vikkiH 发表于 2014-12-9 00:02:02

issue25 第二次练

25, edu Governments should offer college and university education free of charge to all students.

It has been reported many about students who are clever but too poor to afford the education fee. Also, some views concerns that offering students with free charge of education fee is a beneficial way, which will encourage students’ positivity to study. The speaker claim so, free charge of college and university education should be offered to all students by governments. I concede that it is meaningful for some students with great talents but poor backgrounds, however, in my view, students who get this support should be measured.
The charge for education is a big amount, therefore, not every student is qualified enough to gain the support. Imagine if a college student gets into the school merely because of the believe that a college diploma can develop better chances in job hunting rather than the enthusiasm for knowledge, and the student does not study but consumes a lot with parents’ money, should government wastes money on him or her? In spite of offering the support for all, students should be measured first, such as their backgrounds, GPA, capability of studying and working and their purposes of entering the college.
Instead of offering financial support to students in need, government should push off individual work. The importance of working individually with the problems and potentialities of students must be emphasized. As we have more and more students, the current grading system, with many students receiving poor grades and unable to develop specific skills, indicates that there is a need to help individual students. More community activities and highly interactive technology like computers are efficient ways to help them, which should truely be supported by governments.
However, without the government’s regulations, the money could be misused by other people who are neither students nor the teachers. For the time being, many government officials were found with corruption, especially those who were in charge of educational expenditure. Statistics show that if the educational expenditure were used properly, there would be billions more than now. For example, the Students Innovation Training(SIT) in China is subsidized by the government with more than ten billion RMB, but the actual fund SIT can get is much less than that. Thus, regulations should be enacted to make sure that the support to education is made best of its use.
On the whole, government should put the money where it is needed. Although there are still many problems about educational financial support, if we do not ameliorate it but allow unrestrained freedom, it will be worse and worse, and finally lower the level of the whole society. To make the education better, not only the government, but also everyone’s efforts are needed.
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