lhsi 发表于 2015-2-14 15:05:47

弱问一下 usc的生活成本如何?和纽约比呢?

zhangdaqi 发表于 2015-2-14 15:12:20

lhsi 发表于 2015-2-14 15:05 static/image/common/back.gif
弱问一下 usc的生活成本如何?和纽约比呢?


葫芦小金刚 发表于 2015-2-28 19:20:50

本帖最后由 葫芦小金刚 于 2015-2-28 19:52 编辑

zhangdaqi 发表于 2015-1-12 08:47 static/image/common/back.gif
1. us ...

2013和2014届一共有4个USC硕士或本科毕业的。 有一个是以色列人你多半不认识,另一个是美国大胖子你估计也不认识。 也就是说你认识Liang以外,我们应该认识?

葫芦小金刚 发表于 2015-2-28 19:27:34

本帖最后由 葫芦小金刚 于 2015-2-28 19:47 编辑

根据2015的录取上看(前两天的结果), USC的硕士越来越容易拿本校phd的offer了,而且越来越爱招中国人了。而且class of 2009和2010从job market和placement的cv来看都是北大清华的硕士来的, 这两年收了很多国内低排名的本科来USC的硕士, 估计一方面是usc econ department越来越不行了,这两年走了两个AP,一个senior都没来,Laffont又挂了,所以phd录不来牛人了。 估计另一方面原因就是USC在扩招中国MA,PhD多录MA是个噱头,MA一届将近100中国人,太坑钱了。。小秘morgan告诉我今年一共录了两个USC硕士, 一个本科的,都是中国人,好像本科也不怎么样(好像最好的浙大??) 。 今年招的USC的硕士都上过PhD的课的。对于master的课来说, 比本科要简单得多, 容易拿A得多, 而且课少。 所以想进phd一定的上phd的课。

锦梓 发表于 2015-11-6 23:42:18

想问一下USC的MA Econ学费总共要多少呢?有没有奖学金?(如果按照官方推荐的3个semester 算的话)

cheesechan 发表于 2015-11-7 01:47:06

锦梓 发表于 2015-11-6 23:42 static/image/common/back.gif
想问一下USC的MA Econ学费总共要多少呢?有没有奖学金?(如果按照官方推荐的3个semester 算的话)
网上说 ...

21K for one semester, 42K for two, a normal price for a US MS.
for comparsion:
US is around 60-70K USD for 3 semesters
UK is around 20-25K GBP for 1 year
HK is around 160-180K HKD for 1 year
EU is around 11K EUR for 1 year, or 2K EUR for 2 year

Don't dream for scholarship for a master in US.
Tuition from master are income of the department, which is used to pay the bill for their research. The incentive of giving scholarship to attract student is small.

Unless you are really the cream of the corn among all the students, you are very unlikely to get a partial waiver. But if you are the toppest applicant in USC......well, you are very likely to get offer from some other better econ program, say Duke. Which one will you go then?

I will say, if one really need funding, it is more reasonable to ask how much research / teaching assistant opportunities are available for second year master students.

i969365548 发表于 2021-5-19 13:46:56

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