the government's funding could encourage artists to creat than make them compromise to the public taste. Besides,the government can ues the funding to patronize art museums and enable the citizens to watch the unique art works, easily.
As we know, the government's movement is under the sight of the whole citizens. Due to they are the resourse where the funding comes from. they want to know every details of where their money goes and whether their money benefits themselves. But experience tells us that most arts are avalible to a small part of people, so it is very likely that the government funding will go to a certain place,where the public can paticipate in it.
On the other hand, if the government's funding choose anthor way, the thing will be totally different. We all know that the Louvre Museum is regarded as the paradise of art. There are many amazing art works in it,like Venus and Mona.Lisa. Thus the people of French like to watch those works, for them art is an unalienate part of their lifes.
To sum up, it isn't whether the government should patronize but what the way the government take, that counts.
辩证的说下不同的情况政府应该采取的方式也不同,不仅是对于艺术品的展出,对于艺术家的创作政府同样应该给与支持。 踏上美利坚 发表于 2014-11-12 09:38 static/image/common/back.gif
In this issue, the speaker said that there two different result of funding channeled into the art. O ...
请先列提纲 和我讨论和修改后再写全文 喵了个咪仔 发表于 2014-11-12 20:44 static/image/common/back.gif
From this letter, the writ ...
7) Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people. Others believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts.
Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.
From this letter, the writter presents us two different opinions about whether a government should patronize the arts. I believe either one relies on his or her own consideration to draw such a conclusion. Nevertheless, I think both of them are extreme. Personally, I think there is never a straightforward answer to it and the answer is decided by cases. In other words, it depends on what the role does the government 's funding paly in it. For example, I think the government's funding could encourage artists to creat than make them compromise to the public taste. Besides,the government can ues the funding to patronize art museums and enable the citizens to watch the unique art works, easily.
首先你的这段话里有些灌水的套话 建议你删掉
不知道你这些句子是哪里来的 表达有问题 the answer is decided by cases.
题目中提到threatens the integrity of the arts 你在主旨句中没有回应
ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people 你也没有回应
或许你可以说政府不应直接资助艺术家 因为会影响独立创作
但是政府可以把钱给机构或博物馆 由它们自由支配
As we know, the government's movement is under the sight of the whole citizens. Due to they are the resourse where the funding comes from. they want to know every details of where their money goes and whether their money benefits themselves. But experience tells us that most arts are avalible to a small part of people, so it is very likely that the government funding will go to a certain place,where the public can paticipate in it.
On the other hand, if the government's funding choose anthor way, the thing will be totally different. We all know that the Louvre Museum is regarded as the paradise of art. There are many amazing art works in it,like Venus and Mona.Lisa. Thus the people of French like to watch those works, for them art is an unalienate part of their lifes.
To sum up, it isn't whether the government should patronize but what the way the government take, that counts.
辩证的说下不同的情况政府应该采取的方式也不同,不仅是对于艺术品的展出,对于艺术家的创作政府同样应该给与支持。 tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-13 02:26
7) Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people. Others believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts.
Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.
From this letter, the writter presents us two different opinions about whether a government should patronize the arts. I believe either one relies on his or her own consideration to draw such a conclusion. Nevertheless, I think both of them are extreme. Personally, I think there is never a straightforward answer to it and the answer is decided by cases. In other words, it depends on what the role does the government 's funding paly in it. For example, I think the government's funding could encourage artists to creat than make them compromise to the public taste. Besides,the government can ues the funding to patronize art museums and enable the citizens to watch the unique art works, easily.
首先你的这段话里有些灌水的套话 建议你删掉
不知道你这些句子是哪里来的 表达有问题 the answer is decided by cases.
题目中提到threatens the integrity of the arts 你在主旨句中没有回应
ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people 你也没有回应
或许你可以说政府不应直接资助艺术家 因为会影响独立创作
但是政府可以把钱给机构或博物馆 由它们自由支配
As we know, the government's movement is under the sight of the whole citizens. Due to they are the resourse where the funding comes from. they want to know every details of where their money goes and whether their money benefits themselves. But experience tells us that most arts are avalible to a small part of people, so it is very likely that the government funding will go to a certain place,where the public can paticipate in it.
On the other hand, if the government's funding choose anthor way, the thing will be totally different. We all know that the Louvre Museum is regarded as the paradise of art. There are many amazing art works in it,like Venus and Mona.Lisa. Thus the people of French like to watch those works, for them art is an unalienate part of their lifes.
To sum up, it isn't whether the government should patronize but what the way the government take, that counts.
辩证的说下不同的情况政府应该采取的方式也不同,不仅是对于艺术品的展出,对于艺术家的创作政府同样应该给与支持。老师说的第一段灌水是说的套模板吗?还有地道的英语表述一直是我的心病,练了很久都没什么提升。其次想咨询下老师,如果说对于话题自己只找到两点展开点如何比较取巧的再展开一段呢? 喵了个咪仔 发表于 2014-11-13 09:29 static/image/common/back.gif
老师说的第一段灌水是说的套模板吗?还有地道的英语表述一直是我的心病,练了很久都没什么提升。其次想咨询 ...
其实地道的英语未必要很华丽 关键是通顺
我的博客里有一个关于语料库的讨论 建议你看看
另外我自己也写了一些文章 你可以考虑模仿 因为我也是英语非母语
所以写的句子比较朴实 或许比北美范文更容易学
另外 也可以考虑 anticipate and address challenges
tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-13 10:02
其实地道的英语未必要很华丽 关键是通顺
我的博客里有一个关于语料库的讨论 建议你看看
另外我自己也写了一些文章 你可以考虑模仿 因为我也是英语非母语
所以写的句子比较朴实 或许比北美范文更容易学
另外 也可以考虑 anticipate and address challenges
老师我有个想法,如果我在这里讨论不发达国家。他们应该以发展为主,会不会偏题了? 喵了个咪仔 发表于 2014-11-13 11:14 static/image/common/back.gif
会 tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-13 18:14 static/image/common/back.gif
I agree that government’s funding should patronize the arts.Considering at the progressing of art creation money is a indispensable.But as we know the government’s funding comes from citizens, so it is very likely under the pressure of citizens, the government’s funding will go to a place where the citizens want. As a result, artists will compromise to abstain those fundings and that will have a counterproductive influence on art integrity. Thus, I think the government shouldn’t patronize artists directly in case of circumscribe the inspiration which is vital to an immoral work. Instead, I prefer the government tend to entrust an agent, like a museum, to manage those money and do what is best to art and all people.
As we know, the government’s movement is under the sight of the whole citizens. Due to they are the resource where the funding comes from, they want to know every details of where their money go or whether their money benefits themselves. Therefor, if the government patronizes artists directly, it has to taken the taste of public into account.
On the other hand, if a profession agent takes over the funding, the thing will be totally different. Without the pressure of public, the agent could chose a way which the government never could. We all know that the Louvre Museum is regarded as the paradise of art. There are many amazing art works in it,like Venus and Mona.Lisa. Because the existence of the museum, not only citizens but all people of the world could to watch these amazing works.
Admittedly, someone argues that museums or other agents will also have corruption and that will make the funding ends up with an counterproductive effect.
这个时候就需要政府实时了解资金的运转情况,不能放任不管。 TS
Arts, which is the high pursuit of human beings, should be public, on the basis of integrity, to flourish freely and available to all people. It is public donations and attentions that majorly push forward arts` development. At the same time, government funding is surely necessary to the development of arts, and could play a key role to promote arts`s development, but, government`s involvement should be limited considerably and watched closely to secure the integrity of arts.
Even though to the development, public donation and attention always play the critical role, Government`s role is indispensable for the dramatic development of arts, especially to the protection of new emerging and submersing historical arts which enjoy little social attention. 社会资助一直都是艺术发展的主要推动和促进因数,这样才能保证艺术能够自由的发展,也更才能够保证艺术的品质;社会关注也很重要,人们得愿意去接触艺术 的愿意去参观艺术展览,就算是花门票也会愿意去,艺术的发展及公众性离不开广大的人群关注。而政府的资助,则是必不可少的,可以对于社会有益的艺术大力支持而促进其的蓬勃发展,当然,对于新起的无人关注的艺术,以及衰退的古老的无人问津的艺术,政府的资助更是关键,同时,政府的关注、宣传以及教育,能够更好的号召人们去关注艺术,这样,才能更好的促进公众艺术的发展与文化氛围的培养。
Government`s involvement in arts would usually connects closely with business concerns or even political destinies which are detrimental to the public interest, or even political tricky to mislead and foolish the mass.任何政府,都会偏向于紧握自己的权力并与商业资本结合,政府对于艺术的资助,本身就带有一定的政治目的及商业目的,若政府参与过头了,则会导致艺术的严重商业化,甚至导致艺术唯利是图,而且,有些政府参与行动是与政治利益挂钩的,是为了抹黑或打压对手,甚至是愚化百姓。
The role of government in arts should be limited to a related level and should be watched closely by the media and public. 政府的艺术参与,虽然必不可少,但必须得在一定范围内并受一定限制,以确保艺术的自由性、独立性及完整性,同时,公众的监督尤其是媒体的监督,则是很关键的,它可以保证政府不会有负于人民的寄托。
tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-13 18:14 static/image/common/back.gif
Arts, which is the high pursuit of human beings, should be public, on the basis of integrity, to flourish freely and available to all people. It is public donations and attentions that majorly push forward arts` development. At the same time, government funding is surely necessary to the development of arts, and could play a key role to promote arts`s development, but, government`s involvement should be limited considerably and watched closely to secure the integrity of arts.
Even though to the development, public donation and attention always play the critical role, Government`s role is indispensable for the dramatic development of arts, especially to the protection of new emerging and submersing historical arts which enjoy little social attention. 社会资助一直都是艺术发展的主要推动和促进因数,这样才能保证艺术能够自由的发展,也更才能够保证艺术的品质;社会关注也很重要,人们得愿意去接触艺术 的愿意去参观艺术展览,就算是花门票也会愿意去,艺术的发展及公众性离不开广大的人群关注。而政府的资助,则是必不可少的,可以对于社会有益的艺术大力支持而促进其的蓬勃发展,当然,对于新起的无人关注的艺术,以及衰退的古老的无人问津的艺术,政府的资助更是关键,同时,政府的关注、宣传以及教育,能够更好的号召人们去关注艺术,这样,才能更好的促进公众艺术的发展与文化氛围的培养。
Government`s involvement in arts would usually connects closely with business concerns or even political destinies which are detrimental to the public interest, or even political tricky to mislead and foolish the mass.任何政府,都会偏向于紧握自己的权力并与商业资本结合,政府对于艺术的资助,本身就带有一定的政治目的及商业目的,若政府参与过头了,则会导致艺术的严重商业化,甚至导致艺术唯利是图,而且,有些政府参与行动是与政治利益挂钩的,是为了抹黑或打压对手,甚至是愚化百姓。
The role of government in arts should be limited to a related level and should be watched closely by the media and public. 政府的艺术参与,虽然必不可少,但必须得在一定范围内并受一定限制,以确保艺术的自由性、独立性及完整性,同时,公众的监督尤其是媒体的监督,则是很关键的,它可以保证政府不会有负于人民的寄托。
chrishong119 发表于 2014-11-19 22:26 static/image/common/back.gif
Arts, which is the high pursuit of human beings, should be public, on the basis of integri ...
7) Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people. Others believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts.
Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.
Arts, which is the high pursuit of human beings, should be public, on the basis of integrity, to flourish freely and available to all people. It is public donations and attentions that majorly push forward arts` development. At the same time, government funding is surely necessary to the development of arts, and could play a key role to promote arts`s development, but, government`s involvement should be limited considerably and watched closely to secure the integrity of arts.
arts should be public 是什么意思?
on the basis of integrity是什么意思?
为什么会扯到 public donations and attentions
Even though to the development, public donation and attention always play the critical role, Government`s role is indispensable for the dramatic development of arts, especially to the protection of new emerging and submersing historical arts which enjoy little social attention. 社会资助一直都是艺术发展的主要推动和促进因数,这样才能保证艺术能够自由的发展,也更才能够保证艺术的品质;社会关注也很重要,人们得愿意去接触艺术 的愿意去参观艺术展览,就算是花门票也会愿意去,艺术的发展及公众性离不开广大的人群关注。而政府的资助,则是必不可少的,可以对于社会有益的艺术大力支持而促进其的蓬勃发展,当然,对于新起的无人关注的艺术,以及衰退的古老的无人问津的艺术,政府的资助更是关键,同时,政府的关注、宣传以及教育,能够更好的号召人们去关注艺术,这样,才能更好的促进公众艺术的发展与文化氛围的培养。
Even though to the development, 标点
不明白你这里提社会捐赠是什么意思 和题目的关联在哪里
Government`s involvement in arts would usually connects closely with business concerns or even political destinies which are detrimental to the public interest, or even political tricky to mislead and foolish the mass.任何政府,都会偏向于紧握自己的权力并与商业资本结合,政府对于艺术的资助,本身就带有一定的政治目的及商业目的,若政府参与过头了,则会导致艺术的严重商业化,甚至导致艺术唯利是图,而且,有些政府参与行动是与政治利益挂钩的,是为了抹黑或打压对手,甚至是愚化百姓。
political destinies表达
但有可能导致洗脑 propaganda等 艺术沦为政治宣传的工具
The role of government in arts should be limited to a related level and should be watched closely by the media and public. 政府的艺术参与,虽然必不可少,但必须得在一定范围内并受一定限制,以确保艺术的自由性、独立性及完整性,同时,公众的监督尤其是媒体的监督,则是很关键的,它可以保证政府不会有负于人民的寄托。
如何限制 这是关键 媒体如何监督?
tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-22 17:49 static/image/common/back.gif
7) Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts ca ...
针对题目的”ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people“,分析后提出观点,对于此,更多起作用的是 public donations and attentions,而非government funding,尽管government funding 也是必不可少的
ts3的媒体监督的话,确实是没时间了,所以就一带而过。 TS. I tend to agree that government funding of the art should be encouraged beacuse that the sponsorship mainly functions as incentives for the citizenry to from artistic accomplishment. Also, funding in art would very likely form a virtuous circle. On the other hand, some people may argue that government funding may lead to undisirable consequences as it threatens the integrity of art. However, I believe that such consequences can be undermined by sponsoring serious forms of art rather than those commercial ones.
ts1. Compared with private sponsorship and money from large corporations, government funding makes the use of tax payers' money to serve the public.政府对艺术的资助主要用于建设art museums,gallaries,在学校开设艺术教育等公共服务,旨在帮助公民更好地接触艺术,陶冶情操~~
ts2. Funding in art acctually brings about some economic feedback in return. 随着人们生活水平的提高,对艺术的需求也相应增长,我们会希望在闲暇时候去观看话剧演出,欣赏展览,去艺术产业园区消费等等。这些活动都能创造经济效益。
ts3. To aviod possible detriment from the government to the intergrity of art, government fund could mainly flow into some serious art forms such as ballet dances,classical music and avoid ones that have commercial values such as popular dances and musicals.