杨家齐 发表于 2014-11-26 00:44:55


本帖来自"14年秋季GRE提纲+全文互改小组",欢迎关注!你还可以查看更多小组、创建小组74) The president of Grove College has recommended that the college abandon its century-old tradition of all-female education and begin admitting men. Pointing to other all-female colleges that experienced an increase in applications after adopting coeducation, the president argues that coeducation would lead to a significant increase in applications and enrollment. However, the director of the alumnae association opposes the plan. Arguing that all-female education is essential to the very identity of the college, the director cites annual surveys of incoming students in which these students say that the school's all-female status was the primary reason they selected Grove. The director also points to a survey of Grove alumnae in which a majority of respondents strongly favored keeping the college all female.
Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.

杨家齐 发表于 2014-11-26 01:05:00

1. the college should not abandon its century-old tradition of all-female education to begin admitting men;
2. all-female education is essential to the very identity of the college;
1. annual surveys of incoming students in which these students say that the school's all-female status was the primary reason they selected Grove;
2. a survey of Grove alumnae in which a majority of respondents strongly favored keeping the college all female;
1. both incoming students and alumnae answering questions in the two surveys present unbiased attitude
2. incoming students and alumnae's preference is all that count when considering the admission policy

中间段1:survey:(1)问题是怎样设置的?有没有诱导因素?(2)incoming students和alumnae是否如实地反映出自己的想法?有没有隐瞒?
中间段2: people being surveyed:为什么只问incoming students和alumnae?更为关键的potential students和教职工的意见如何?
中间段3:admission policy将产生的后果:(1)男女混校对于学校的发展有什么好处?会对学校的课程设置、生源质量、学校名誉等方面产生怎样的影响?(2)保持女校的传统会有什么好处?比如校友捐助等?

tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-26 10:09:10

杨家齐 发表于 2014-11-26 01:05 static/image/common/back.gif
1. the college should not abandon its century-old tradition of all-female education to begi ...

你看看我在133楼的示范 再对比一下你自己的提纲

杨家齐 发表于 2014-11-26 12:32:46

本帖最后由 杨家齐 于 2014-11-26 13:29 编辑

tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-26 10:09 static/image/common/back.gif
你看看我在133楼的示范 再对比一下你自己的提纲

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