Issue 54-Well-rounded, all college students, imaginative literature courses
本帖来自"14年秋季GRE提纲+全文互改小组",欢迎关注!你还可以查看更多小组、创建小组54) In order to become well-rounded individuals, all college students should be required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature.Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.
请回帖时按照指引( )列出英语提纲并用汉语解释并根据指引点评楼上的提纲。 第一个回帖的同学不必点评 原有思路:
Not all college students but students of arts and art students should be required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature, while students of science or engineering do not have to.
Students of arts should take courses in different types of imaginative literature because there might be some connections between the different kinds of literature and their major, so that taking the courses will benefit their study in major.文科许多领域的知识相互联系,因此学习这些科目有利于文科生在自己钻研的领域左右逢源,获得灵感。举例:诗歌、小说、神学都是文化的反映,阅读这些有利于学习地缘文化的学生巩固知识。
Art students also should take the courses because this knowledge might help them understand different feelings from different cultures.这些文学类的知识能够帮助艺术生了解人类情感,能够提升他们对于作品的欣赏水品,对他们的演奏、创作都有帮助。举例:学习神学有利于学习古典音乐的同学理解莫扎特的《安魂曲》。
However, students of science or engineering do not have to take the courses because they have many specialized courses to take and imaginative literature can hardly be used in their work.理工科学生注重的是本专业的知识体系和应用方法,与文学关系不大。由于理工科学生专业课程较多,训练量较大,因此没有时间专门上很多文学类的课程。如果是提升自我修养,可以让学生根据自己的爱好进行自主阅读。
A well-rounded individuals refers to the person that is an expert in one specific field while he is compared with knowledge in different fields. Not all students but students of arts and social science should be required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature, while students of science or engineering do not have to.
Students of arts should take courses in different types of imaginative literature because there might be some connections between the different kinds of literature and their major, so that taking the courses will benefit their study in major.文科许多领域的知识相互联系,因此学习这些科目有利于文科生在自己钻研的领域左右逢源,获得灵感。举例:研究历史的方法之一是看那个年代写出的小说,从小说中看当代的生活。
In social science fields, students should also take the courses because the knowledge can help them understand how people think.举例:心理学中,可以通过study imaginative literature 了解人类心理。
However, students of science or engineering do not have to take the courses because they have many specialized courses to take and imaginative literature can hardly be used in their work.理工科学生注重的是本专业的知识体系和应用方法,与文学关系不大。由于理工科学生专业课程较多,训练量较大,因此没有时间专门上很多文学类的课程。如果是提升自我修养,可以让学生根据自己的爱好进行自主阅读。
Fine art and music students also should take the courses because this knowledge might help them understand different feelings from different cultures.这些想象文学类的知识通过不同形式体现了人类情感,能够给在创作背景、艺术形式方面给学生启发,帮助艺术生了解人类情感,能够提升他们对于作品的欣赏水品,对他们的演奏、创作都有帮助。举例:学习神学有利于学习古典音乐的同学理解莫扎特的《安魂曲》。
加油! 本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2015-1-3 09:51 编辑
54. In order to become well-rounded individuals, all college students should be required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.
TS (pt1, pt2, pt3): Since a well-rounded person majors in a subject and simultaneously possesses a balance of knowledge and ability in diverse fields, the suggestion in the statement will not be always the case. In fact, it has already been obligatory for the students of arts, especially those majoring in the literature, classics or linguistics, to finish the modules involving different kinds of imaginative literature from poetry to mythology. Therefore, to learn some rigorous and scientific methodology by taking the modules like mathematics may render these students better-rounded. With respect to the students of social science, reading some poetry or novels in a formal course tends to enhance their understanding of their own subjects. In contrast, the science and engineering students can broaden their horizon and encourage their creativity if they have spare time and energy to attend imaginative literature courses.
Since a well-rounded person majors in a subject and simultaneously possesses a balance of knowledge and ability in diverse fields, the suggestion in the statement will not be always the case. 这个句子还是不行啊
题目的重点是imaginative literature 你这句话没有正面回应题目 而且since引出的从句表述也有问题
since引出的前提应该是大家都能接受的事实 你讲的这个是需要证明的
In fact, it has already been obligatory for the students of arts, especially those majoring in the literature, classics or linguistics, to finish the modules involving different kinds of imaginative literature from poetry to mythology. Therefore, to learn some rigorous and scientific methodology by taking the modules like mathematics may render these students better-rounded. Therefore前后完全看不出因果关系啊
ts (pt1): To begin with, the advice cannot achieve its goal when the college attendees in the field of arts follow it. 建议中说要大学生全面发展,就得要求他们全都去选修关于想象文学的课程。然而文学、古典研究、语言学等专业的学生,多半已经学习了大量涉及想象文学的内容。因此他们本来就不缺乏想象和文学方面的知识,要他们全面发展,就得反题目中建议而行,让他们选修一些关于严密逻辑的学科,如数学。唯有这样,他们才能文理双全,既有想象力,又能做推理,而非胡思乱想。因此题目中的建议对纯文科生是多此一举,要达到其目的得反其道而行。
college attendees- students
然而文学、古典研究、语言学等专业的学生,多半已经学习了大量涉及想象文学的内容。因此他们本来就不缺乏想象和文学方面的知识 既然他们学了 那么这个requirement就满足了啊 可能你在英国读书对美国的distribution requirement 了解不多
ts (pt2): Notwithstanding, the social science students are able to comprehend their own majors more deeply if they take the courses where they will read a myriad of books about imagination. 社会学的学生不同于纯文科生,本来课程里缺少接触诗歌、小说的机会。修习阅读想象文学的课程,可以使题目加深对自己本学科的理解,因为文学创作来源于社会生活。比如中国古诗《魏风•硕鼠》,全诗纯用比体,以硕鼠喻奴隶制社会的统治者,提及逃亡揭示当时奴隶反抗的主要形式,对于社会学专业的学生很有启发。又如中国四大名著之一的《水浒传》,以夸张的手法描绘了古代中国古代政治的黑暗,为政治学和经济学专业的学生提供了借鉴。
可否选国外的例子 这里的重点是想象文学这种形式可以体现当时的社会 可以成立 比如 Frankenstein体现了人类对科技发展的焦虑 另外写汉语展开的时候 可否尝试做动作预演
- 提出观点
- 举第一个例子
ts (p3): What is more, even the students who major in the science or engineering will benefit from employ(ing) the recommendation, since the imaginative literature allows them to be more innovative. 有人说理工科的学生本来课程就多,时间就紧,又不能直接运用想象文学类课程中所学到的知识,因此不必学习关于想象文学的课程,我却不这么认为。耽误本专业的学习当然不行,所以在时间精力都允许的情况下,理工科学生学习想象文学课程还是利大于弊的。与纯文科学生恰恰相反,理工科学生几乎只学习数理化等有着严密科学方法的学科,很少学习文学类的课程,那么久而久之,他们的思维难免陷入一个个公式和理论中而僵化。想象文学正好起了润滑剂的作用,能使他们的大脑得到全面发展。比如文学中骑着扫帚飞天的女巫激发了工程师让人类在天上飞的灵感,经过几代工程师的努力人类终于制造出了飞机。又如科学家发明的导弹、火焰发射器等现代武器,都有文学中魔法攻击的影子。因此,理工科学生的严格数学、逻辑基础,唯有插上想象文学的翅膀,才能高飞。
题目的前提是In order to become well-rounded individuals 这个是修读相关课程的目的 那么你在论述时要回应这个目的 可以对well-rounded做进一步的解释 但是不能无视它
同上 建议做动作预演
感觉你开头段的写作还是要再斟酌一下 最好能模仿一下我写的
54. In order to become well-rounded individuals, all college students should be required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.
TS (pt1, pt2, pt3): A well-rounded person majors in a subject and simultaneously possesses a balance of knowledge and ability in diverse fields. Some suggest that to cultivate such individuals entails the attendance at the lessons where the students read different genres of imaginative literature. In my opinion, this advice is not always the case. In fact, it has already been obligatory for the students of arts, especially those majoring in the literature, classics or linguistics, to finish the modules involving different kinds of imaginative literature from poetry to mythology. According to the suggestion, such students will be well-rounded enough. However, if they do not take the modules like mathematics, they tend to be inventive but to lack rigorous and scientific methodology, which renders them incomprehensive. With respect to the students of social science, reading some poetry or novels in a formal course tends to enhance their understanding of their own subjects. In contrast, the science and engineering students can broaden their horizon and encourage their creativity if they have spare time and energy to attend imaginative literature courses.
ts (pt1): To begin with, the advice cannot achieve its goal when the college attendees in the field of arts follow it. 建议中说要大学生全面发展,就得要求他们全都去选修关于想象文学的课程。然而文学、古典研究、语言学等专业的学生,多半已经学习了大量涉及想象文学的内容。因此他们本来就不缺乏想象和文学方面的知识,要他们全面发展,就得反题目中建议而行,让他们选修一些关于严密逻辑的学科,如数学。唯有这样,他们才能文理双全,既有想象力,又能做推理,而非胡思乱想。因此题目中的建议对纯文科生是多此一举,要达到其目的得反其道而行。(不管美国的distribution requirement 怎样,按照题目中建议的思路推论下去,就能发现其不全面。打个比方吧,well-rounded的要求是让人既要有A又要有B,题目建议则说仅仅有A便可达到目的,没提及B。我就说某些人已经有很多A了,但他们缺B。建议并没有说要让他们去补B,因此可推出它不是放诸四海而皆准的。)
ts (pt2): Notwithstanding, the social science students are able to comprehend their own majors more deeply if they take the courses where they will read a myriad of books about imagination. 社会学的学生不同于纯文科生,本来课程里缺少接触诗歌、小说的机会。修习阅读想象文学的课程,可以使题目加深对自己本学科的理解,因为文学创作来源于社会生活。比如傅满洲(Fu Manchu)是英国作家Sax Rohmer小说中的人物,他是美国在19世纪末开始的黄祸恐慌(Yellow Peril)中最著名的中国人角色。这个坏博士无恶不作,以他为主角的系列电影在1920年代的美国取得很大成功,这反映了the jingoism of British culture in the early 20th century。而陈查理(Charlie Chan)是美国作家Earl Derr Biggers小说中的人物,他是模范少数裔(Model minority)的人物画形象,是一个聪明机智,维护正义的华人警长。陈查理系列电影在30年代大获成功,究其原因,则是由于当时日本正在东亚发起战争,中国是美国在二战的对日盟友。通过阅读这两套系列小说,社会学或者历史学专业的学生可以结合中国人文学形象的改变加深对他们所学当时的历史、文化、政治背景知识的了解。
ts (p3): What is more, even the students who major in the science or engineering will benefit from employing the recommendation, since the imaginative literature allows them to be more innovative, which is an aspect of a well-rounded person. 与纯文科学生恰恰相反,理工科学生几乎只学习数理化等有着严密科学方法的学科,很少学习文学类的课程,那么久而久之,他们的思维难免陷入一个个公式和理论中而僵化。想象文学正好起了润滑剂的作用,能使他们的大脑得到全面发展,既有严密逻辑,又富有创造力。比如Jules Verne 在他1865 年的科幻小说“From the Earth to the Moon”中提出了 light-propelled spaceships的概念,这激发了全世界许多国家的科学家研究solar sails 。一位该邻域的专家Jordin Kare就明确承认科幻小说对他事业的影响,他甚至说因为Robert Heinlein的小说 “Have Spacesuit, Will Travel” 的男主人公就读于 MIT,所以他也千方百计上了MIT。想象类文学作品对理工科学生全面发展的作用,由此可见一斑。