skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-13 23:08:20

Issue 56 Many important discoveries or creations are accidental

本帖最后由 skywongchiu 于 2014-12-14 00:47 编辑

本帖来自"14年秋季GRE提纲+全文互改小组",欢迎关注!你还可以查看更多小组、创建小组56. Many important discoveries or creations are accidental: it is usually while seeking the answer to one question that we come across the answer to another.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

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skywongchiu 发表于 2014-12-13 23:08:34

本帖最后由 skywongchiu 于 2014-12-15 11:26 编辑

The speaker claims that many important discoveries or creations are accidental since they are discovered or created while we seek the answer to one question that we come across the answer to another. Whether this argument is reasonable is contingent on the types of important discoveries or creations we are talking about. While the discussion is related to medical and engineering, those important discoveries or creations are not accidental. While the discussion is related to social science, those important discoveries or creations are accidental.

To start with, the important creations in medical industry are not accidental. Researchers and workers in the field work strictly with the assumption that they made before approaching the studies. Also, the creation of the final product is go through thousands of time of testing that is designed by the workers who work closely with their assumption. In other word, the product is not created accidentally, rather than is created predictably. Consider the case of the penicillin discovery in the medical science. Researchers spent over 20 years – from 1920 to 1940 – to study a vaccine that is capable to effectively and efficiently remedy germs. They worked closely with each assumption. In other word, the creation of penicillin is made according to the required set by the researchers, rather than is made accidentally.

In addition, the creations in engineering industry are not accidentally. 被發明的產品是工程科學家心思細密地計劃的。Consider the creation of Iphon. Steve Jobs在生產Iphone前, 細讀市場上電話用家的意見, 再中合自己的看法。根據以上的絛件, Jobs 開發Iphone. 換句話來說 Iphone 的生產原全相配Jobs的想法。

However, on the contrary, the discoveries in social science are accidentally. The subjects of the studies in social science always change due to the major factor that the subjects in social science are living organs. For example, 政治是不斷改變的。 學生經常在STUDIES發現其他理論/現像。


1.        把第2段中的assumption 換成theory or condition or other words related to theory.

2.        強調成果是意外地話, 就要說就個成果是不包括在可預計發生的。強調成果不是意外地話, 就要就這個成果的發明/發意是去處理某個特定的問題。


The speaker claims that many important discoveries or creations are accidental since they are discovered or created while we seek the answer to one question that we come across the answer to another. Whether this argument is reasonable is contingent on the types of important discoveries or creations we are talking about. While the discussion is related to medical and engineering, those important discoveries or creations are not accidental. While the discussion is related to social science, those important discoveries or creations are accidental.

To start with, the important creations in medical industry are not accidental. Researchers and workers in the field work strictly with the theories that they made before approaching the studies. Also, the creation of the final product is go through thousands of time of testing that is designed by the workers who work closely with their theories. In other word, the product is not created accidentally, rather than is created predictably. Consider the case of the penicillin discovery in the medical science. Researchers spent over 20 years – from 1920 to 1940 – to study a vaccine that is capable to effectively and efficiently remedy germs. They worked closely with each theory. In other word, the creation of penicillin is made according to the required set by the researchers, rather than is made accidentally.

In addition, the creations in engineering industry are not accidentally. 被發明的產品是工程科學家心思細密地計劃的。Consider the creation of Iphon. Steve Jobs在生產Iphone前, 細讀市場上電話用家的意見, 再中合自己的看法。根據以上的絛件, Jobs 開發Iphone. 換句話來說 Iphone 的生產原全相配Jobs的想法。

However, on the contrary, the discoveries in social science are accidentally. The subjects of the studies in social science always change due to the major factor that the subjects in social science are living organs. For example, 香港市民公民抗命的總結是一個意外的科學成果。社會科學家原本打算運用香港社會理論探討香港的民主化進展。不過, 市民表現出來的行為和傳統香港的理論不相關。他們運用西方世界的公民抗命手段爭取民主。所以, 科學家在這次的探討當中得出了一個全新的理論基礎去探討香港的民主化發展。

tesolchina 发表于 2014-12-14 09:22:43

讨论前的提纲如果有 也请附上

黛丝丝丝丝 发表于 2014-12-15 12:00:09

本帖最后由 黛丝丝丝丝 于 2014-12-15 12:03 编辑


说到medical方面的accidental invention,当属人们为了治疗hypertension而发明的Viagra了。。。

另外我还想到一个产品上面accidental的例子是Percy Spencer,搞radar technology research的时候发明了Microwave Owen.


zsczsl 发表于 2015-1-4 22:17:04


56. Many important discoveries or creations are accidental: it is usually while seeking the answer to one question that we come across the answer to another.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

TS (pt1, pt2, pt3): During the long history, human beings repeatedly made huge breakthroughs when them were attempting to achieve other goals. Therefore, I share the same opinion with the speaker. In the fields of medicine, engineering and social science, these cases of accidental discoveries can provide us with different enlightenments.
ts (pt1): First of all, the medical area is replete with the fruits found unexpectedly and we can learn that not all side effects are deleterious. 医学领域里,人们常常把副作用看作一件坏东西,谈之色变,避之唯恐不及。然而Viagra 的发现给人们上了一课,告诉人们副作用有时也是对人类有利的。Pfizer 制药厂原本要研制一种治疗心绞痛的药物,在试验过程中合成了Viagra。Viagra被拿去给人服食,看疗效。其治疗心绞痛的效果一直不佳,于是Pfizer 就要放弃试验了。就在这时,Pfizer的研究人员发现了它的一种side effect - lots of erections. 而后Pfizer就派 senior scientist Chris Wayman研究该现象。最后Wayman弄清了它治疗erectile dysfunction的机理,并让Pfizer将它当作世界上首款口服治erectile dysfunction 药物发售,结果畅销至今。因此要想取得意想不到的成果,人们得打破常规思维。

ts (pt2): Furthermore, engineers may invent something usual if they are sufficiently curious about every detail that they encounter during their research. 工程师得有刨根问底的精神才能发明创新。例如,In 1945 engineer Percy Spencer 在the Raytheon company 里研究radar. 当他在a magnetron, an electronic vacuum tube that generates high-frequency radio waves前站了一会儿之后,他发现 the chocolate bar in his pocket was melting. 然后他思索其中原因,并把popcorn kernels,raw egg等都放到magnetron,发现没过多久它们都熟了。再经过一系列研究,Spencer 终于发现magnetron 所发出的microwaves可以加热食物,而且比传统方法更快。之后他便利用该原理发明了微波炉。所以即使是有了偶然发现的种子,也需要不懈探索来灌溉才能最终开花结果。

ts (p3): Finally, even the unforeseen achievements in the field of social science entail the motive of promoting the well-beings of a society as a whole. 即便是再出人意料的社会科学成就,都是基于要提升社会整体福利的意图才达到的。比如Mikhail Gorbachev 的perestroika and glasnost致使苏联解体,冷战结束,核战争的威胁解除,人类走向一个更加和平、相互交流更频繁的时代,这无疑是一个巨大的成就。然而Gorbachev 是相信communism 的,他所做的一切都是为了挽救苏联,但他比任何其他人都对苏联崩溃作出了更多的贡献,这肯定是一个事故。究其perestroika and glasnost的缘由,是为了促使社会的整体进步,而非仅仅是为了保有个人权力。如果Gorbachev 只有捍卫自己权力的意愿,那么他大可不进行任何改革,苏联也许还能苟延残喘至今,他说不定还坐在Kremlin 里面继续执掌这个超级大国。因此偶然的结果后面也有必然意愿的作用,如今的社科工作者大可借鉴。

3012208238 发表于 2015-2-7 02:45:58

TS:  Lots of significant discoveries or creations are found abound with luck,because those discoverers and creators were actually searching for some other fruits.These phenomenons which are full of serendipities, could be observed in many fields.

ts1:For instance,the invention of microwave oven comes from a scientist called Spencer who was actually,at that time,trying to apply microwave into military radar usage

ts2:When it comes to the invention of Penicillin,everybody would think of the brilliant yet notoriously absent-minded biologist Fleming who find out the of importance bacteria.

ts3: Nevertheless,some people may argue that those kinds of creations aren’t actually “many”,instead,it’s rarely happen in the long history of human lives.Admittedly,the amount of these windfalls may be really less than of goals people are intending to find,but it’s a very high possibility to reap side-products

“Nothing is impossible”,this proverb is perfectly explicated in the science society.In the long history of human science,lots of significant discoveries or creations are found abound with luck,because those discoverers and creators were actually searching for some other fruits.These phenomenons which are full of serendipities, could be observed in many fields.

  Engineers are always making their efforts to improve people daily life,and hence so many breakthroughs take place accidentally along with this exacting journey.For instance,the invention of microwave oven comes from a scientist called Spencer who was actually,at that time,trying to apply microwave into military radar usage.During the experiment,Spencer operate the manufacturing magnetrons to produce microwave signals that were integral to radar use.All of a sudden,Spencer surprisingly find out that his chocolate bar in his pocket melted.Soon he realized this owes to the heat radiated by the microwave,thus,he make use of microwave heat and invent microwave oven which already become a necessary part of our lives.Not only this fortuitous accidents happen in the engineer field,but also we can find similar windfalls in other fields,like medical field.

  When it comes to the invention of Penicillin,everybody would think of the brilliant yet notoriously absent-minded biologist Fleming who find out the of importance bacteria.Upon returning from holiday one time,Fleming noticed that a glass culture dishes he had accidentally left out were already contaminated with a fungus.It wasn’t until later that he noticed that other bacteria can’t survive around that fungus mold.Immediately after this fact,he published a paper about this fungus.And later other scientist exploit the invaluable merit of this fungus,and develop it into our current medicine.

Nevertheless,some people may argue that those kinds of creations aren’t actually “many”,instead,it’s rarely happen in the long history of human lives.Admittedly,the amount of these windfalls may be really less than of goals people are intending to find,but it’s a very high possibility to reap side-products,which may turn out to be great breakthroughs in the future,during the process of producing some intended products.Such as Spencer find out microwave oven during applying it into radar usage,Roentgen found out X-rays when he test the emission sent from tubes.The number of these findings is anything but few.

Ultimately,concerning the examples such as Spencer and Fleming,and the possibility of reaping these unintended benefits,we really could draw the conclusion that many significant discoveries and creations are fortuitous.
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