踏上美利坚 发表于 2014-11-11 19:47:14

求批改 这篇文章我严重超时了好多

Some people believe that government officials must carry out the will of the people they sefve other believe that officials should base their decisions on their own judgments.
In this issue, the speaker assuredly states that student so choose the discipline that they love and are interested in. To some extent, I primarily agree with the speaker’s idea but do not take a deeply conviction about it since it high lights the benefit result of executiving this method regardless of the bad effect of applying this policy when and the negative consequence of opposite situation.
In the first place. Students whose intrinsic desires for delving into one major will definitely help them to get consequential progress on the discipline what they choose. And then illustrious achievement that they make will make good contribution to the whole world. People who admire them and then get benefit from what they have done. Give student enough freedom can really motivate them to devote their energy to the major what they prefer. Let us take a look at an appropriate example. Newton who is a famous physicist in the history, proposed the gravitation theory far impressing in people’s mind. He was going into university of Cambrige in England for the preacher when he was young as his prime goal. But he find a truly academic discipline – physic which he loved most, then regarded as his favorite career in all his life. He devoted all his time in pursuing the canon in physic and make a big progress in that aspect far-reachingly in the history.
But in another aspect, student who always transfers his interests into another will unequivocally flaw his life and at last make nothing during his whole life. At the same time ,students will waste a lot of time to probe one discipline even he try hard when they are not good at this. That will come from his or her indigenous inability in some aspect. How can we think a student whose eyes are illness turns out to be a best shooter in world. another case ,As the high –develop technology, more and more new facilities and new disciplines appear. Person who has no resolution in his heart will not know what he really likes. We can make a deeply thinking about the person who today likes computer since then prefers archeology tomorrow just because of that a beautiful pottery appeared marked with archeologist. As we all know, we have qualitative ability and energy and can not dispense them into different regions of discipline then make so much more marvelous achievement in all diverse areas. So students should combine their interests and skill at one discipline or make good balance if confliction between them.
At last, what mentioned above is all that I can express from my own ideas. We should take different situations into account and analysis them using different angles. Some time we must encourage student to pursue what they really love , but in other situation , we must give a advice not to persuade to do it nor not.

In this issue, the speaker separately states two perspectives that one is the will of the people must be carried out in order to serve the civilization by the official, and another is some other believe that official should do some decision by their own judgments. In my opinion, I primarily propose my own idea about them, We should take different situations into account and take different measurements according to different consideration.
In the first place, Make decision based on the officials’ own judgment can prevent some wicked aims by the ulterior people who want to agitate people to do some harmful actions to damage the benefit of civilization. As civilization know little about the politics and have not deeply knowledge about how it is important the stability for the continuous economic development. But sometimes people will be agitated by some wicked person to make the society go down in order to get some selfish benefit. As we know it is the exact example. That the special case, in the year 2012. There is a presage that all of the world will be emerge into a disaster and nothing will be left. There so much people just believed the ridiculous story and so do not work, then just waiting for then 2012.12.12 coming. They prefer to trust the phony information that will cause a bad effect for their cousins, their parents and some relevant. At that time, the disaster have become the fashion just deeply root in so much more person. There will be a so depressed effect on the social development even retrograde in the future. Officials must justify in their minds that rumor will not come true with resolution. Stop believing prevalent rumor and make stability of the society in order to elevate the level of welfare of civilization.
In the second place. As we know, What people call for will definitely reflects the necessary thing in this society. Happiness of people is truly the prosperous progress’s motivation. Usually bad effect will appear if the leader does not listen to people what they are really caring bout.  An another appropriate example is not very far too seek. Water gate scandals, a political thing appeared in America history which compelled the Nixon resign from the white house. In order to get information about the election about the Democratic party, devices were installed to monitor the Republican. After the campaign, the Congress made some legislations to restrict the authority of president of America. Some new discipline had been framed to control the ceiling of expense on the expenditures. That is the good result of officials who make carried out the will of people located in United States.
In my opinion, we should take different angle to delve into the analysis of these two contradicted opinion which seems have the confliction between them. But in reality, both of them will cause good results if we take the action according detailed contemplation. So neither of them is better than another, we must balance them in diverse situations.

踏上美利坚 发表于 2014-11-11 19:48:13

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