1852291 发表于 2015-2-6 02:27:37

伪摇滚爱好者 发表于 2015-2-6 01:59 static/image/common/back.gif


1852291 发表于 2015-2-6 02:41:51

cheesechan 发表于 2015-2-6 02:07 static/image/common/back.gif
A: no. rather the opposition. what I mean is, if not for academics / really want to work in NI, do ...

A: In my opinion, the major difference between these two programs is their focus. Simply, Msc Econ is more suitable for students who would like to attain a master degree and then go to work. For example, about 80% of the courses in Msc Eco are conducted as seminars, according to the website of Tilburg. On the contrary, most courses in Msc Econ & Econometrics are math-intensive, such as Dynamic Models and their applications,  Panel Data Analysis of Microeconomic Decisions etc. Because of the rigorous training in quatitative methods in Msc Econ & Econometrics, it is obvious that these students are more qualified than those in Msc Econ to be an PhD candidate. I think maybe that is why there are cases that students could go from EME to Mphil year 2, but not for Msc Econ.

Personal opinion,just for reference.

gfuturer 发表于 2015-2-6 09:28:09

本帖最后由 gfuturer 于 2015-2-6 09:39 编辑

1852291 发表于 2015-2-6 02:41 static/image/common/back.gif
A: In my opinion, the major difference between these two programs is their focus. Simply, Msc Econ ...

楼主可以拿到学位证之后直接自己翻译。然后让学校盖章之后寄给tilburg , 这样比去做公证快一些。

Q1:另外tilburg有master of research in economics, 楼主没有申请吗?


klainer 发表于 2015-2-6 12:47:21


Jackit 发表于 2015-2-6 14:24:32


shiropika 发表于 2015-2-6 14:32:38

在读生都这样的 别担心 到时候拿了寄过去就可以了

1852291 发表于 2015-2-6 14:45:22

gfuturer 发表于 2015-2-6 09:28 static/image/common/back.gif
楼主可以拿到学位证之后直接自己翻译。然后让学校盖章之后寄给tilburg , 这样比去做公证快一些。

Q1 ...

A1: 默默地申了.....但是感觉背景不强,只是默默地申了而已,因为印象中没有申请费.....
A2: 做了NUFFIC,是十二的时候就做了的。当时快到国外放圣诞假期的时候了(大概是12月16、17号那样),以为要等一个月以上才能拿到的,但是1月7号就发了certificate了。


1852291 发表于 2015-2-6 14:46:02

Jackit 发表于 2015-2-6 14:24 static/image/common/back.gif


gfuturer 发表于 2015-2-6 15:15:02

1852291 发表于 2015-2-6 14:45 static/image/common/back.gif
A1: 默默地申了.....但是感觉背景不强,只是默默地申了而已,因为印象中没有申请费.....
A2: 做了NUFFI ...

是的 我也申请了 , 不自量力的申请了一个research的,也是因为不要申请费


gfuturer 发表于 2015-2-6 15:15:14

1852291 发表于 2015-2-6 14:45 static/image/common/back.gif
A1: 默默地申了.....但是感觉背景不强,只是默默地申了而已,因为印象中没有申请费.....
A2: 做了NUFFI ...

是的 我也申请了 , 不自量力的申请了一个research的,也是因为不要申请费


klainer 发表于 2015-2-6 16:08:29

gfuturer 发表于 2015-2-6 15:15 static/image/common/back.gif
是的 我也申请了 , 不自量力的申请了一个research的,也是因为不要申请费

这个NUFFIC就相当于一个学 ...


1852291 发表于 2015-2-6 16:47:15

gfuturer 发表于 2015-2-6 15:15 static/image/common/back.gif
是的 我也申请了 , 不自量力的申请了一个research的,也是因为不要申请费

这个NUFFIC就相当于一个学 ...


1852291 发表于 2015-2-6 16:48:11

shiropika 发表于 2015-2-6 14:32 static/image/common/back.gif
在读生都这样的 别担心 到时候拿了寄过去就可以了


KyleKK 发表于 2015-2-6 21:01:54


lxf19930328 发表于 2015-2-6 21:35:10

as soon as possible就是不太着急的感觉。。。。。
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