aiyin 发表于 2014-11-17 21:29:57

14年秋季提纲互改小组 - Issue 59

本帖来自"14年秋季GRE提纲+全文互改小组",欢迎关注!你还可以查看更多小组、创建小组Scientists and other researchers should focus their research on areas that are likely to benefit the greatest number of people.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recom-mendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

aiyin 发表于 2014-11-17 21:44:09

The recommendation asks scientists and other researchers concentrate their mind on the areas that are beneficial to most of people. Surely we should in favor of the researchers whose work are immediate and significant benefit for the society. However, it is not that we should not support the research whose values have not been discovered by human yet. Moreover, on can hardly estimate which research is more beneficial to the human.

Admittedly, we should in favor of the researchers whose work are immediate and significant benefit for the society. 政府和社会的支持,无论到财政上还是精神上,将是对科学工作者莫大的激励。比如,为了计算一些人脑无法企及的算式,科学家们发明了初始的巨型电脑。后来,有人将电脑练成网络,发现有巨大的应用价值。甚至还有人拿电脑来娱乐。随着对电脑应用需求的大量增加和政府研究资金的投入,更多的科学家和企业投入到计算机开发中,最后开创了互联网时代,极大方便了你我生活。

However, it is not that we should not support the research whose values have not been discovered by human yet. Actually, in the early stage of many research, especially in the theoretical physics, shows nothing to do with human’s life. It will be enormous losses if those research are overlooked.  对于暂时看不到明显好处的研究,需要给予一定的支持,说不定将来有大用处。法拉第名言。电磁理论的发展,把整个人类带入了电器时代,从根本上改变了人类的生活方式。

Moreover, on can hardly estimate which research is more beneficial to the human. It will be harmful to the society if policy makers overemphasized the areas which they thought were more important.  如中国大跃进时期,人人大炼钢材,放弃了其他领域的研究,使那个时期科学研究处于停滞状态,很多人因此而挨饿,这种指导对于人类而言只会造成损害。In fact, 科学研究是一个自由探索的过程,有很多发现是在偶然中出现的,并不能指导和计划出来。如青霉素的发现(略)。

tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-17 22:00:15

aiyin 发表于 2014-11-17 21:44 static/image/common/back.gif
The recommendation asks scientists and other researchers concentrate their mind on the areas that ar ...

issue 59

Scientists and other researchers should focus their research on areas that are likely to benefit the greatest number of people.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recom-mendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

The recommendation asks scientists and other researchers concentrate their mind on the areas that are beneficial to most of people. Surely we should in favor of the researchers whose work are immediate and significant benefit for the society. However, it is not that we should not support the research whose values have not been discovered by human yet. Moreover, on can hardly estimate which research is more beneficial to the human.

recommendation asks搭配有问题
According to the statement, …

should be

are benefit 不对
it is not that 表达有问题
values 这里要单数


Admittedly, we should in favor of the researchers whose work are immediate and significant benefit for the society. 政府和社会的支持,无论到财政上还是精神上,将是对科学工作者莫大的激励。比如,为了计算一些人脑无法企及的算式,科学家们发明了初始的巨型电脑。后来, 有人将电脑练成网络,发现有巨大的应用价值。甚至还有人拿电脑来娱乐。随着对电脑应用需求的大量增加和政府研究资金的投入,更多的科学家和企业投入到计算 机开发中,最后开创了互联网时代,极大方便了你我生活。

主题句和主旨句要呼应 但不要照抄

但是整个讨论并没有围绕 immediate and significant benefit展开 而且题目是benefit the greatest number of people. 这一点你也没有回应

However, it is not that we should not support the research whose values have not been discovered by human yet. Actually, in the early stage of many research, especially in the theoretical physics, shows nothing to do with human’s life. It will be enormous losses if those research are overlooked.  对于暂时看不到明显好处的研究,需要给予一定的支持,说不定将来有大用处。法拉第名言。电磁理论的发展,把整个人类带入了电器 时代,从根本上改变了人类的生活方式。

shows nothing to do with human’s life

Moreover, on can hardly estimate which research is more beneficial to the human. It will be harmful to the society if policy makers overemphasized the areas which they thought were more important.  如中国大跃进时期,人人大炼钢材,放弃了其他领域的研究,使那个时期科学研究处于停滞状态,很多人因此而挨饿,这种指导对于人类 而言只会造成损害。In fact, 科学研究是一个自由探索的过程,有很多发现是在偶然中出现的,并不能指导和计划出来。如青霉素的发现(略)。

挨饿的原因不是没有搞科研 啊  汗


describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

或许你可以分作理论研究 工程研究和社科应用研究三类来讨论吧

aiyin 发表于 2014-11-19 13:43:33

tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-17 22:00 static/image/common/back.gif
issue 59

According to the recommendation, scientists and other researchers should concentrate their mind on the areas that are beneficial to most of people. In my opinion, we need to assess it in difference research areas. Surely, in the technology and engineering fields, we should be in favor of the re-searchers whose work are immediate and significant beneficial for the most people. On the other hand, for the research whose value has not been discovered by human yet, especially in the theo-retical research areas, a certain level of support should be taken into account. At last, in the social science areas, its diversity will be deteriorated if the policy makers overemphasized the research areas which they thought were more important.

Admittedly, in the technology and engineering fields, if the researchers’ work are immediate and significant beneficial for the society, we should support it unhesitating. 政府和社会的支持,无论到财政上还是精神上,将是对科学工作者莫大的激励。比如,为了计算一些人脑无法企及的算式,科学家们发明了初始的巨型电脑。后来,有人将电脑连接成网络,发现有巨大的应用价值。甚至还有人拿电脑来娱乐。政府以及一些企业意识到了计算机的巨大潜力和广阔前景,便大量增加研究资金和人员的投入,更多的科学家和企业投入到计算机开发中,最后开创了互联网时代。网上购物,电子阅读等技术使绝大部分民众受益,都得益于前期对于计算机技术研究的重视。

On the other hand, if the value of research has not been discovered or recognized by human yet, we should still offer a certain level of support. Actually, in the early stage of many research, especially in the theoretical research areas, have nothing to do with human’s life. It will be enormous losses if those research are overlooked.  对于暂时看不到明显好处的研究,需要给予一定的支持,说不定将来有大用处。法拉第名言。电磁理论的发展,把整个人类带入了电器时代,从根本上改变了人类的生活方式。

At last, It will be harmful to the diversity of society science if policy makers overemphasized the research areas which they thought were more important. 社会科学的研究在短期内很难看到利益,并且,容易被政府的指导左右。比如,如果一个政府过度强调政治生活对民众的重要性,让人们学习和研究大量的符合其统治思想的理论,那么,必然会伤害到社会科学研究的多样性,这个社会对于经济,法律等其他方面的研究必然会滞后。

tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-20 09:41:44

aiyin 发表于 2014-11-19 13:43 static/image/common/back.gif
According to the recommendation, s ...

你的第一段存在一些表达上的问题  比如immediate的词性  比如 support和 take into account的搭配
关于社会科学研究 可以考虑举教育的例子 比如政府可能出钱研究什么年龄段的孩子可以开始使用calculator 与数学教学质量的关系等等

黛丝丝丝丝 发表于 2014-12-15 15:57:59

Scientific researches are well-known for the demanding and costing work requiring countless individuals devotion. Some may believe that scientists and researchers should decide on studying subjects based on whether it will benefit the most of the public. However, though for clinic subjects like medicine science we encourage our scientists to provide solutions to the prevail disease, in the fields like cosmology and art, it is a cross-line attempt to ask involving individuals to adjust their subjects to our inclination.

To begin with, it is appreciated by tax-payers if scientists who major in medicine can develop efficient therapeutic methods or implements to relief people’s pain from suffering certain diseases. This assistance should be as large as possible. By effectively helping patients to leave hospital with bodies of good conditions, medicine scientists will undoubtedly make their greatest contribution to entire society. Thus, in return, the governing fund aid as well as public confidence on this area may enhance significantly, ensuring possibilities of the further development.

ts 2. But contributions made by cosmologists are very different from those of medicine scientists and they could not possibly direct their research to fit temporary majority’s needs. 宇宙学要解决的是全人类的问题,它不像应用科学一样可以迅速解决眼下人们的需求,比如移居月亮,或者到外太空旅行。他需要探索宇宙的起源,宇宙运行的规律,和将来的走向,很难说某一个研究会如何有直接的利益,科学家们能做的就是不懈探索。

ts 3. Moreover, since art research is a subject exploring individuals’ expressing to reveal the truth of human natural, it should not be effected by realistic factors or even commercial interests. 艺术的研究者们对人类的贡献应该是真实全面地展现那些艺术作品和人物,为大家的学习和研究留下宝贵的证据。举梵高例子。如果受大众影响,只研究一些主要的人物或者作品,那么整个学科的深入是不完善的。

zsczsl 发表于 2015-1-9 07:29:08


59. Scientists and other researchers should focus their research on areas that are likely to benefit the greatest number of people.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

TS (pt1, pt2, pt3): Nowadays, most of the scientific studies necessitate a large amount of investment, be it in the form of money, time or energy, and many any scientists and other researchers are funded by the government.  Since government resources are limited, some suggest that those researchers should mainly concentrate their studies on the most beneficial fields to a majority of the citizens. Although I agree that the engineers and applied scientists had better follow the advice, the researchers in the areas of theoretical science, social science and humanity do not need to do this. The reason for my view is that people are able to easily identify the immediate advantages of a research program in engineering or applied science field, yet they cannot predict the long-run benefits of a basic study and the social science and humanity research project. According to the relative importance of the research areas of engineering or applied science, scientists can choose the ones that are crucial to most persons and the theoretical scientists and social workers need conduct research based on their own interests.  

ts (pt1): To begin with, the engineers and applied scientists should satisfy the most popular requirements by conducting their research because they clearly know the outcomes of their work and the needs of the majority of the population. 在工程和应用技术领域,人们的需求和研究的结果都比较明确,因此工程师和应用科学家应该立足于大众需要来进行研究,使受益最大化。例如,汽车设计师根据最普遍的需求设计出最物美价廉的车型,让大众受益;手机设计者根据人们对手机功能的需要而为他们设计出称心如意的产品。

ts (pt2): Notwithstanding, the research programs in the field of pure theory are likely to generate outcomes that benefit the people in the long term yet are useless at present. Therefore, the theoretical scientists cannot identify which areas of their subjects can benefit most persons and they are not able to implement the suggestion.  纯理论研究,搞基础科学建设,其结果也许会在几十年以后造福人类。但一时半会其作用不为人知,其研究者就没有能力判定哪一个领域是能服务最大多数人的,因此建议无法执行。正如法拉第在对一位英国首相演示了感生电流之后,那位首相问他:“这有什么用?”他反问:“一个新生的婴儿有什么用?”其实在当时那个电器并不普及的年代,电磁感应的确没什么用,可在后来,电磁感应成为现代电器工业的支柱理论之一,造福了无数的人。

ts (p3): Meanwhile, the researchers of the social science and humanity cannot tell what the long-run benefits of their projects are and the advice is not feasible for them as well. If the government forcibly carries out the suggestion, it may just want to propagate some information for its own interests.  社会科学与人文学科中的研究成果,其长期的好处也是难以预料的。论及其短期的好处,也许是能巩固政府的统治,这也许是某些政府喜欢提倡“文艺创作要为绝大多数人民服务”的原因。而这些政府以大多数人利益为由干涉思想领域的研究,其目的只不过是为了保证其统治。例如,纳粹德国,前苏联,当今的朝鲜,都是这样做的。因此在人文社科领域,非但不能推行该建议,还应该提防政府利用该建议祸国殃民。
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