raikkonen36 发表于 2014-11-20 22:09:12

14年秋季GRE提纲 Issue 43

本帖来自"14年秋季GRE提纲+全文互改小组",欢迎关注!你还可以查看更多小组、创建小组Issue43 The increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than it solves.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-22 17:37:52

占楼先 你怎么还不写?

chrishong119 发表于 2014-12-10 23:23:20

    The speaker claims that the increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than it solves. Well, with respect to human health, it is true that the increasing rapid pace of life causes many problems, but for the improvement daily life and economy grow up, modern rapid pace of life does make huge contributions.

    First of all, under modern rapid pace of life, too many people are suffering various health problems, some of which have never been seen before. 人们在紧张、高压力的氛围下学习、工作,事情一波未完一波又起,很是疲累,处于亚健康的状态,比如颈椎病,手指僵硬,视力退化,甚至焦虑、抑郁等等。

    Second, it is can not be denied that rapid pace of life has solved many problems in people`s daily lives. 在现代快节奏的生活下,以前不可思议的生活方式现在实现了,比如说,在现代大都市,人们在写字楼里办公时,可以拿起手机订午餐,很快就能够送到,并且,午夜肚子饿了,可以去楼下二十四小时的便利店里买点热的食物及喝的,而不用自己做饭。

    Finally, with respect to economical development, the modern rapid pace of life has made considerable contributions. 现代社会商机随处都有,各种社会资源也比较丰富且容易抓住,也正是这一点部分的促使形成了现代的快节奏生活,但,其同时也使得人们更容易创业。比如,刚毕业的大学生,一无所有,除了自己的想法、思维,他可以去借钱,可以去招专业人才,可以去先获得相关的货物再后付款,可以调动很多的社会资源来创业。这一点,也促进了新的商业模式,孕育了更多的企业家,推动了经济的发展。

chrishong119 发表于 2014-12-10 23:23:36

    The speaker claims that the increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than it solves. Well, with respect to human health, it is true that the increasing rapid pace of life causes many problems, but for the improvement daily life and economy grow up, modern rapid pace of life does make huge contributions.
    First of all, under modern rapid pace of life, too many people are suffering various health problems, some of which have never been seen before. People have to study, work at a rapid time plan, and the tasks seem cannot be finished for ever, when people are at a tug of war at existed objectives, something else unexpected emerge. Too many people are studying and working under high pressures and with deep concerns, some of which are even in sub-healthy conditions. The rapid pace of life, instead of bringing people beneficial factors to promote health, has caused much more problems for people`s health.
    Second, it is can not be denied that rapid pace of life has solved many problems in people`s daily lives. Under the rapid pace of life, many things which seem unbelievable could be done easily right now. For example, in modern cities like Shanghai, people work in a high building could book a meal through the smart phone easily, and would have numerous choices with different flavors and different prices, and the meal frequently could be acquired at hand within twenty-five minutes. At deep night, when people are hungry and do not want to cook themselves, they can just get out of home to all-time open shops such as FamilyMart, which is just around the corner, to get a sandwich and a hot cup of drink at a low price. In reality, the increasing rapid pace of life has made people`s daily lives more convenient than before.
    Finally, with respect to economical development, the modern rapid pace of life has made considerable contributions. In modern society, business chances could be available everywhere, so people are try to get that chance as soon as fast, this is one of the reasons that lead to today`s rapid pace of life. And it is this reason, combined with others, that render social resources available everywhere. For example, when a young teenage, just graduate from college, want to start his own business, that is to be an entreprenuer, he could collect the money in need, hire people who are professional in critical fields and with necessary skills he does not has, he could combine the existed social resources to do something or even make a difference even though he has nothing but the idea. And this would of course help to promote economical development in new moderns.
    In sum, the modern rapid pace of life does bring more problems in people`s health, but it is undeniable that increasingly rapid pace of life has help to make people`s daily lives more convenience than before, and has help to push forward economical development in ways which seem impossible before.

chrishong119 发表于 2014-12-10 23:24:29

tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-22 17:37 static/image/common/back.gif
占楼先 你怎么还不写?


zsczsl 发表于 2014-12-15 02:28:34

本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2014-12-15 10:59 编辑


Issue43 The increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than it solves.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

TS (pt1, pt2, pt3): In this world where we are living in, some people are always complaining the high speed of the modern life and point out the problems caused by it, for instance the increasing stress that the citizens are suffering. Therefore, this lifestyle seems to result in far more demerits than the merits. Yet such claim is just based on a superficial observation of the current world, and the present rapid-pace life indeed troubles human beings more in some fields and at the same time benefits them more in other ones.

in some fields/ others 这里指明什么领域比较好 而且既然你同意在某些领域命题成立 就不能说such claim is just based on a superficial observation of the current world了吧

ts (pt1): In the first place, the current life requires the individuals in the world of work to respond to the external change more quickly and skillfully, rendering more residents on this planet at the brim of losing their jobs. 在职场上,快节奏意味着更大的压力,更多的投入,更大的风险,最终导致工作人员面临难以承受的损失。虽然这种生活方式可以增加企业利润,提高个人收入,但是许多职场人士怀疑这些是否能够补偿快节奏给自己带来的伤害,如过劳死,罹患癌症等等。

in the world of work 这个表达有点奇怪
感觉这段文字的干货不够 快节奏具体体现在哪方面  

ts (pt2): Furthermore, faced with such pressure of work, the citizens tend to sacrifice their time with their family members.生活上的快节奏还使亲人们的交流减少了,亲情变淡了。尽管这种生活方式催生了网络视频等现代高科技通讯手段,可是这也无法弥合高速生活对亲情的伤害。


ts (pt3): However, the fast pace not only forces the dwellers in cities to suffer heavy risk and to become alienated from their relatives, but also frees large amount of persons’ time and energy as well as provides more useful products, which allows them to live longer, create more wealth and experience more interesting things.  归根到底,快节奏生活诞生于工业社会,是效率的体现,正是它使我们拥有了丰富的工业产品,并且能够过上一种前所未有的生活。例如,Nathan Rothschild 被 Forbes magazine 评为有史以来第二富有的人,却在1836死于败血症,一种在如今花上几便士买盒抗生素就可治愈的疾病。他当然也没有坐过飞机、看过电影,更别提用电脑处理堆积如山的文件了。哪怕是再声称自己讨厌当今快节奏生活的人,大概都不会愿意回到他所在的慢节奏时代吧!其实并非生活的节奏带来问题,不能跟上节奏、最大程度地利用周围的资源才是问题的根源。因此生逢这个时代,机遇全靠自己把握。

而且第三点的前提没有说清楚 和前面两点有些矛盾

zsczsl 发表于 2014-12-18 03:39:15


TS (pt1, pt2, pt3): Since Industrial Revolution, we human beings have lived a faster life than ever before, and at present there is a tendency of even more rapid life pace -- it is not a rare scenario of an employee’s typical workday during which he or she is awaken by an alarm, then dresses up immediately and rushes out of the door with a piece of bread in his/her mouth, before commuting to the workplace and plunging into the sea of numerous documents in a computer or specific tasks of his or her department. Hence, it is not aberrant for some people to complain the high speed of the modern life and to assert this lifestyle results in far more demerits than the merits. Yet to draw such a conclusion is to oversimplify this intricate world where we are living in, since whether current quick pace of life leads to more problems than those it solves depends on the particular fields involved. With respect to the environmental issue, the loss of living a fast life indeed outweighs its benefits, whilst such lifestyle tends to promote our living standards a lot. At this stage, we had better utilize the bonus of the swift life to curb its negative impacts and then a balance may be kept.  

ts (pt1): In the first place, the nature of the quick pace of life is the mass production that entails a myriad of human resources and natural resource, the former of which is able to recover much faster than the latter. Consequently, our apparently rapid life in fact reveals the over consumption of energy.快节奏意味着更高的生产力,当然就要求更多的投入,更大的消耗。如今这种水平的自然资源消耗,在工业革命前是很少见的。因此,不难看出眼下诸如环境污染、温室效应、能源危机等问题,皆是由隐藏在人们过快生活节奏后面的过快生产、过快消耗所引起的。因此,在这个方面,快节奏生活弊大于利。

ts (pt2): Nevertheless, as mentioned above, the fast pace actually means higher productivity and efficiency, and faced with the heavy pressure from the swiftly changing external world, the citizens are likely to unleash their own potentially and fully participate into the competition, resulting in a better life which is characterized by longer lives, more useful products, and so on.  归根到底,快节奏生活诞生于工业社会,是效率的体现,正是它使我们拥有了丰富的工业产品,并且能够过上一种前所未有的生活。尽管快节奏生活让某些人遭受过劳死,罹患癌症等等,但它所带来的科技成果和其所转化而成的生产力,又征服了不知多少过去对于人类来说致命的疾病。例如,Nathan Rothschild 被 Forbes magazine 评为有史以来第二富有的人,却在1836年死于败血症,一种在如今花上几便士买盒抗生素就可治愈的疾病。有人说生活上的快节奏使人与人之间的交流减少了,感情变淡了,但这种生活方式催生了网络视频等现代高科技通讯手段,拓宽了人类交流的广度,也丰富了我们的生活。Rothschild当然也没有坐过飞机、看过电影,更别提用电脑处理堆积如山的文件了。哪怕是再声称自己讨厌当今快节奏生活的人,大概都不会愿意回到他所在的慢节奏时代吧!

ts (pt3): Finally, it is high time that we made full use of the fruits of fast advancing technology, which is an aspect of the modern life, to avert the deterioration of the environment and simultaneously adjust our velocity of exploiting the planet which we live on.面对快节奏生活带来的利弊,我们决不能坐以待毙,唯有双管齐下,一方面最大程度地利用现代生活有利因素,另一方面适当控制消耗,节约资源,才能保持这个世界的平衡。比如可以利用快节奏发展环保科技,或是加快节能产品的研发,同时在生活中减缓能耗的速度,如没急事时就不要开车前往目的地等。如果笃信题目中的观点,很可能导致对如今快节奏生活的全面否定,从而导致对它的彻底放弃,之后人们的生活水平可能下降,社会甚至会全面倒退。这种情况不仅解决不了目前的危机,还会使大众陷入水深火热之中。
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