ISSUE 58 Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline; students cannot
本帖最后由 skywongchiu 于 2014-12-8 12:04 编辑本帖来自"14年秋季GRE提纲+全文互改小组",欢迎关注!你还可以查看更多小组、创建小组Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline; students cannot be motivated by school or college alone.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
请回帖时按照指引( )列出英语提纲并用汉语解释并根据指引点评楼上的提纲。 第一个回帖的同学不必点评 TS
Whether personal discipline is the primarily factor motivating students to learn? I partly agree with the speaker’ claim that personal discipline is an important factor motivating students to learn. However, I do not agree with the speaker’s claim that students cannot be motivated by school or college alone. This is because schools or college is one of the vital factors encourages or discourages students to learn or to develop a personal discipline of learning.
It is no doubt that students – attending the research schools – are primarily motivated by their own personal discipline while pursuing the knowledge; on the contrary, it means that the institutions that they are attending to play a little – or even no effect – effect on the students’ learning behavior. 以上的假說可以被事實証明。世界各地的research 學院都沒有規定學生一定要出席所有的課堂和沒有給予學生固定的作業。不過,絕大部份的research學生都出席了所有的課堂 和絕大份research學生都能夠取得相當好的成績當他們畢業的時候。這反映了學生的自律性對於學習來說是很重要的。
However, the above hypothesis does not mean that educational institutions play no effect on students’ learning behavior. Instead, educational institutions are an important factor encouraging students’ development of personal discipline of learning. 學生對學習的自律性是受到學院的學習氣氛影響。學院的學習氣氛是受到學校的政策影響。In other words, 學校可以影響學生的自律性發展。 For example, 在香港,學生的學習自律性和學校的政策是成正比的。根據教育局,學院政策較注種發展學院學習氣氛的學校更能夠培養出擁有學習自律性的學生。
Furthermore, educational institutions are one of the determine factor discouraging students to develop or to learn the personal discipline of learning. 就算學生擁有自律學習的精神,這不代表他們能夠擁有機會去學習。學習的機會主要受到學院對學習的態度的取態。For example, 在1960s左右,中國政府推行文化大革命。絕大部份在中國的學院都表態支持政府。所以,大部份學院不會進行教育活動。 Although 我的雙親都很有學習自律性,他們最終都是得不到底學習的機會。他們失去了學習最基本的工具:書本,文具和學校的地方。因此,他們被迫放棄學業,投入社會活動。
王老師的comment: Ts3 的論點和前面2個論點不太相關, 所以要再想一想新的論點。此外, self-discipline可以同來加強論說。
Whether personal discipline is the primarily factor motivating students to learn and the school or college alone fails to motivate students to study? It is contingent on the type of students we are discussing. While the discussion is related to the research students in the university, it is true that personal discipline is the primary factor motivating students to pursue academic knowledge. However, while the discussion is related to the secondary and primary students, schools play an important role in encouraging students to study. Besides, both self-discipline and schools act as an important agent motivating part-time students to learn.
It is no doubt that students – attending the research schools – are primarily motivated by their own personal discipline while pursuing the knowledge; on the contrary, it means that the institutions that they are attending to play a little – or even no effect – effect on the students’ learning behavior. The above argument can be convectively proofed by the achievement made by the research students. For example, in Asian regions – such as Hong Kong, mainland China, Singapore and Taiwan – research students generally score handsome grading while they complicate the research courses. There is no restrict policies requiring students to attend to lecture courses and no regular homework are assigned to students. Students motivate themselves to learn the academic knowledge because of the self-discipline. As a result, they can achieve good results.
However, the above contention does not mean that educational institutions play no effect on primary and secondary students’ learning behavior. Instead, educational institutions are an important factor encouraging students to development a habit of studying while their personal-discipline is related low. 中小學學生的自律性是偏低的。 學生對學習的自律性是受到學院的學習氣氛影響。學院的學習氣氛是受到學校的政策影響。In other words, 學校可以影響學生的自律性發展。 For example, 在香港,中小學學生的學習自律性和學校的政策是成正比的。根據教育局,學院政策較注種發展學院學習氣氛的學校更能夠培養出擁有學習自律性的學生。
Part-time students’ motivation of studying can be both motivate by their self-discipline and the college. 首先, 半工讀的學生進修的原因是因為自律性, 他們的自律性鼓励他們追求更多的知識, 所以他們報讀進修課程。同一時間, 學校的鼓励也是很重要的。學校的鼓励可以令到半工讀學生不放棄學習。學校提供彈性的上課時間給半工讀的學生選擇, 半工讀學生可以更加方便的調整上堂時間。從而鼓励了他們上學。
建议你写一点反省的文字 讨论一下有什么可以用到其他题目上的技巧、规律
明白, 一會就會想一想 王老师好,我今天又写了一篇大纲,还请点评一下,学生不胜感激!
58. Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline; students cannot be motivated by school or college alone.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
TS (pt1, pt2, pt3): Educators are always attempting to find the answer to the question which one pf the two factors, self-control and educational institution supervision, plays a more crucial role in the process of study. Some conclude that the former one outweighs the latter and the attendees’ interest of learning is not likely to be stimulated merely by the effort of schools and colleges. Although I agree that under any condition the educational institution is not able to motivate the learner alone, the relative importance of self-discipline and external regulation will change according to the specific situation. In fact, the discipline from outside plays a more significant role in the primary school and the middle school, yet the tertiary educational institutions witness the rising importance of the personal discipline.
ts (pt1): First of all, I cannot deny that any educational institution, be it a school or a university, is not able to force an individual to acquire anything without her own willingness to study. 在任何情形下,所有的学校都无法让一个完全不愿意学习的人掌握任何知识,这反映了人类主观意愿在人类行为中的极端重要性。例如那些被野兽养大的“猴孩”、“狼孩”等,或是先天大脑学习功能就有缺陷的白痴们,当真不明白学习是何物,毫无人类社会中的正常求知欲,仅有一些求生的野兽本性。就算是特殊学校都没办法让他们学到多少东西。因此作者说单独靠学校是无法激发学生的,这点很有道理。
ts (pt2): Furthermore, the normal elementary and secondary school students possess certain ability of self-regulation but such ability is very weak, so those institutions should take responsibility for their attendees’ learning process. 正常的中小学生比“狼孩”和白痴要好一点,有些自制力,一经点拨便知学习的重要性。然而他们的自律能力又是很差的,因此中小学必须制定严格的规章制度并且严厉执行,方能帮助学生学到许多知识。比如说很多中小学都规定每天必须按时上课,不能迟到、早退,每天要上交作业给老师批改,然后根据老师点评改正答案,以此来督促学生的学习。那么题目中自律更重要的观点在这个阶段尚不成立。
ts (p3): Nevertheless, in the higher education institutions, personal discipline performs central function, since these students are mature enough and can manage themselves. 随着大学生的逐渐成熟,各方面的能力加强,他们就有了自己管理自己的能力。这时候外部的规章就扮演起了次要作用,而个人自我管理变得尤为重要。就如我在英国大学里所经历的那样,英国大学本科阶段就已经不要求学生每堂课都必须到堂听讲了,布置的作业老师只会在讨论课上抽同学上台讲解某题,他也不会检查每人的每道题。在英国大学研究生阶段,自律的作用更是突出。有些导师一年半载才和学生正式见一两次面,以讨论论文的进展。能保证学生在图书馆里认真查阅资料的校规校纪,除了那仅仅的一个论文提交截止日期外,已经所剩无几。所以题目里对自律的强调,在大学阶段才被发挥到淋漓尽致的地步。