skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-8 17:52:16

Argu 17 To reverse a decline in listener numbers,

本帖来自"14年秋季GRE提纲+全文互改小组",欢迎关注!你还可以查看更多小组、创建小组The following appeared in a memorandum from the manager of WWAC radio station.

To reverse a decline in listener numbers, our owners have decided that WWAC must change from its current rock-music format. The decline has occurred despite population growth in our listening area, but that growth has resulted mainly from people moving here after their retirement. We must make listeners of these new residents. We could switch to a music format tailored to their tastes, but a continuing decline in local sales of recorded music suggests limited interest in music. Instead we should change to a news and talk format, a form of radio that is increasingly popular in our area.

Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.

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skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-8 17:52:36

Argument: To reverse a decline in listener numbers, our owners have decided that WWAC must change from its current rock-music format. Instead we should change to a news and talk format, a form of radio that is increasingly popular in our area.

論証1: The decline has occurred despite population growth in our listening area, but that growth has resulted mainly from people moving here after their retirement

論証2: A continuing decline in local sales of recorded music suggests limited interest in music

論証 3: We should change to a news and talk format, a form of radio that is increasingly popular in our area

In the memo, the manager of WWAC argues that they should change to a news and talk format from a rock-music format in order to reverse the decline in the number of listeners, citing the evidence about the increasing popularity of the formats of news and talk in the area. A number of specific evidence about the ratio between the new residents from outside and the decline in the listeners, the inventory and the sales record of the recorded music in the local area, and the new residents favors against the formats of news and talk show is need to evaluate the argument.

To begin with, the manager indicates that although the population of the area is increasing due to the fact that many retired people moved in, the number of listeners of WWAC focusing on the rock-music format is decreasing. The manager suggests that they should change the format of the company. 為了更準確地評估這一個假說, 我需要的証明包括當地人口增加的比例 和 WWAC聽眾下降的比例。如果聽眾下跌的比例較增加的人口為多, 這不能証明聽眾下跌是因為新來的居民不喜歡ROCK-MUSIC。相反地, 如果聽眾下跌的人口和新增的人口比例是相同的, 經理的假說可以被支持。

Furthermore, the manager believes that music – including rock music – is no longer popular in their region because there is a decrease in the local sales of recorded music. 為了更準確地評估這個假說, 我需要的証明包括當地音樂相關的存貨。如果當地音樂相關的產品存貨量一直不斷地下降 OR 當地的音樂相關的retailers 不能夠從wholesalers得到充足的補貨。在這一情況之下, 經理的假說便會被weaken。相反地, 若果當地的retailers擁有充足的音樂產品存貨, 相對其他非音樂產品的來說, 音樂相關的產品销售量較其他產品為低時, 經理的假說可以被strengthened.

Additionally, the manager recommends that the company should change to news and talk formats, rather than should use the rock-music format, stating that of radio the popularity of the news and talk formats in the region. 為了更準確地評估這個假說, 我需要的証明包括新來的居民的喜好。如果他們喜愛news and talk show formats, 經理提議的改革可以為公司帶來新的聽眾人口。相反地, 如果新來的居民不喜愛news and talk show formats, 經理的提議不可能改善公司聽眾下降的問題。

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