ClaretZ 发表于 2014-12-10 19:41:08

Issue 88-Nations should suspend government funding for the arts

本帖来自"14年秋季GRE提纲+全文互改小组",欢迎关注!你还可以查看更多小组、创建小组88) Claim: Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed.
Reason: It is inappropriate—and, perhaps, even cruel—to use public resources to fund the arts when people's basic needs are not being met.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
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ClaretZ 发表于 2014-12-10 19:41:40

I agree with the reason but I do not totally agree with the claim.
The reason can be held true since the government should first ensure people’s basic need can be met because of human right.政府首先应当保障基本人权,再追求艺术发展。举例:海啸、地震等灾难发生后政府会首先进行救灾,并且停止一段时间的所有娱乐活动为死者默哀。
Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when famine comes.饥荒中政府需要首先保证人们的生存,因此需要削减娱乐支出采购粮食缓解饥荒。
Nations need not to suspend government funding for the arts when great numbers of their citizens are unemployed because suspending funding for the arts may cause more unemployment.失业不代表人们的基本生存需求得不到保障,因此原因不能够推出该结论。同时削减娱乐支持可能会导致艺术界人士事业,加剧失业状况。

Whether nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed can be discussed in different countries.
As for developed countries, the government need not to suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed since the government can use other ways or specific an amount of money to solve the problem.举例:罗斯福新政中,面对经济危机,政府用修建国家设施解决就业问题。
As for developing countries, the government should use an amount of money to solve the problem rather than suspend government funding for the arts because the situation in which significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed turns out after disasters such as earthquake or tsunami. 救灾款进行救助,整个国家的艺术发展不受影响。
Finally, for least developed countries, nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed, because the government should first ensure that people’s basic need can be met. 政府需要首先保证人们的生存,因此需要削减娱乐支出采购粮食缓解饥荒或者增加就业。

另外,Claim & Reason的题型在写作时不应该将二者分开讨论,应该将两句话当成一个句子进行审题。举例:Issue 89

The argument that funding for arts is not justifiable given the problems of hunger and unemployment is not reasonable when we consider the contribution of the funding to job creation, the little difference the funding could make to solving the problems and the long-term social benefits of arts.  

To begin with, the government funding for the arts can help create jobs that may alleviate the problems of unemployment and hunger. For example, when the government finances the construction of an art museum, it will create numerous jobs in buildings industry and help stimulate the local economy. With a stronger economy, the government can then receive more tax money to provide benefits for the society, including those suffering from poverty and hunger. Once the museum is built, it will further create more jobs, including those that require low-level skills, e.g. security guards.  The low-income people will then benefit from the project and these people are more likely to help those who suffer from poverty as they often come from the same socioeconomic class.  

In addition, this recommendation is not helpful when the problems of unemployment and hunger are so severe and widespread that the amount of funding for arts is insignificant, if not trivial, relative to the efforts required to address the problems. I do not have any quantitative data to present a more precise analysis. But intuitively it is safe to believe that we need far more resources to help those suffering from hunger and unemployment for which the funding for arts would not make much difference. In addition, we need to recognise that the problems of unemployment and hunger are not simple matters that can be solved with money alone. There are a host of institutional and economic problems causing unemployment and hunger that suspending funding for arts can barely help address.  

Finally, we should not overlook the long-term, unobtrusive benefits of arts for solving social problems such as unemployment and hunger. For one thing, people who are unemployed may find it helpful to spend some time in an art museum and find some emotional comfort in the art works. Government funding for such art projects would benefit unemployed people who may find hope and strength to move on in their lives. Meanwhile, art projects may address fundamental issues in human nature such as greed and anxiety that are the ultimate causes of unemployment and poverty. While funding for such projects may not help the unemployed or hungry people immediately, the art works may direct more public attention to the related issues and contribute to the development of long-term solutions.  

In conclusion, it is naive to assume that suspending the funding for arts can solve the problems of unemployment and poverty. In fact, government-funded arts have important short-term and long-term benefits for addressing both problems.

tesolchina 发表于 2014-12-10 21:17:52

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