Ray.Y 发表于 2015-6-21 20:28:41

关于学校conditional offer转unconditional的疑问


1 里面有个condition是Completion of your Master degree,那这个我拿到毕业证和学位证之后去公证处公证完邮寄过去就可以吗?
2 学校要求You must arrange for the China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Centre (CDGDC), entrusted by the Chinese Ministry of Education and The Academic Degrees committee of the State Council, to verify your completed degree transcripts and awards。

因为我现在硕士还没有毕业,是不是需要等我硕士毕业,拿到毕业证后,把硕士和本科的学位证、成绩单都认证了才可以?要求里写了degree transcripts and awards,那我的毕业证需要认证吗?其中的awards指的是什么?


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