zsczsl 发表于 2015-1-5 23:01:38

Argument 64 life-size sculpture will decrease in value and miniatures increase i


1 抄题

64.Collectors prize the ancient life-size clay statues of human figures made on Kali Island but have long wondered how Kalinese artists were able to depict bodies with such realistic precision. Since archaeologists have recently discovered molds of human heads and hands on Kali, we can now conclude that the ancient Kalinese artists used molds of actual bodies, not sculpting tools and techniques, to create these statues. This discovery explains why Kalinese miniature statues were abstract and entirely different in style: molds could be used only for life-size sculptures. It also explains why few ancient Kalinese sculpting tools have been found. In light of this discovery, collectors predict that the life-size sculptures will decrease in value while the miniatures increase in value.

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the prediction and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the prediction.

zsczsl 发表于 2015-1-5 23:01:55

2 列出argument的结论和主要证据
claim或结论:In light of this discovery, collectors predict that the life-size sculptures will decrease in value while the miniatures increase in value.

证据01 Collectors prize the ancient life-size clay statues of human figures made on Kali Island but have long wondered how Kalinese artists were able to depict bodies with such realistic precision.   
证据02 Since archaeologists have recently discovered molds of human heads and hands on Kali, we can now conclude that the ancient Kalinese artists used molds of actual bodies, not sculpting tools and techniques, to create these statues.
证据03 This discovery explains why Kalinese miniature statues were abstract and entirely different in style: molds could be used only for life-size sculptures.
证据04 It also explains why few ancient Kalinese sculpting tools have been found.

3 写第一段
TS (pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4): Those collectors prophesy that the Kalinese life-size sculptures will depreciate in the future whilst the miniatures will appreciate mainly based on a recent archaeological discovery.  To determine the validation of their conclusion, the reader should know the responses to certain questions about the collectors’ interests, application of the molds, the style of Kalinese miniature and the absence of sculpting tools.

4. 写出中间段的主题句(英语)用汉语解释主要讨论的点
ts (pt1): In the first place, the collectors need to respond why they appreciate the Kalinese ancient life-size clay statues. 如果答案是他们欣赏雕刻者神乎其神的雕刻技艺,那么倘若发现那些惟妙惟肖的人像是用模子铸造而成,并非精雕细刻而成,那么其在collectors心目中的价值当然大打折扣。可是如果答案是这些真人大小的人像颜色搭配很协调,或是人物看上去很可爱,那么collectors 就不那么关注艺术家的雕工了,即使这些人像是用模子造的,也很值钱。中间第二段
ts (pt2): Even if the collectors mostly emphasize the sculptors’ skills of depicting human bodies, readers should examine the answer to next question what the molds of human heads and hands found on Kali Island had been used for. 倘若答案是它们当真用于create the life-sized sculptures,那么收藏家的推测就有可能成立了。然而被发现的模子仅有头手部分而已,就算它们被用于造雕像,雕像的其它部位如胸、腹、胳膊、手腕、腿、脚等还是得由人来雕刻啊,照样体现了艺术家的神技。而且答案还可能是模子用来铸造的人头、人手,仅仅是用来让雕塑家参照着练习雕刻的,如此收藏家的预计就更不可靠了。
ts (pt3): Thirdly, the collectors should answer why the Kalinese miniatures are different from the life-sized statues in style.文中收藏家有个假设,即Kalinese艺术家雕刻技术不行,因此用模子造的真人大小像栩栩如生,而纯粹用手雕的像就走样了。如果对于两种像样式不一的答案与此假设相符,那么收藏家的结论是正确的。然而要是答案是Kali岛上的宗教或者文化致使当地雕塑家雕刻写实的真人大小像,而雕刻抽象的微缩像,那么收藏家的推论就值得怀疑了。
ts (pt4): The last question that entails response is why there are so few sculpturing tools discovered on the island of Kali. 如果答案是岛上艺术家主要用模子铸造而非用工具雕刻,那么收藏家的语言可能是真。可是答案还可能是岛上居民迁徙的时候将大多数雕刻工具都带走了;或是雕刻黏土的工具大多是木质的,因为年代久远已经腐朽消失了;又或是雕刻工具还在岛上,只是因为被埋在遗址最下层,还没有被考古学家发掘出来。这些答案都能让收藏家的推测值得怀疑。
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