skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-7 22:02:07

ISSUE 94 The effectiveness of a country's leaders is best measured by

本帖最后由 skywongchiu 于 2014-12-8 12:02 编辑

本帖来自"14年秋季GRE提纲+全文互改小组",欢迎关注!你还可以查看更多小组、创建小组The effectiveness of a country's leaders is best measured by examining the well-being of that country's citizens.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

相关题目:28, 113, 120, 121, 145, 147
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skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-7 22:02:28

In our modern society, there is a close relationship between the welfare of a given territory citizens and the effectiveness of that country’s leadership. After all, the country’s leaders are given the rights belonging to the general public to administrate the state, and hence, the well-being of that country’s citizens are the most critical and vital factor to evaluate the effectiveness of a given country’s leaders, whatever it is applied to the levels of well-developed, developing countries and under-developed countries.

In the well-developed countries, citizens give the rights to the political leaderships to administrate the state in order to get a return that their expectations of well-being would be realized. Citizens in well-developed countries are looking for the well-being including but not limiting to a comprehensive healthy care system, a balance lifestyle between work and economic returns, a higher living standard, and so forth. 基於這些前提次下,最佳的方法評估領導者的效能的方法是量度市民的福利指數。若果領導者實現了市民的期望OR市民對福利期望被領導者實現了,領導者偕被評為有效能的;反之亦然。 For example, 因為奧巴馬政府較喬治布殊政府更有能力實現市民對工作,經濟和醫療的期望,奧巴馬政府被普遍評為一個有效能的總統,喬治布殊側是一個沒有效能的總統。

The expectations of the well-being of the developing countries’ citizens include the improvement in the infrastructure, and the improvement in the worker’s general welfare while the citizens delegate the political leaders to exercise their rights. 假如領導者有能力把人民的expectations 實現,他們就會被評為有效力的;反之亦然。For example, 前泰國他信政府因為沒有把人民對well-being的期望實現,所以人民評論他信政府是一個沒有效力的領導者。

Citizens who are living in the under-developing countries are looking for the welfare that includes but not limits to having enough food and having life-security regardless whether they are given the rights to delegate the government officials to exercise their rights. 假如領導者有能力實現人民的期望,領導者就會被評為有效力的。For example, 曼德拉政府把南非人們對人生安全和對食物的期望都實現了,因此人們評論曼德拉政府是有效力的。

skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-7 22:02:48

王老師的comment: 2個paragraphs支持自己的論點之後, 第3個paragraph可以更深入discuss “well-being”是否一個好的variable 評估領導者的能力。For example: 如果一個國家的well-being一向都很高, 這不可以說領導者有能力令他們(市民)快樂。


In our modern society, there is a close relationship between the welfare of a given territory citizens and the effectiveness of that country’s leadership. After all, the country’s leaders are given the rights belonging to the general public to administrate the state, and hence, the well-being of that country’s citizens are the most critical and vital factor to evaluate the effectiveness of a given country’s leaders, whatever it is applied to the levels of well-developed and developing countries. However, we also need to bear in mind that this variable might not be the best means to evaluate leaderships’ performance while we are talking about a nation that the well-being always remains at a high level.

In the well-developed countries, citizens give the rights to the political leaderships to administrate the state in order to get a return that their expectations of well-being would be realized. Citizens in well-developed countries are looking for the well-being including but not limiting to a comprehensive healthy care system, a balance lifestyle between work and economic returns, a higher living standard, and so forth. 基於這些前提次下,最佳的方法評估領導者的效能的方法是量度市民的福利指數。若果領導者實現了市民的期望OR市民對福利期望被領導者實現了,領導者偕被評為有效能的;反之亦然。 For example, 因為奧巴馬政府較喬治布殊政府更有能力實現市民對工作,經濟和醫療的期望,奧巴馬政府被普遍評為一個有效能的總統,喬治布殊側是一個沒有效能的總統。

The expectations of the well-being of the developing countries’ citizens include the improvement in the infrastructure and the improvement in the worker’s general welfare while the citizens delegate the political leaders to exercise their rights. 假如領導者有能力把人民的expectations 實現,他們就會被評為有效力的;反之亦然。For example, 前泰國他信政府因為沒有把人民對well-being的期望實現,所以人民評論他信政府是一個沒有效力的領導者。

However, once the evaluation of the leaderships’ effectiveness is related to the condition that the citizens in a given country always satisfy with their life, well-being is not the best variable to judge leaderships’ performance. In fact, if people are living in well-developed countries – where have the comprehensive infrastructure, medical service, education service and other social welfare – people generally satisfy with their life whenever who are in power of the government. Under this condition, well-being is not the best means to evaluate the effectiveness of the leaders’ performance. For example, people in Sweden and Switzerland always feel satisfied with their life because of the comprehensive social welfare. Under this situation, well-being is not a good variable to judge the leaderships.     

skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-7 22:03:56

王老師的comment: 2個paragraphs支持自己的論點之後, 第3個paragraph可以更深入discuss “well-being”是否一個好的variable 評估領導者的能力。For example: 如果一個國家的well-being一向都很高, 這不可以說領導者有能力令他們(市民)快樂。


In our modern society, there is a close relationship between the welfare of a given territory citizens and the effectiveness of that country’s leadership. After all, the country’s leaders are given the rights belonging to the general public to administrate the state, and hence, the well-being of that country’s citizens are the most critical and vital factor to evaluate the effectiveness of a given country’s leaders, whatever it is applied to the levels of well-developed and developing countries. However, we also need to bear in mind that this variable might not be the best means to evaluate leaderships’ performance while we are talking about a nation that the well-being always remains at a high level.

In the well-developed countries, citizens give the rights to the political leaderships to administrate the state in order to get a return that their expectations of well-being would be realized. Citizens in well-developed countries are looking for the well-being including but not limiting to a comprehensive healthy care system, a balance lifestyle between work and economic returns, a higher living standard, and so forth. 基於這些前提次下,最佳的方法評估領導者的效能的方法是量度市民的福利指數。若果領導者實現了市民的期望OR市民對福利期望被領導者實現了,領導者偕被評為有效能的;反之亦然。 For example, 因為奧巴馬政府較喬治布殊政府更有能力實現市民對工作,經濟和醫療的期望,奧巴馬政府被普遍評為一個有效能的總統,喬治布殊側是一個沒有效能的總統。

The expectations of the well-being of the developing countries’ citizens include the improvement in the infrastructure and the improvement in the worker’s general welfare while the citizens delegate the political leaders to exercise their rights. 假如領導者有能力把人民的expectations 實現,他們就會被評為有效力的;反之亦然。For example, 前泰國他信政府因為沒有把人民對well-being的期望實現,所以人民評論他信政府是一個沒有效力的領導者。

However, once the evaluation of the leaderships’ effectiveness is related to the condition that the citizens in a given country always satisfy with their life, well-being is not the best variable to judge leaderships’ performance. In fact, if people are living in well-developed countries – where have the comprehensive infrastructure, medical service, education service and other social welfare – people generally satisfy with their life whenever who are in power of the government. Under this condition, well-being is not the best means to evaluate the effectiveness of the leaders’ performance. For example, people in Sweden and Switzerland always feel satisfied with their life because of the comprehensive social welfare. Under this situation, well-being is not a good variable to judge the leaderships.     

tesolchina 发表于 2014-12-8 00:54:24


skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-8 18:07:32

tesolchina 发表于 2014-12-8 00:54 static/image/common/back.gif

感謝王老師, 期待你的critical judgement
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