fengling09 发表于 2015-8-28 05:10:47

PhD Research Assistant and Postdoctor positions available

PhD Research Assistant (Spring, 2016) and Postdoctor researcher positions ( Plant-Microbe Interaction) available in Plant Pathology Department, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.
The successful applicants will conduct experiments using a wide range of approaches in biochemistry, genetics, genomics, molecular biology, bioinformatics, metabolomics, and cell biology. The research will aim to study plant surface (cell wall and cuticle)-mediated plant immunity against diverse pathogens; improvement of plant immunity and yield by beneficial microbes from phytobiome.
For PH.D application instructions, visit: http://plantpath.osu.edu/future-students/graduate-application. To be considered for Spring 2016, applications should be received by mid-September 2015.For postdoctor position, please see https://www.jobsatosu.com/postings/64967 for more detail.
Contact first: Dr. Xia through xia.374@osu.edu. Submit complete application in single one PDF including (1) cover letter, (2) curriculum vitae, and (3) contact information of three references .
Review of applications will begin right away and continue until a successful candidate is identified.
See more information on http://plantpath.osu.edu/our-people/ye-xia

永远的小天 发表于 2015-8-28 16:06:00

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