Argument 59,he following appeared in a memo from the president of Bower Builders
本帖来自"14年秋季GRE提纲+全文互改小组",欢迎关注!你还可以查看更多小组、创建小组59. The following appeared in a memo from the president of Bower Builders, a company that constructs new homes."A nationwide survey reveals that the two most-desired home features are a large family room and a large, well-appointed kitchen. A number of homes in our area built by our competitor Domus Construction have such features and have sold much faster and at significantly higher prices than the national average. To boost sales and profits, we should increase the size of the family rooms and kitchens in all the homes we build and should make state-of-the-art kitchens a standard feature. Moreover, our larger family rooms and kitchens can come at the expense of the dining room, since many of our recent buyers say they do not need a separate dining room for family meals."
Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted. 来占楼 加油! 提纲:
In this analysis, the arguer claims that the company should adjust their housing size of their room features. The survey reveals that people prefer to have a large,well-appointed kitchen and a large family room.In addition, the arguer assumes that their competitor Domus Construction had this feature ,also sold better than national average data.Then the arguer considered cutting their dinning room size so that increasing the kitchen and family room size. However, this argument is unconvincing for several flaws.
In order to prove whether the study have been reasonably considered,which means if the data of the people’s preference is convincing and logic.Because the conduct shows that two most-desired home features are a large family room and a large, well-appointed kitchen.Obviously this result exists some fallacies,例如这项调查是不是具有普遍性。比如这项调查的人群是否合理,不能仅仅只调查某一特定人群比如年轻人或者老人。根据职业分别来调查等等。
Another aspect is that if the competitors method matched with us .也许对手公司的侧重点并没有只在大厨房和起居室上,而是对于特定的人群进行设定的。并且文中所说数据比 全国的平均水平都要高。那么对手公司销量比全国平均销量高的这个数字是从哪里得来的呢。也许其他很多地方也会这样做,但可能并没有明确规定这个调整就是自己的。
Last but not least, the arguer claims that they should increase their size of the family rooms and kitchens in all the house they build in order to boost their profits. Meanwhile, their recent buyer do not disagree the ideas of the company.但是最近的买家意见不能代表所有买家的观点,也许最近的买家之所以有如此观点是因为他们同属于年轻人或者老年人。或者,这些最近的数据并不能预测未来情况的真是走向。而公司对房型的调整是否真的不会让他们的新顾客没有意见投诉 仍然需要进一步的观察。
As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would have to demonstrate that whether the survey is general and wide enough.And if the strategy of competitor is suitable for the company. Additionally, the arguer must provide evidence to prove if there is no buyers complain about the cutting size of the living room in the future. 王老师好,我新写了一个大纲,请看一下,谢谢啦!
1 抄题
59. The following appeared in a memo from the president of Bower Builders, a company that constructs new homes.
"A nationwide survey reveals that the two most-desired home features are a large family room and a large, well-appointed kitchen. A number of homes in our area built by our competitor Domus Construction have such features and have sold much faster and at significantly higher prices than the national average. To boost sales and profits, we should increase the size of the family rooms and kitchens in all the homes we build and should make state-of-the-art kitchens a standard feature. Moreover, our larger family rooms and kitchens can come at the expense of the dining room, since many of our recent buyers say they do not need a separate dining room for family meals."
Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
2 列出argument的结论和主要证据
claim或结论:To boost sales and profits, we should increase the size of the family rooms and kitchens in all the homes we build and should make state-of-the-art kitchens a standard feature. Moreover, our larger family rooms and kitchens can come at the expense of the dining room.
证据01 A nationwide survey reveals that the two most-desired home features are a large family room and a large, well-appointed kitchen.
证据02 A number of homes in our area built by our competitor Domus Construction have such features and have sold much faster and at significantly higher prices than the national average.
证据03 since many of our recent buyers say they do not need a separate dining room for family meals.
3 写第一段
TS (pt1, pt2, pt3): In the memo, the president of Bower Builders asserts that her company needs to build new homes with larger family rooms and kitchens and without the dining room, mainly citing a nationwide study, the competitor Domus Construction’s sales data, and her recent buyers’ words. In order to assess her conclusion, readers need to scrutinize the premises about the validity of the survey, the other characteristics of competitor’s houses and the representativeness of Bower Builder’s recent customers.
4. 写出中间段的主题句(英语)用汉语解释主要讨论的点
ts (pt1): First of all, the president assumes that the questions in the survey is reasonably designed and will not mislead the participants. 要是真如作者所想的那样,调查中的问题设计合理,那么其结果当然反映出了消费者的真实想法,该公司就应按消费者的意愿修大起居室和大厨房。可是如果调查中的问题设计得不合理,因而误导了参与者,那么Bower Builder经理的结论就不靠谱了。比如问题问消费者什么是他们的most-desired home features,而后只列出了以下几个选项:大客厅、大厨房、大卧室、大阳台、大厕所。那么消费者也许只好选大客厅和大厨房了。可是如果有采光好、通风佳、节能强等选项的话,答案也许就另当别论了。
ts (pt2): Furthermore, the next assumption is that competitor Domus Construction’s homes attract the purchasers merely due to the large family room as well as the large and well equipped kitchen. 如果真是如此的话,那么Bower Builder的确该向对手公司学习,在每间房里修筑同样的大起居室、大且装备精良的厨房。然而有可能是Domus Construction所修房屋的其它特征导致其卖得又快、又贵,例如他们所修房屋的位置好,离购物中心很近,或是周围绿化环境好,污染少,还可能是采光好、通风佳、节能强。那么这位president就不能贸然模仿竞争对手的大客厅、大厨房模式了。
ts (pt3): Finally, the president postulates that her recent consumers can represent all of her potential buyers.作者将最近购买者的意见等同于所有购买者的意见,倘若当真如此,那么单独的饭厅就不必要了。但是,如果最近购买者恰好都是一群喜欢坐在卧室电脑、客厅电视前边看节目边吃饭的年轻人,对于他们来说,单独的饭厅的确不必要。然而这些人只占总人口的少数,绝大多数人还是要独立饭厅的,那么这位president让手下以后修的房子都没有饭厅,可能大多数潜在消费者就不买她的房子了。其结果当然与其预料不符。