skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-7 22:07:37

Issue 81 All parents should be required to volunteer time

本帖最后由 skywongchiu 于 2014-12-8 18:09 编辑

本帖来自"14年秋季GRE提纲+全文互改小组",欢迎关注!你还可以查看更多小组、创建小组All parents should be required to volunteer time to their children's schools.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

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skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-7 22:07:53

Whether all parents should be required to volunteer time to their children’s schools is contingent on the categories of parents. For those wealthy and self-employed parents, they should be required to volunteer time to their children’s schools. This is because they can manage their schedules flexibly. On the contrary, for those working class parents, they should not be required to volunteer time to their children’s’ schools. Those parents have not the ability to manage their schedule freely.

Wealthy parents should be required to willingly contribute time to their children’s school. 有錢的家長不需要依賴工作去維持生計。他們有較多的時間參與學校的活動。所以, 他們應該被要求自願效勞children’s school.

Working class parents should not be required to voluntarily provide time for their children’s schools. 工人阶级的家長需要依賴工作去維持生計 和 依賴工作去賺取他們子女上學所需的費用。他們沒有可以參加學校活動的空閒時間。所以他們不應該被要求自願地貢獻時間給學校。

Furthermore, self-employed parents should be also required to volunteer time to their children's schools. 自僱的家長擁有自主性控制自己的生活。他們可以自由地調整工作的時間。他們有能力出席學校的活動。因此, 他們應該被要求自願效勞children’s school.

skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-7 22:08:22

王老師的comment: 把家長分成3個組別有可能造成discrimination的問題。因為王老師建议把用學校來做區分, 分成upper class, middle class and lower class。此外, 王老師建议說說voluntary work可帶來的好處。

Whether all parents should be required to volunteer time to their children’s schools is contingent on the categories of schools. For those upper class schools’ parents, parents should be required by the school to volunteer their time to their children’s school because of the availability of time of the parents and the potential benefit that the parents would receive from the voluntary work. For those middle class schools’ parents, parents should be required to manage to contribute their time to their children’s school. Under this arrangement, not only the schools, but also the parents, would be benefitted. For those lower class schools’ parents, parents should not be required to contribute time to the schools voluntarily because of the restrained conditions and abilities.

While the voluntary work of their children school will provide substantial benefits for the upper class parents and these parents have abilities to volunteer time to the school, parents in the upper class school should be required to contribute time to the school voluntarily. On the one hand, parents in the upper school need not to worry about how to maintain a living by working, which means that they have plenty of time that can be used to work for the school. On the other hand, by participating in the school’s voluntary work, the upper class parents would obtain opportunities to explore the administration of the school that their children are studying, to work closely with teachers who are educating their children, and to make friends with other parents who are participating in the voluntary work. All of the above benefit would facilitate parents to construct a better picture about the school that their children are attending to.  

Parents in the middle class school should also be required to manage to contribute time to their children school voluntarily on weekends or after work. This type of parents is generally familiar with different types of skills – such as word typing and information searching skills – related to their jobs. 同一時間, 學校和學生都希望可以學習非學術性的知識。若果學校要求家長利用空閒的時間來學校教授學生這方面的知識。學長不但得到機會貢獻他們的技術, 而且得到機會認識學校。另一方面, 學校和學生都得到更多的機會學習學術性的科目, 讓學生更能夠得到一個更全面的發展。

For those parents in the lowers class school, parents should not be required to volunteer time to their children’s school since they lack abilities to take the action. 為會低層的家長一方面沒有專業知識可以教導學生, 另一方面沒有時間可以用來教導別人。低收入家長普遍從事非技術行業。非技術行業的收入是偏低的。因此, 為了維持家庭的生計, 低層家長從事多份非技術的工作。換句話說, 非技術的家長是沒有時間和能力貢獻學校。

tesolchina 发表于 2014-12-8 00:39:15

感觉 简单将学校称为upper class schools似乎不妥
或许说 for those schools in the well-to-do neighborhoods
印象中我们是将upper class细分为 stay home mom 和 busy professionals

tesolchina 发表于 2014-12-8 00:42:59

好诡异啊 这道题竟然和issue 95重复了 已经有帖子了

skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-8 18:09:36

對丫, 馬上修改了
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