skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-7 21:54:21

ISSUE 6 A nation should require all of its students to study

本帖最后由 skywongchiu 于 2014-12-8 11:59 编辑

本帖来自"14年秋季GRE提纲+全文互改小组",欢迎关注!你还可以查看更多小组、创建小组6) A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

请回帖时按照指引( )列出英语提纲并用汉语解释并根据指引点评楼上的提纲。 第一个回帖的同学不必点评

skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-7 21:54:44

It is no doubt that some of the countries- such as France and Germany – train their students by means of different curriculums that are made by the regional or local schools or teachers. The outcome and the consequence of this type of education also 搭配 benefit both the students and the educators. However, the above approach would not work well in the context of (smaller countries or regions like) Hong Kong. Thus, I totally agree with the speaker’s argument that a same national curriculum should be used to educate all of its students before those students entering college in Hong Kong. I explain my reasoning from three different levels: the students’ level, the teachers’ level and the justice level.

Studying a same national curriculum effectively facilitates students to share the information about how to achieve a better academic performance. After all, 學習在香港的最終目標是追求分數。 學生們一起學習的成果比個人自習的成果來得更好。 每一個學生都是生活在有限的時間, 他們是沒有可能把所有相關學科知識的書本都看完。 另一方面, 若果每一個學生都是修讀同一課程, 學生之間便可以沒有隔膜地分享學習心得。For example, 分工合作遠比一個人的努力來得更有效, 學生們可以分工地搜尋市面上和課程相關的資料。在這一情況之下, 學生很快便可以了解到什麼資訊是有用提升他們學科的表現。

Furthermore, using a same nation curriculum to educate students refines teachers and teaching quality. 無可否認, 在香港, 教學的質素和經驗是緊拘的。換句話說, 資歷較深的老師的教學質素比資歷較淺的老師來得更好。當教育局推行統一的課程, 資歷較深的老師便可以和新老師分享教授心德。這一套系統不但提升了新老師的教學質素, 而且確保了每一個老師都獲得相當高的教學能力。

Last but not the least, the introduction of a same nation curriculum is a best way to promote the value of justice. 在香港, 學生學習公平的意義是透過參與公開考試。當每一個學生都是修讀同一套課程, 這代表著每一個學生将會被一套相同的準則去測試。教授局举行公開試的時候, 評分基準都是公開透明的。這樣可以確保學生拿取的分數是取決於他們對學科的認識而不是其他因素。在這情況之下, 教育局直接到教導了學生公平的重要性。

skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-7 21:55:03

Ts: 不太明白你thus前面举的不过国家和地区的例子和后面的观点之间的关联
Ts1: 就算不是全国统一的 学校内的学生还是可以共享资料
Ts2: 我不太确定你在这里强调香港如何如何有什么用
你这里讲的道理或现象是适合很多国家、地区的 因此不必强调香港

Using the same curriculum to educate secondary students has a solid benefit for students, teachers and educational departments. It is no doubt that secondary students’ learning outcome, teachings’ outcome and educational departments objectives would be more effective, compared to different curriculums are introduced, while the same curriculum is introduced.

Studying a same national curriculum effectively facilitates secondary students to be skilful at the system. After all, the first and the major priority of attending school is to achieve a good result for students own sake of getting an opportunity to pursue a university degree. Compared with students who study different curriculums under countries’ arrangement, students who study the consistent arrangement of the courses would be effective to get familiar with the requirements set by their country. This is because those students – studying the same course – need not to spend time to search all information related to the examination requirements arranged by the different curriculums. These students would only need to concentrate all their effort on the well-arranged and well-known courses. For example, students in Hong Kong generally receive satisfied results on the public examinations because they clearly know the examination requirements set by the government. Under the government arrangement, students can effectively using their time by focusing all their efforts on the courses, and hence, they can score relative good results.  

Furthermore, using a same nation curriculum to educate students refines teachers and teaching quality. 無可否認, 教學的質素和經驗是緊拘的。換句話說, 資歷較深的老師的教學質素比資歷較淺的老師來得更好。當教育局推行統一的課程, 資歷較深的老師便可以和新老師分享教授心德。這一套系統不但提升了新老師的教學質素, 而且確保了每一個老師都獲得相當高的教學能力。

Last but not the least, the introduction of a same nation curriculum is a best way to promote the value of justice. Being an educational department in a given country, one of the important objectives is to transfer the value of justice to students in the country。 教育局可以利用公平的公開考試教導學生這一個concept。當每一個學生都是修讀同一套課程, 這代表著每一個學生将會被一套相同的準則去測試。 for example, 香港教育局举行公開試的時候, 評分基準都是公開透明的。這樣可以確保學生拿取的分數是取決於他們對學科的認識而不是其他因素。在這情況之下, 教育局直接到教導了學生公平的重要性。
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