qq135zxc 发表于 2014-12-7 19:42:29

ISSUE60,.Politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather

本帖来自"14年秋季GRE提纲+全文互改小组",欢迎关注!你还可以查看更多小组、创建小组60.Politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather than elusive ideals.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

qq135zxc 发表于 2014-12-7 19:43:39

讨论前观点:case by case.
正二:一般情况下,每个政治家所属的政治团体都有各自的宗旨和信条,而这些政治家也应该被接受追求各自的目标与理想,即使是深奥难懂的——因为深奥不一定没有任何价值和作用。1.深奥的追求,可能只是一时间没有被人们所理解,但可能社会有着巨大益处——例如民主制度从希腊城邦的诞生) 2.危险的政治主张或执政宗旨是不可取的,应被放弃而追求共识。例如:法国。人类利用理性建构政体的典型范例(法国大革命),但却只换来了无数的人头落地和新的专制(拿破仑)

讨论后:可以把政客进行分层。 类似题型:government 是否issue19 讨论的。

政府他是包括本地政府 和联邦政府。  
美国,州一级的议员, 城市有city council,国家有国家议员。

服务的是小的群体,应该务实一些,讨论common ground, consensus。
国家层面:比较理想化的。   比如关注别国的人权状况,种族侵袭。


行政比较务实, 立法方面比较

Local 更多是common ground
National, 可以分处理什么问题。立法,外交等层面。

政客可以分为 在野(反对党)和执政的。   

如:曼德拉, 道德英雄。

Local  national 在野和执政。

tesolchina 发表于 2014-12-7 20:18:11

谢谢 占楼

chrishong119 发表于 2014-12-10 23:25:53

    The speaker claims that politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather than elusive ideals. Well, for ruling party leaders especially the president, a common ground and consensus would be indispensable, but the key principles should not be compromised. For the opposing party, there is no need to pursue common ground and consensus.
    For the ruling party leaders and the president, in particular, a common ground and reasonable consensus should necessarily be pursued and reached to make sure the needed important national policies could be launched and implemented on the right tracks. Take for example, president Clinton and his cabinet, when were facing an after-war economic crisis, promote and reach a common ground and reasonable consensus with Republic, the opposing party then, to irritate economy through a blanket of plans and reduce tax for some industries, had the immigration laws fixed etc. Then the energy of the whole politicians especially those in Congress had been focused on the common task--evoke the economy. The results would be that the economy of American revived again even with large surplus of government when president Clinton`s second term ended. This could not be reached if there is no common ground and consensus.
    While, when the ruling party leaders and president try to pursue common ground and consensus, the core principles of which should never be compromised. The purpose of pursuing a common ground is to combing the resources for the undertaking of significances, not just simply to reach a common consensus, all of measures including necessary compromise is to ensure that the core principles be secured and implemented. For example, president Obama and the Democrats right now, are facing huge pressure from the opposing party to forgo their immigration reform, whose purpose is to make sure that American could earn talented and skilled workers and ambitious entrepreneurs to help to revive American economy just as before. This could not be reached without a common ground with Republic, but the core principles of which should not be compromised, or the reaching of it would be definitely meaningless.
    For the opposing party, the major task is to check to see whether the ruling party and the president are doing their jobs legally and effectively or not, so they have no need to pursue common ground. For example, the Republic right now, is trying, as needed, to check every policy launched by president Obama and Democrat to make sure that those policies are legal and do not offend the constitution, more critically, their jobs is to prevent the Democrats and the president becoming corrupt and lose the massive people down. So the opposing party exist for the soundness of the leadership system, not for reaching common ground.
    In sum, it would be dramatically indispensable for the ruling party and the president to reach common ground and reasonable consensus, that is would be critically important for the born and implementation of important national policies, but the core principles of which should never be compromised just for simply reach common ground. While, for the opposing party, that is not job to combing resources by reaching common ground and consensus, their major task is to secure the soundness of the leadership system.

sunshineatnoon 发表于 2015-6-30 15:34:19

First and foremost, politicians who work for the local goverment should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus.

Secondly, state senators should focus both on common ground and make future plans.
-州议员可以参与制定本州的法律,那么他们可以通过制定详细的法律条款达到reasonable consensus。

Last but not least, politicians who works for funderal government should only focus on making blueprints for the whole country.
-这些政治家面向的是整个国家,他们没有时间和精力去pursue common ground
-这些政治家需要在国家危急的时刻给出对策,此时pursue common ground会浪费时间,需要leader快速做出决定,并且排除异议,付诸实践
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